Bg3 best builds reddit. Most overall strong builds are strong at this level.

Bg3 best builds reddit Wizard is actually quite hard to mess up because they can learn (almost) all the spells in the game, as long as the scroll for the spell exist. Not necessarily the items, but the build. As you may know in BG3 electric spells do double damage to targets that are wet. 16 str/16 con. Gather your party and venture forth! can you guys recommend me some strong character builds for honour mode? i have never been the best at combat in bg3 but i would still like to try honour mode (i really really want the golden die) so i will gladly accept any suggestions on how to I feel the ice build might work best on a non-tadpole playthrough since the most popular bard build involves getting a kill every turn and that's harder to do without Cull the Weak. Gather your party and venture forth! This makes all 1-handed and all melee based dual-wield builds pale in comparrison, even with sneak attack. There are a few items that I consider to be central to the build. BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. The only way to get an extra action is action surge or haste and haste is a generic buff so should not be taken into consideration for the comparison. But I will say, I played with both that range build and a crits Divite Smite build, and the range build was just always better. While you could try and spec the monk into a 'thrower build' using the returning pike, I would keep that build for fighters and barbarians (especially barbarians with enraged throw). Gather your party and venture forth! They maybe the best damager, but not the best skill person, etc. I also like the "standard" build. OH Monk, 1 Warlock/3 Thief/ 8 BattleMaster Ranged Crit Menace [this one you SHOULD invest in dual hand crossbow], Barbarian Thrower and many other multi-attacking builds would suit a bit better. A sub-reddit started to address the lack of builds for Skyrim. I won't get into the nitty gritty of the gear and stuff bc I'm not on the game, but the BEST build I've ever used was a 10 abjuration wizard, 1 white cold draconic bloodline sorcerer and 1 I'm new to this but articles I've read for various builds say hunter really doesn't offer anything much beyond level 8. The Helm applies the buff stack based on number of hits. Gather your party and venture forth! online the earliest: any build with eldritch blast. wtf is a paladin/lock/bard build? There are two routes: paladin first vs warlock first, I will write about paladin first. While the subreddit spoilers can be moderated, I cannot say the same for other websites. First point in Sorcerer gives you very useful cantrips, the Shield spell, and maybe magic missile or whatever, and more importantly it gives constitution save proficiency. If I were to do this build it would be a 6/6 split. With its only major weakness being the first 4 levels of the game - a small fraction of any playthrough; Sorcerer will start slow, but steadily evolve into a criminally overtuned caster that can single-handily carry the vast majority of encounters. They can enter a state of rage, Wizard is really about your spell selection and usage, not your build. 1 (Manoeuvres). Ive done SB/Fighter/Thief. He hasn't had time yet to put out much more BG3 content than a few boss fight guides though. I've been in this subreddit for a while, and here's all the S Tier builds I've been able to gather. Thematically though I think a lolth sworn drow would be great as a gloomstalker ranger/thief rogue multiclass dual wielding hand crossbows, or maybe an Eldritch Knight fighter/wizard of some sort, or a darkness monk/trickery cleric. And I did. I didn't make this build myself, you can find a couple variants on YouTube. Not sure what you mean by "6d10+10 with 2 actions". And talking to my son for help, he is a lifetime D&D fan/player, says that the game has always been front loaded for characters so that they get the best stuff up front. 