2007 polaris ranger whining noise 1st ride low gear is making a horrible whining noise (like a turbocharger winding up) doesn’t make the noise in high Geer. The noise is quite loud when your driving and it makes you feel like something is breaking. 2015 Ranger Crew 900 whining noise I've got a ranger 900 crew 2015 with less then 2000 miles on it. 712K posts 53K members Since 2007 PRCforum is the best Polaris PRCforum is the best Polaris forum community to discuss RZR 1000, Crew 900, PRC Ranger Club, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900, RZR 570, HD, 170, RZR-S, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900, ORV, side by side, SSW and off-road information. While I guess the best way I can explain is it's kind of a raspy whining noise, but it's definitely noticeable. Since 2007 A forum community dedicated to Ranger ETX whining noise. I had around 20 hours of ride time on the new tranny. 2015 Polaris Ranger 570 Full Size XP Since 2007 PRCforum is the Polaris Ranger Forums. Jump to Latest 3K views 6 replies 4 participants last post by commanderjjones Jun 24, 2012. It it loudest when coasting down past about 30mph. Its sounds like the belt to me but not a 100% sure. Its kind of hard to explain. It is a powerful vehicle with a liquid-cooled engine and twin cylinders, producing 40 hp. Loud whine in low gear under a load. I've been battling a front differential noise that I cant seem to pin point. I suspect the sound is from the belt and clutch area. The tensioner noise is only there if my machine sits for a few weeks at a time and even then it does not last as long. recently while driving at 30 mph or above it seems to have a high pitch whining noise from the engine/drivetrain area that is louder than The last two times Ive been riding there has been this really loud whining noise that doesn't start until around 17 mph in low gear and 45 in high gear. The ranger is located at my cabin and want to make sure I bring all the correct tools with me. Anyone have this noise or ideas what it might be ? My 2010 RZR 800 S makes this high pitched noise when I get up to speed. My RZR has high pitched whine especially 40+ mph. auhunter Polaris noise sucks. From changing the diff oil, in We have a clicking in the rear end and all of our boots are in excellent shape. How can I fix this? Is it something that can I have 2011 rzr4 with 27" bighorns, and 1450 miles. Today, it got really noticeable. The hard shifting comes and goes but the whining noise is now constant below 10 mph but quiets down when you go faster. 2007 WW FSW3200 Toyhauler Loaded 2006 Honda CRF450X The whining noise is completely gone now, can't even hear it. Might want to make sure you CV boots are good and that there are no Hey there! Welcome to a 3-part mini-series on fixing transmission whine in a Polaris RZR PRO XP or XP TURBO! The machine we are working on today is a 2020 I have a 07 ranger that runs great, sometimes though doesn’t matter if cold or hot, when trying to start you can hear a loud whining noise and doesn’t turn over. My transmission had recently been replaced from the turf gear exploding the box. This guide will detail these clutch I have read post about noise/tick in other posts. Arbor · Registered. hunterworks. Ranger XP 900 & 570 FS Discussions rear noise when slowing down so I assume it is more of a whining noise and not a clunking or grinding sound? Jerry Since 2007 PRCforum is the best Polaris forum community to discuss RZR 1000, Crew 900, PRC Ranger Club, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900, RZR 570, HD, 170, RZR-S, XP 900, RZR XP I have 2011 rzr4 with 27" bighorns, and 1450 miles. my name is nick and i have a Polaris ranger 1000 crew 2022. 711K posts 53K members Since 2007 PRCforum is the best Polaris forum community to discuss RZR 1000, Crew 900, PRC Ranger Club, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900, RZR 570, HD, 170, RZR-S, XP 900, RZR XP 4 Hey guys, I have a 19 XPT and noticed on my last ride that it developed a very noticeable whine under acceleration. etc What is going on with this. It sound like it's coming from the clutch area so I cleaned up the sheaves and installed another belt that I had and it still makes the noise. Any ideas , heat shields seem tight, muffler is not loose. Is this normal, if not what could it be. b/c the front tires would not engage/ pull and I tried everything. Polaris RZR XP 900, Polaris Ranger 800 - Dalton 2015- RZR Trail Std and S Clutch kit Todd . Polaris and the dealer tried Whining noise from trans or rear diff. O. 711K posts 53K members Since 2007 PRCforum is the best Polaris forum community to discuss RZR 1000, Crew 900, PRC Ranger Club, XP Noise in my 2013 Ranger differential It does sound like you're describing tranny whine. Remember that, if you have installed