100% this. Adding Sorcerer metamagic can be fun. The best all around build in my opinion is still Swords Bard with dips into Rogue and Fighter. The builds below play very similarly the single class ones but squeeze every drop of combat performance at the cost of more build and playstyle complexity. I want this to be a place to post builds for different playstyles, a place to receive critique on builds and help making them, and a place just to talk ideas out. another contender in the top 5 here is witch bolt wet lightning. You combine meta magic,haste, theifs extra bonus actions, upcasted Eldritch blast to essentially 1 turn hit like 5 ppl several times. Gloom gives superior darkvision, and playing it as solo dark urge means you largely attack with advantage so halfling luck doesn't really matter, but movement speed does help, so basically in short wood-elf or wood half-elf are arguably the best. If it starts at full in BG3, you and an ally are targeted by an AOE, and you use your reaction to shield that ally and you protect yourself (which doesn't use a reaction) you have just protected up to 47 damage. Which builds and classes are the most impacted by choosing the evil route aka siding with the goblins, potentially destroying Last Light Inn, etc? I know you lose access to a few important Tavern Brawler Builds: TB monk, TB Eldritch Knight thrower (could also do Berserker/Thief thrower), TB Moon Druid. I'll focus on a more general You can make some interesting builds with it, but normally a 2-handed fighting style with a good Greatsword normally ends to be the best, but I also enjoyed my Dual Wielding build with multiclass into Rogue Thief for 3 levels, but if you want to powergame, just go all the way 1-12 into Fighter Battlemaster, grab the Feats Great Weapon Master, the Battlemaster Feat to add Paladin / Sorcerer is the best for DPR and producing the most amount of smites. Levels taken in that order, the build is basically always viable but really really comes online at level 4 and just keeps getting better. As for gear use any of the best heavy armor you can get your hands on. Most fun and busted ass pally build I've tried. " There are dozens of (melee) builds on this subreddit and YouTube which work great on tactician Race is mostly a cosmetic/rp choice in BG3 so you could be whatever class you want. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG ruleset. The best Wizard build is pure Wizard, or 1 level dip. I'm currently playing a Oath of Ancients Pally/Feylock, for a Green Knight kind of vibe. Gather your party and venture forth! Best if used right before combat begins Notable spells: Turn the Unholy, Sanctuary, Silence I really cannot recommend Devotion over Vengeance with Vow of Emnity being a better version of Sacred Weapon while only costing a bonus action, but if you feel it's a bug and don't like to participate in that, then Devotion's identity of the "higher accuracy for 10 Turns" becomes more The best build for Gale is technically the best build for anyone since you can respec anyone into anything you want and there's no restrictions on sticking to their original archetype. Once I learned about the Tempest Cleric ability to get max Lightning damage on some rolls, I knew I wanted to build Shadowheart around it. And a couple others. 32 votes, 19 comments. I am a big fan of builds and I intend to be posting some of my own as well as builds I have found. He's definitely worth keeping an eye on as he's stated he'll be doing BG3 builds and if they are like his WotR guides they'll be top-tier. There's almost no way it depends on the weapon, unless it's a percentage chance/D20 roll to be surprised. Vengeance can be a tanky build and I have built a tanky vengence before but it really shines prioritizing damage. You can only prepare 7 wizard spells at a time but BG3 will let you swap around your prepared spells at any time out of combat so you still have a ton of wizard versatility plus 10 levels of sorcery points. With heavy armor and the defensive fighting style you don’t need a shield to be tanky if you want more damage. THIS GUIDE RECIEVED MAJOR EDITS ON 10/28/2023. The attack roll penalty from GWM means you really want to attack with Advantage. Take darkness and devil's sight, you just make massive attacks while you never get hit in darkness cast on yourself. Or on a powerless companion. All very powerful and different enough. Also, a low initiative OP caster won't get to cast anything, when your I don’t think there is a “best spore Druid” really. Whereas BG3 changed this to work like Action Surge. Late to the party, but I should note that swords bard can turn from an amazing archer to a great damage/support/cc build. War Cleric with two-handed weapon who starts leveling Paladin after it hits level 5. Any ranger subclass would work well in my opinion and you could easily take Colossus slayer as well if you intend to use her iconic weapons. While it doesn't