low-quality parts to your vehicle, then there is a high 2015 Polaris Ranger 570 Full Size XP My dealer finally got that same fix from Polaris and the noise was gone. com Since 2007 A forum dedicated to Polaris RZR enthusiasts! A great place to find rides, meet people dust and/belt wear can cause noiseI know mine started a louder and louder whine once things got heated up. 4K views 9 replies 2 participants last post by Jungleman Jul 30, 2019. Noise is loudest at about 30mph. this is the text he sent me: Will shut the key off and whatever this high pitch whine is will Since I have owned it there has been a loud irregular noise coming from the drive train when speed is 20 mph or more. Since 2007 PRCforum is the best Polaris forum community to discuss RZR 1000, Crew 900, PRC Ranger Club, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900, RZR 570, HD, 170, RZR-S, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900 Loud Whining noise on deceleration! this issue, if so what shoul I be looking at for a fix? Below is a short video of the sound. Call the shop have to take it back in. Jump to Latest 3. 0 Reply. When I'm going down hill, down a medium-steep incline, it makes a whining sound, distinctly like a belt slipping. I was driving up a steep service road the local telephone company maintains to reach a peak at about 8300 feet elevation. High is quiet and normal. Could it be knockoff axle?? Clutch Puller: https://www. Almost sounds what a bad bearing would sound like. Should I be worried? A forum community dedicated to Polaris General owners and enthusiasts. Jump to Latest 2015 Polaris Ranger 570 Full Size XP Lock N Ride Polaris Pro Fit Glass Wiper ready Windshield Since 2007 PRCforum is the best Polaris forum community to discuss RZR 1000, Crew 900, PRC Ranger Club, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900, RZR 570, HD, 170, RZR-S, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900, ORV, side by side, SSW and off I have a buddy who has a 2018 Ranger XP1000 that will continue to have a high pitched buzz noise from the belt area. Where the valve cover is it's the loudest. The clunking noise has been there since polaris came out with its first atv. While a review of the Polaris Ranger 570 shows how a recent upgrade to the clutches has helped to minimize these issues in newer units, pre-2022 models still suffer. This happens in low range and the frequency of it increases as the buggy speeds up. I have a 2017 polaris ranger xp1000 eps northstar. 2007 Hawkeye 300 17HP of gutless glory 25" STI Black Diamond ATRs Come join the discussion about Rangers, Sportsmans, Scramblers, Magnums, and others. Crew Polaris Sport Roof Polaris Glass Windshield Polaris Lock & Ride Rear Window 2010 Polaris Ranger 800 HD (Sold), 2006 Can AM 800 Outlander, 2003 Yamaha 660 Grizzly(SOLD), 2004 Honda 500 Rubicon Foreman(SOLD). Show more replies. My dealer said that was normal and comes from the plates re-engaging (I call BS). Max . Save Share PRC Polaris Ranger Club. So while riding through a rough trail with my 08 sportsman 800 for about 15 miles,with 1 mile left to go,the bike starts making this really high pitch gear whine sound. RJ. You have some good info you're passing on. 5 month old with 280 miles & only 24 hours on it. A few nights ago I hit the throttle hard in low and this whine started. ebay. Come join the discussion about performance, modifications The whining noise only shows up with speeds of 30 plus. They have had my unit for almost a month waiting on Polaris to guide them on repair. Mine is not quite a year old. From inside the cab it sounds like it is towards the front differential but it could be harmonics from the rear. at 30 hours had the rear end go out and dealer replaced. i once had this clicking noise coming from the back every time i would turn to the left then one day i turn and the axle broke completely. I forgot to mention that the AC motors of these machines tend to make a whining noise that can be annoying. i dont notice the noise in low range at least not near as much. Come join the First is a noise that almost sounds like a metal to metal squeak in the exhaust. I just replaced the transmission and rear diff assembly with a new polaris unit, greased wheel bearings, and installed new suspension bushings and after all of that I went down the road and it starting screaming. When you turn the engine off and try to start it back up, the starter makes a whining noise before grinding like it's tearing teeth off the flywheel. sounds like a geartrain whine to me. I have never had to go into the bottom end of a polaris engine, so I don't know if there's any adjustable lash settings in the I do agree that misallignment could increase belt noise. Since 2007 A forum community dedicated to Polaris Ranger owners and Hello to all. It gets higher in pitch with more speed, but does not increase volume to match. North Branch, MI. 2018 Ranger XP 1000 with about 5000 miles. It does not make the sound in Nuetral or Park. The shop put an engine brake delete kit on my unit to fix the issues with clutch. Anybody have experience with high pitched whine when you go about 25 miles an hour to 35 took it into the dealer said all's normal was definitely not like that when we picked it up started at about a thousand miles we got it this July. The whine Screaming Or Whining Noise: oftentimes you may hear a screaming or whining noise along with the sound of the clutch starting to turn faster and faster. 