have the fantasy appeal of Lockadin, or the fast-paced gameplay of a Monk; Sorcerer is going to almost universally be the CAN'T agree more. And a lot of other thrown weapons that don't are bugged and don't apply special effects - for example, sussur dagger doesn't silence, shining staver of skulls doesn't get the radiant, etc. If you crit you instakill Here is a Tier List, that covers roughly how I think various builds are ranked. Soldier is a nice background, gives +athletics and intimidation 40 votes, 29 comments. So you can only make a single weapon attack, you can't cast spells, etc. If you build with that helm you will need to go with Sword Bard and focus on a ranged weapon build because of the ability to hit multiple targets. Gather your party and venture forth! When making a build using a subclass like this, you want to play into its strengths (being so strong early) and amplify them with other builds that can take advantage of them (spore druid enabling more damage via symbiotic entity similar to how 4E monk enables more damage with fangs of I don’t know if it’s popular, but my favourite build at the moment is Tempest Cleric 2 / Evocation Wizard 2 / Storm Sorcerer 8. Twined haste is game breakingly good. 16 votes, 20 comments. In BG3 that same ward on that same character could absorb 300 damage. with reckless abandon since allies don't take damage from them. Honestly most builds are online around Level 6-8 in my experience and Act III is usually about getting the meta gear for the build more so. It takes a while to go from L4 to L5, so I'd say optimizing for a strong build at L4 is most important. With epic moments like this, this, and especially this - it should come as 73 votes, 82 comments. Wizards tend to excel as controllers more than blasters, but there are a few exceptions. Gather your party and venture forth! fighter 12. What mod-fueled builds are you The best build in BG3 is always the one, that works for you. 2nd attack and 3rd level spells, means many builds are viable. Laezel 12 Battlemaster is objectively the single best build in the entire game, and I don't even say this lightly. (It allows you to case illusion and enchantment spells as a bonus action after making a weapon attack). If you're illuminated (with something like daylight or the light cantrip) the coruscation will add a radiating orb to them which makes their atk rolls -1 for the rest of the turn, but also illuminates them. Easily my favorite builds in the game. Plus hunger of hadar too for cc CRPGBro has the best YouTube guides for Pathfinder WotR that I ever found and it's not even close. Divination Wizard 2, Sorcerer X The level 6 Divination wizard feature as written is amazing. SB/Ranger/ Thief. Gloom Stalker Ranger Build : best range class, high This post intends to highlight some of the biggest balance shattering mechanics as discussed by this community, inform those looking for more balanced playthroughs on what limits to impose, and also provide mod There are many powerful options like Sorlock, Open Hand Monk/Thief, Gloomstalker/Assassin, etc. Top 3 necro builds imo: spore 6, lore bard 6- yeah the best necro is not a necromancer. You could either go 4warlock/8sorc or 2 warlock / 10 sorc. A lot of guides will incorporate this into the build, suggesting that you should create water with the storm sorcerer. At level 5: I don't consider this early game. Yes after a lot of theorycrafting on moon druid builds, I had recently started a build like this. The problem is that most enemies die in 1 or 2 shots, so even if the damage potential was similar, the damage opportunity was just way higher on the range build. Crit fishing doesn’t seem as useful in this game, maybe some crit focused builds might pull it off but in general it seems a bit weak. My first playthrough has been a 8 shadow monk 4 thief Durge Dragonborn. There will not be a sub tier list of the "best builds" due to several factors such as: Both builds can prone bosses with high hit rate - bye bye legendary reactions. Gather your party and venture forth! You should ping level 3 after the Grove Gate Fight, at which point you can choose your subclass: obviously if you're a good player your screen should look like this. There's just no major weaknesses I Build 1: Berserker X, Battlemaster 4 (you could go Champion, but on PnP it's not so good. I'm just about done with Act 1, and I've been happy with the number of Oath of Ancients RP options but I have yet to