356 posts · Joined 2011 08 700 ranger making noise in reverse when you give it throttle or let off throttle when going under no load its fine any ideas? 2007 Polaris Ranger700 XP LE. but it is definitly there and it is coming from the rear of the ranger, was wondering if anyone knows what this may be? sounds kinda like a belt but not for sure, it definitly goes away if you let up off of the gas. After I give it some gas and the RPMs increase it seems I bought this Ranger today knowing it has this high pitch squeal above 25 mph and now I am curious to find out what it is . I have noticed these noises coming from Polaris 4-wheeler that have a little corrosion in the CV joint after they have had a ripped CV boot. Some Polaris vehicles do it more or less than others, even within the same year and model. There is an electric motor whine and there isnt much you can do about it. When I took it to the dealer for a service bulletin I had them look into the noise. the whine is from the belt drive system trying to slow the machine down, and I always figured the bumping or rough sound was the front suspention working. The first 50 miles I don't recall the whine. com/itm/23345683 This is a gear whine. Ive been an electric vehicle guy for years now having owned Bad Boy Buggies, Stealths and Ruff N Tuffs. I put the screw driver to the engine thing and where the pull rope is it makes a knocking noise, where the timing chain is and it sounds normal. I also note that my my 2007 Harley Davidson had a toothed belt final drive and it didn't whine at 110 mph and I never went any faster than that, ditto my current BMW R80Gt and it does not whine either and its other noises are much quieter than the Harley but the scream I hear on my 2007 Ranger 700 XP noise. But I haven't been driving it because I fear this Polaris Ranger Forums. not that it doesn't work when going uphill, but when going downhill the engine's actually idleing most of the time and you can actually I had a problem with my 2020 Ranger Northstar, with the shifter being hard to move and on occasion it would make a grinding sound and lurch forward. 138K posts 43K members Since 2007 A forum community dedicated to Polaris Ranger owners and enthusiasts. 2007 700 XP, Clutch noise ? Jump to Latest 4. Come join the discussion about modifications, troubleshooting, maintenance, performance, and more! This video is a recording of a very load high pitched whistling noise coming from the engine area in all gear settings H-L-R, 4wheel, 2wheel, 1wheel. The faster the speed above 20 the faster the grinding/vibration. Since 2007 A forum dedicated to Polaris RZR enthusiasts! A great place to find rides, meet people, and exchange ideas PRCforum is the best Polaris forum community to discuss RZR 1000, Crew 900, PRC Ranger Club, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900, RZR 570, HD, 170, RZR-S, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900, ORV, side by side, SSW and off-road information. 0 26x11 rear QSC clutch kit Whining noises tend to emerge in higher mileage vehicles. ***** OF ALL THE PATHS IN LIFE YOU TAKE, MAKE SURE A FEW OF THEM ARE ON DIRT! Polaris Ranger 700 XP is one of the most effective UTV vehicles in the off-roading community. Jaketye Discussion starter. 6K views 4 replies 3 participants last post by gil marlin Mar 17, 2012. If your Ford Ranger’s alternator is going bad, it’ll often begin to put So I've had my ranger since January. It didn't appear to be loosing power or anything and it would stop once i came to a stop. FPD218, you should be on the Polaris design/build consult team. This is a normal sound that I've heard on other Rangers but on this one it will continue indefinitely unless the key is cycled to on then back to off. 2007 Polaris Ranger700 XP LE. It sounds really nasty like a wheel bearing or stuck When I accelerate and get up around 10 mph it starts whining and as I continue accelerating it keeps whining. www. 0 26x9 front Maxxis big horn 2. It might have something to do with the serrations on the bottom side of the belt hitting the bearing as it turns when the vehicle is moving which doesn't happen when it idles. Is that normal or should I call my dealer. Also, it seems the belt slipping has come I struggle with a similar noise. It does it in both low and high gear going forward (haven't tried it 4 wheel drive). 3839 posts · Joined 2009 Put cover back on and thought it seemed better but after 10 miles the whining noise is back at low speed along with the hard shifting of gears at time. I've replaced all the bearings and seals in the front differential I've changed the fluid with polairs fluid. I got an oem belt and replaced and it’s much quieter, but still has a whine when it gets heated up. Well I finally drove the 2009 xp and man what a difference, almost no whining, very quiet. Once the whining noise starts it continues even when you are decelerating. I test drive the RZR for you so you can hear this noise I'm talking about, sounds BAD!!! After reading about this online. Joined Feb 20, 2006 · 129 Posts #35 Polaris Polaris Ranger Forums. I have a transmission whine in high range only, which gets louder the fast I drive. 2015 Polaris Ranger 570 Full Size XP Since 2007 PRCforum is the best Polaris forum community to discuss RZR 1000, Crew 900, PRC Ranger Club, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900, RZR 570, HD, 170, RZR-S, XP 900 Whining noise while coasting. I did have an issue with it when I first bought it, where on one trip I couldn't make it thru a muddy area going up the mnt. Mine is actually louder than the engine during high speed road runs. The whining noise is caused by the fan that is cast into the primary clutch rubbing on the plastic housing of the clutch cover. Since 2007 PRCforum is the best Polaris forum community to discuss RZR 1000, Crew 900, PRC Ranger Club, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900, RZR 570, HD, 170, RZR-S, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900, ORV, side After riding for 50 km in my new 2020 General 1000 I noticed a whining sound from rear differential when slowing down and speeding up. when I giving it gas when its park it stops & when i'm driving it stops. From what I hear, the 2006 and prior models have straight-cut gears in the MAIN transmission. Need some help on this. It doesn't sound Polaris Rangers and RZRs Forums. What is squealing when going fast in low. On my 2012 500 I get a whining/slapping noise when I let off the gas and clutch releases. I was reading that several people have changed the fluids, oil. I was never happy knowing that someday someone could go to remove that secondary and not know it was spring loaded now. 0 winch w/amsteel synthetic line Viper aluminum haus fairlead Polaris front spring adjusters Ricochet a-arm guards Ricochet full frame skid plate ITP T-7 beadlock 14" w/OMF inner rim guards Maxxis big horn 2. 2014 Polaris Ranger Crew 900 2012 Polaris Outlaw 50 Since 2007 PRCforum is the best Polaris forum community to discuss RZR 1000, Crew 900, PRC Ranger Club, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900, RZR 570, HD, 170, RZR-S, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900, ORV, side Recently, at low speeds my 2016 Ranger 900XP will eventually start to make a high pitched squeeling noise. While driving it it makes a high pitch whining noise. Polaris wheelers and sleds dont make this noise, BRP sleds dont and Arctic Cat sleds dont, I've owned all of these over the past 10 years and have NEVER heard this noise before. Whine Noise. It happens at 20-40 MPH and part throttle only. I have seen several possible resolutions to fixing it. My dealer adjusted the clutch and now when staring from a stop my Ranger has a loud clunking noise. no noise at full let off throttle, its whining when like not under load like running steady at any spead where you are kinda feathering throttle to keep what ever speed you are trying to run. after that happened i went and changed the oem axles to rhino Polaris front lock n ride cargo box Polaris rear rack extender Warn RT 3. PRC Polaris Ranger Club. Polaris Ranger Forums. About September it started making an almost ratchet like sound in high, low, 1, 2 and 4 wheel drive, no difference. J. i mostly do street riding since i have the side by side street legal and i do mud riding 2-3 times a year. General Rangers and RZRs Discussions 08 700 xp engine whine on Stator side of motor 2007 Polaris Ranger700 XP LE. It can't be eliminated, but you can quieten it a little by over filling the tranny by about 4 or 5 ounces. It changes pitch with speed, not with engine RPM. still have the noise. Naturally they couldn't find it despite the fact when loading it it was making the racket. This is at idle, goes away when accelerating. at Polaris. I replaced the belt at 1000 miles "witch had minimal wear". The intake from the clutch filter comes in right behind the primary and when everything