see even one Fey Pact RP option, Be wary that some build guides may contain spoilers, especially when they discuss where and how to get magic items. Probably the single most powerful build in the game in terms of raw, consistent dps (assuming you're abusing TB and strength elixirs of course). Trying out SB 8/Fighter Champ 4 right now. You get a very nice gish build that matches her very well imo. You build around INT instead of CHA, use scrolls to learn damaging spells and use sorcerer levels to learn utility and buff spells. The best Oathbreaker build is probably 12 Paladin or 8 Paladin, 4 Warlock if you want to go hard on charisma as your main stat. Seeing through Darkness spell is a plus for Shadow Blade use (giving advantage to you and disadvanrage to enemies in the Darkness), and the only BG3 way You can choose from either of the Wetblasting damage types for Divine Strike which actually makes it the best Divine Strike imo. The key items you need to make this work are the helm of arcane acuity (Act 2, found in the Mason's Guild) and the Assassin builds Paladin 2 swords bard Fighter 12 Ancients Paladin 7 + swords 5 Gloom is ok outside of assassin but you said the best so I wouldn’t say it’s best in class outside of single target burst assassin builds Thief is solid for dual wielding like thief / swords archer. Spore Druid doesn’t have any top tier crazy features like tavern brawler or slashing flourish It just a nice grab bag of cool stuff that works well with lots of classes There are monk, paladin and fighter I've been trying to find the best build for a ranged Swords Bard. For anything else Skyrim on Reddit check out /r/Skyrim. That encompasses the main My best builds list: 5 Paladin / 5 Warlock / 2 Fighter - 3 attacks per action + large smite damage (30 from aa, 10-30+ from smite +- 10 from other sources per attack). makes the most undead, can buff the army with bless, provide advantage by using upcasted command: grovel, can debuff enemies with dazed via spirtual weapon: concussive smash, can debuff enemy saves with cutting words BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Both have their pros and cons. It would be interesting to hear Swords bard is the best controller with the helm of arcane acuity(+7dc), the ring of the mystic scoundrel(BA spells) and still does respectable ranged damge to the tune of 650ish. I just want add that if you can add a tad bit more to it if you use the callius glow ring and and coruscation ring. No my current build is a swords bard/ thief rogue with the helmet of arcane acuity. Not to mention another damage you may reduce during enemy turns. And being melee limits options as well as running over long rest vs short rest monk. I would take Astarion to level 4 in Thief rather than L3 for Swords bard is the best controller with the helm of arcane acuity(+7dc), the ring of the mystic scoundrel(BA spells) and still does respectable ranged damge to the tune of 650ish. Plus you get tons of utility from the warlock. Mainly looking at a companion/hireling build not utilizing any of the main character bonuses. TB builds for Monks or Throwing Barbarians are already online at Level 4 more or less and a lot of the strong gear is Introduction. Just depends on whether you want a 3 rd feat or more meta magic to play with. Swords bard builds with helmet of arcane acuity (which you can get pretty quickly in act 2) and band of the mystic scoundrel appear to I've seen a lot of people saying their Swords Bards build is the best, but so far I have not seen any two builds the same. Tavern Brawler Monk: Monk is absolute Here are all the best builds for all classes and Subclasses in Baldur’s Gate 3: Barbarians are the ultimate melee warriors, relying on their raw strength and ferocity to tear through their enemies. I've seen multiclass 6/6 bard + paladin, or multiclass 6/3/3 bard + rogue + fighter, and a few others. If neither is available, Gloves of the Growling Underdog is a close replacement. Whereas in BG3 if you're a level 11 Fighter that gets 2 Extra Attacks, then when Hasted you get a 2nd round of 3 Attacks every turn while Haste is active. it supposedly makes you go from 2 portents per day to 9. Eldritch blast is just such a meme and so fun to use, especially when boosted like this The builds linked in this thread are imo pretty bad. which build is the best: scorching ray pure though for sure is not the way to go. So far the "meta" or more like flavor of the month: dual hand xbow college of swords bard (at least level 6) tavern brawler str monk tavern brawler thrower barb 1 wiz/any full caster that abuses the wiz bug/feature(?) BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. After I posted Optimized Single-Class Builds for Companions, many of you requested multiclass versions of the builds. It's why Wiz/Sorcerer tends to have the highest learning curve. All of the builds are enough to beat the game on any difficulty. But through multiple playthroughs and testing I think I may have found the most overpowered single-target DPS build Pure Fighter (I assume you mean GWM 2h): melee builds deal half damage, compared to archers. probably the simplest/easiest class, very good argument that its the straight up best attacking build. Im trying to max out my hit chance and crit chance, like I normally do for this build. I'd prop up my scorching assassin build here if you're curious. Get the strength potion form araj, GWM, ASI, Athlete, Savage Atk. true. 10 Bard/1 Wizard/ 1 Fighter. It does work but you are supposed to add a few levels of sorcerer. l with OoV and Lore Bard. Here is the result, if you like Lightning damage, you will love this : The build I did is a mix of Cleric, Sorcerer and Wizard. Unfortunately the theoretical best ek build is using the weapon bond for a throw build, but all the best throwing weapons already have returning. Maybe Larian buffed it) Level 1: Barbarian. He said it makes it easier for new players to play. Evocation Wizard is fun, because you can fireball, lightning bolt, ice storm, etc. It doesn't matter if you have an OP melee build, when your group has 3 backline casters that don't leave anything to hit at. I've been using the same crossbows for like the last 4 combats and even within killing a single group of enemies (I'll ambush them multiple times) I'll surprise them 2 times out of 5 initiations despite being hidden on each one. Also, you'd probably multi Shadow or Divine Soul Sorcs, which aren't in BG3. Thanks to members of the BG3 builds community, but especially: Jevin the Paladin for Ancients vs Oathbreaker comparisons, and ideas for major gearing optimizations. For example, if you have an Invisibility scroll, you can make Gale scribe it into his spellbook, and he will know it. Swords bard is also the best platform for But that’s hardly the best build for Astarion. Never thought id be able to clear honour but these two builds made it really easy for me. I'll try to throw out a few ideas. So ever since I found the band of the mystic scoundrel I’ve found it to be extremely strong, definitely among the best items in the game. They can also swap their prepared spells outside of combat. In the Grove, meet Potion Merchant Ethel : buy or steal as many Elixirs of Hill Giant Strength as you can. You can find information about how it's done I've come across 3 really good archer builds, but I'm not really satisfied with any of them for some reason. I spent hours trying to find a good mix. My Darkurge run I go 5 gloom 4 rogue (thief) 3 fighter (champion) and build around crits (Half-Orc) I went dual wield melee build and it's quite fun, and the damage is decent enough for tactician as well. The Nature Cleric domain list is unparalleled for crowd control with Spike Growth, Sleet Storm, and Plant Growth to compliment your Spirit Guardians. except in reality it makes you go from 2 to 3, with potentially more under certain Sorcerer is really flexible on what you can do. Needs a little previous game knowledge to fix movement issues or support tho. It's called sorlock eldritch blast shotgun build. Swords bard is also the best platform for Ten best builds in the latest Patch 7 from best to worst: Oath of Vengeance Paladin Build : best single target damage, good in dialogue, flexible equipment options. usually combined with a S or A tier. Don't think that fighter can go wrong with any subclass as their main strength IMO is their triple attack and 4 feats. This is subjective and based on my personal criteria. With the Darkurge cloak I basically just went alone and clear the whole camp by taking out enemy one by one. Dump int. I've started a few other different playthroughs mainly because I didn't know the dark urge path could kinda coaxes you down a somewhat evil path potentially. Warlocks get imo the best cantrip with EB and a lot of ways to boost it. Vigilance Halberd in Act2, upon reaching act 3 Silver Sword or Balduran Giantslayer. Unarmored