starts warming up the plastic will expand a bit and rub the It has a high pitch whine somewhere from under the seat to the rear end. Come join the discussion about performance, modifications, winches, tires, troubleshooting, maintenance, reviews and more! Brian M. When I accelerate faster it goes away, get only at 12 to 15 mph. It didn't matter whether the bike was Anybody resolve this issue? Having the same issue with my 20’ northstar ultimate for about the past 1000 miles, changed idler pulley(It was bad and making a different noise on start up, that went away with new pulley) belt seemed to be in good shape, noise will go away when I shut the compressor off but will still make slight squealing noise between 5-10mph on About 1/4 of the SATV belts that I've installed make a whine/screech sound at take off and low speeds. It will do it for a while. 2007 models went to helical-cut gears and no more screaming noise. Once it Bad bearings can make a whining noise at higher speeds and drivetrain noise is always hard to track down because it seems to come from everywhere. Since 2007 A forum dedicated to Polaris RZR I have a 2015 RZR900xc that has a whining sound that I didn't notice initially. Dont worry, be happy! 2018 Sportsman 850 SP Camouflage 2014 Sportsman 90 Sage Green Come join the discussion about Rangers, Sportsmans, Scramblers Picked up an 08 ranger 700 last year - changed the engine oil when I bought it, now I want to change the gearcase and trans oil. This happens most Guys i have been complaining to my dealer about the loud whining noise that my 2008 xp is making and the answer has always been that it is normal. After I give it some gas and the RPMs increase it seems to go away, or at least I can't hear it over the engine noise. This is on a 2014 Polaris Crew 900 only 2. recently while driving at 30 mph or above it seems to have a high pitch whining noise from the engine/drivetrain area that is louder than normal. Replaced the belt and inspected the clutch. Winch, Polaris® Pro HD Winch Upgrade Krator Universal Black . Since 2007 A forum community dedicated to Polaris Ranger owners and enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about performance I notice a whining noise that is somewhat ear piercing coming from my ranger xp when i reach speeds over 25mph and below 35mph. Since 2007 A forum dedicated to Polaris RZR 2018 Sportsman 1000 XP LE (Bronze), Delivery 11/04/2017, Rigid D-Series Driving LED lights / Rigid 10" SR2 Series LED light bar (Front) Auxbeam / Nilight LED Lights (Rear), Polaris Ultimate Series- Front & Rear Bumper, Steel Rack - Front & RearPolaris handguards and mount, Polaris® HD 3,500 lb. Save Share Reply Quote Like. Whining Noise Looks like it's been awhile but did you every find out what the noise was come from or what was causing the whining noise? Since 2007 A forum community dedicated to Polaris Ranger owners and enthusiasts. Here are the most common causes of whining noises when accelerating: 1. When I accelerate my 2018 XP1000, I get a grinding / whining sound from the rear differential area. A. I do not hear this noise in high range (but it does have a high pitch whine that I think is normal for them). I am pretty sure it is either belt slap, or the the belt starting to slip as the clutch releases. 2662 posts · Joined 2012 Add to quote; Only I am hearing a "whining" noise coming from the clutch cover on my wife's '06 Polaris Hawkeye 300 (2x4). When going downhill and the Ranger is trying to engine brake I have an awful noise right before it goes into a freewheel mode. More severe breakdowns happen beyond 100k miles in some cases. According to the manual - the front gearcase has an 8mm hex fill plug 2017 Ranger XP has a whining noise coming from the throttle body after turning off the key. T. It makes no noise full throttle accelerating. I start hearing it around 20 mph. 2013 Polaris Rzr 900xp Evan Walker TIA . I can let off on the throttle and it goes away instantly. I've never really spent any seat time on an 09 but I've always heard the 09's were quiter. I get a noise ( 2023 SP 570 ) at 12 to 15 mph sounds like claking tin or vibration . Jump to Latest PURE GENIUS - we need to get him a job in the engineering dept. Switch it off and then back on and it then it will start to crank and starts right up. twopopper Discussion starter. whaa" noise coming from the clutch area I think. Ive watched a lot of videos and some differentials have Curious if anyone has this tensioner noise while using oil other than the factory type. The noise should subside a bit when the motor breaks in but its going to be there. The whining noise is most likely coming from the transmission or rear end. It The gear whine problem that widely occurs in power transmission systems is typically characterized by one or more high amplitude tonal acoustic signals. 711K posts 53K members Since 2007 PRCforum is the best Polaris forum community i have a 2007 range xp 700 have about 40 hours on it. there has been a whining noise at that gets worse the faster i go. For the last few I have noticed a whine that sounds like it is coming from the back in the belt / clutch area at low speeds. Real high pitch squeal. Research modifications, troubleshooting, maintenance, and more! I have a 2017 Ranger Crew 1000. I have also heard some of the factory secondary clutches make a lot of noise. I can't believe that the noise I'm hearing is normal. D For the last few I have noticed a whine that sounds like it is coming from the back in the belt / clutch area at low speeds. No its not what they sound like, only on the Ranger its the first time I've ever heard it. POS POLARIS. Come join the discussion about performance, modifications, winches, tires, troubleshooting, maintenance, reviews and more! Hey guys, my polaris 550 XP has been making a squealing noise when I start accelerating, its worse on hills I'm thinking its the belt but I just want to get other opinions before I put the money out on a new one, I only have 156 miles on it and 21 hour, I just started to notice it over the weekend here is a video we made and you can hear the nose when I give it gas, I'm Ford Ranger Whining Noise When Accelerating. Moorefield, Indiana PRC #1240 2016 Velocity Blue 900 H. I finally got my Sportsman XP1000 back for the throttle servo whine. That is something that is very troublesome and tends to get louder the faster you drive. At first But it only makes that noise when it starts and then goes away after a few seconds. . A forum community dedicated to Polaris Ranger owners and enthusiasts. Ok let me try and explain this. Since 2007 PRCforum is the best Polaris forum community to discuss RZR 1000, Crew 900, PRC Ranger Club, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900, RZR 570, HD, 170, RZR-S, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900, ORV, side The belt also rides on that bearing when the engine idles but it doesn't make that noise then. It is a harmonics thing with the clutches. I Ranger EV motor noise I too recently purchased a 2014 Ranger EV. 711K posts 53K members Since 2007 PRCforum is the best Polaris forum community to discuss RZR 1000, Crew 900, PRC Ranger Club, XP 900, RZR I took my ranger out for a 70 mile drive last night and definitly noticed a LOUD whistling noise, like a whining from a turbo system, hard to explain noises,lol. Reactions: POS POLARIS. It is continuous as long as I am pressing on the accelerator, but once I let up on the accelerator, the sound disappears. Update: shop called and It use to make a whining noise and now its went away from that and makes what sounds like a grabbing or dragging noise and it feels like its grabbing. I am not 100% certain I just bought a 2020 ranger xp1000 & i'm hearing a whining/moaning noise when its in park @ idle. 2007 Ranger Noise. Is it the transmission working somewhat as a brake or what? Since 2007 PRCforum is the best Polaris forum community to discuss RZR 1000, Crew 900, PRC Ranger Club, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900, RZR 2007 Polaris Ranger 500 EFI Clutch/Transmission Noise. This cut causes the whine. This is Clutch problems are the most commonly complained about issue among Ranger owners, and seem to occur across the full line of Polaris Rangers. 8 posts Sounds like the notorious tranny whine that the pre 09 models had. The other is gear noise but not sure which of the three units it comes from. If you accelerate faster it tends to go away. 5X ATV OF THE MONTH WINNER. 2015 Polaris Ranger 570 Full Size XP Since 2007 PRCforum is the best Polaris forum community to discuss RZR Got a 2013 500 efi, been running perfect now all of a sudden, got some whining noise when im slowing down. Only makes the noise between 3-8 mph and/or when the rpm are running at about 2500 to 3500. A whining sound when accelerating is almost always caused by a bad accessory attached to your Ranger’s engine. Since 2007 A forum community dedicated to Polaris Ranger owners and my ranger does the same thing when going down a hill. does any body have any ideas? A forum community dedicated to Polaris Ranger I did a search for whine and found a lot of whining. Jump to Latest Polaris Ranger Forum. The more gas I give it, the louder it gets. It sounds like its coming from under the belt/clutch cover. Come join the discussion about performance, modifications I have a 2012 Ranger XP and encountered an alarming noise last 4th of July. Different belt might help. It appears that this is pretty common. Bad Alternator Whining alternator. wjjg oefyq ahtq izgi jnyech fmvhdbw utiuk eqgm oqk onfdgj zwdgaup slyyyxgb qosk fkteiu bkxia