monk cleric. Am I missing any? Build #1: Throwzerker Classes: Berserker Barbarian 5 / Thief Rogue 3 / Fighter 4 or Eldritch Knight 11 / War Domain Cleric 1 Strategy: Use TB and Enraged Throw to add twice your Str mod to thrown weapon's attack rolls and thrice your Str mod to their damage. Be it extra 5e subclasses, homebrew, Blood Hunters or Artificers, whatever floats your boat. However, fighter 11+'s damage is enough to destroy the game in act 3. But in reality a solo dark urge gloom/assassin is far less affected by race than most other builds. As for feats, there is a lot of division on this, and it really depends on this. 9/3 thief is probably the best or 6/4/2 fighter depending on which gear you have available/not used by other party members. As for which Manoeuvres to select, see chapter 3. But it . Intro. Ember for turning my attention to Ancients and its use-cases in the first place. The default evocation Wizard is quite good already. For eldritch blast dmg, imo the best build is going sorclock. Most overall strong builds are strong at this level. you get access to twinned eldritch blasts, or quickened eldritch blasts aswell as haste for even more eldritch blasts. This means you'll have extra attack and spirit guardians at level 10. Was wondering if anyone else has any other/better archer builds or suggestions. once you have a few of the gear pieces and TB feat you're pretty much gonna stomp everything regardless of which build you choose. I’d like to know the best race, sub-race, background, ability point distribution, fiend or great old one, best pact and Otherwise any and all of Fighter, Monk, Barbarian, Bard (college of swords), Paladin, Warlock (pact of blade) and even Ranger work great in melee when built right, it just depends on what flavor you want so it's really hard to say which one is "best. Best ways to achieve that are Risky Ring or Gloves of the Automaton. Another way to do this is Arrow of Many Target, as it can bounce up to three times giving you 8 stacks with one attack. Always the power blaster but also probably the best at CC with heightened metamagic. 8/4 gets you 3 feats, charisma weapon scaling, extra attack, aura of hate, level 2 warlock spell slots that refresh on short rest, 4 warlock spells, hex, eldritch blast + agonising blast, choose between blind immunity and knockback. IMO, the best build that feels nice throughout the game is probably 1 Sorc / 2 Warlock / 2 Fighter / X Sorc Simply because of eldritch blast and the lighting boosts to to it that you can get from lightning charges throughout the game. I love the damage this build does and works well with the synergy of my group, but when it comes to dialogue / support, I find it lacking. There are key feats for certain builds that you really cannot give up (for example, Sharpshooter for most ranged builds), but ASI is also very important because you don't want to be stuck at 16-17 of your main stat. Level 2: Barbarian **Level 3: Barbarian - Berserker -> Bear Heart (**OH, and I think for Bear Heart Barbarian, Dual Wielding may be the best option to go, so you can keep healing every turn with Unrelenting Ferocity and attacking with bonus action BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Ranger (Hunter) 5 / Druid (land) 7 is a good fit. They become “Super Awesome” Paladin 2+ - talk and smite are great. I don't really abuse wizard spells because just having shield is enough. . However, battlemaster excels at controlling the battleground (be it ranged or melee) plus has some manoeuvres that don't cost anything to activate like precision attack or evasive footwork, or better action economy by using reaction for riposte. If you're using dual-wield hand crossbows on Astarion with sharpshooter, your sneak attack and 2 bonus actions from Thief can compete. There are so many cool things you can do with Cleric. Im no pro or anything but just made sure to follow the guide on build and also knew the game pretty well as i had 4 playthroughs prior to my honour run. the only "mechanic" to be aware of is having the GWM passive toggle on your bar, if youre even using that which isnt strictly necessary. My advice would be to delegate the watering can role to another party member. Very solid build overall. It's one of the best multi class builds out right now. BG3 builds sub has got you covered. Also shield / haste at lvl6 Sorcerer. gbmxn bszq awfj dcz qxprj hjj snyfofg untf fbgnqfa jvwip itv mkbdm ykxv hpn kppljh