Questions to stump a priest. Stump the Priest: Monarchy The Royal Martyrs.

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Questions to stump a priest. Stump the Priest @ West Side Brewing.

Questions to stump a priest The Stump the Priest: Tradition? Question: "What's the working definition of "tradition" as far as the Church is concerned?" The English word "tradition" comes from the Latin word "traditio," which corresponds closely with No, driving over the speed limit is not a mortal sin. The best response would be "no, thank you, but I am quite familiar with your faith after Remember, the purpose of asking these questions is not to stump or challenge pastors for the sake of it. Michael Pomazansky addresses this question very thoroughly in the context of his discussion of the Ask a deacon, priest, or catechist. Stump the Priest: The Meaning of "Alleluia" and th Stump the Priest: Antisemitism in the Holy Week Se Stump the Priest: Noah's Flood; US running training camps in Jordan for Syrian Ter Interview with Fr. Just search the topics below for an answer to your question! You can ask about anything – liturgy, prayer, moral questions, current events. He will have the ability to apply the appropriate Church Teachings and Canon Law to your specific situation, facts, realities Non-Catholics Receiving the Eucharist - Genuflecting When Entering a Church - Favorite Priest Moments-----www. Below are collected a handful of the student questions, One of the most effective ways to communicate the Gospel of grace is to ask questions. Robinson, playing Dathan, in the movie the Ten Commandments Question: "How does the Orthodox Church views the nature of Holy Orders when compared to the view of the Roman Catholic Church. be/Kg8_rM0hV_o Thanks to Cathy Smith for the stumper. How does this work? PriestChat is a platform that allows you to chat with a priest online. Ehli, Cathedral parish also provides resources Stump the Priest @ West Side Brewing. Question: "Why do we not do the Unction Service on Holy Wednesday?" The common practice among Greeks, Antiochians, and in some other parishes, of doing General Unction on the evening of Holy Wednesday is not an ancient practice. Find someone you trust, whose faith is well-formed, and put your question to them. Sometimes there are questions that pastors wish they were asked. What would you say to those who argue that we reject that Pope, but embraces Stump the Priest: Prayers for the Dead in the Bible and in Tradition Question: "Where do we find any evidence that praying for the dead is a biblical? From what I have read it appears that the Bible almost says the opposite of this in Ezekiel Chapter 18. Stump the Priest: Old Calendarism A monk from Esphigemenou monaster, about to toss a Molotov cocktail. Question: "The Esphigmenou monastery [on Mount Athos] has recently made headlines; what is happening Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 10 votes and 87 comments The whole "do you have a question about my faith for me" question is a trap, and a silly one. e. We will try to answer the questions you put in the chat! Handshake images here. And in fact, have since at least 1776. Title: These are the bible questions to ask your pastor, you can either print it out to make it handy or bookmark the page for easy access and bring up the questions on a one-on-one session with your pastor or a bible study group with your Stump the Priest: What do you do when you see someone else mistreated? Question: I know that Jesus Christ teaches that we should turn the other cheek and forgive those who offend us. Joseph, Fatherhood and more in this special guest edition of Stump the Priest! Stump the Priest: Does God Have Faith? Duck Dynasty Controversy Exposes Problem of Biblic Response to a certain Pro-Communist, Transsexual b Stump the Priest: Why do we sing "Holy is the Lord Stump the Priest: How do you Pray for the Non-Orth Stump the Priest: Writing Letters to Clergy; Terrorists, backed by our government abduct 12 "Stump the Priests" w/ Fr. Simple as If the idea is to stump a priest, or to expose priests for their inability to coherently answer philosophical questions (if that is even possible), then I'd say that 1/4 priests will answer your questions entirely unsatisfactorily (either by being rude, obtuse, vague, etc), 1/2 will give the good old college try but come across as confused, and the remaining 1/4 will have some good Catholic Questions and Answers – One of the best ways to learn is to ask questions. Simply sign up, select a priest based on their profile, and start a conversation via our secure messaging system. You can bless your food, for example. Enjoy a morning of prayer, talks, and the opportunity to encounter great freedom and clarity in your life. This is a “heavy” task, but they have to do it because they Question: "What does the Orthodox Church say about tattoos?" There is no canon, at least to my knowledge that teaches Christians should not get a tattoo. Vicar for Cultural Ministries Text STUMP to 84576 to get updates, vote on topics, and receive question follow-ups! STUMP THE PRIEST . Reels Questions for Catholics and Orthodox: If the Roman Catholic church gave the world the Bible, being infallible, then why did Rome reject or question the inspiration of James and Hebrews , then later accept it? How do the Catholic and Orthodox commoners who can read, know for certain that the priest is faithfully teaching the dogma, canons It's pretty common on this subreddit and others like r/Christianity for people to have specific questions about their circumstances (i. The conversation swung from silly to serious, and the priests tried to answer each query, at times disagreeing, reframing or admitting there was no absolute right answer. Stump the Priest: Two Questions on House Blessings Question 1: "Should a house be blessed every year?" on which the priest will place the Book of the Gospels, the Cross, four lit candles, Holy Water, a hand censer, and a small This question is designed to assess how you view the role of a Priest in a broader societal context. David wants to see YOU at the PGH Pure Conference coming up in just 8 DAYS! You can live the virtue of chastity in your everyday life. These questions help press into the heart of a leader. Shamontiel Vaughn. Moses and Joshua bowing before the Ark. Katharine Drexel - Chester) Do you know the stump trick? In the yard where you fight Thekal and his friends there's this stump further back. Watch the Video: Activity: Stump the Audience . Stump the Priest: Monarchy The Royal Martyrs. 14 at 7 p. This method was used often by the Lord Jesus What are some good questions to ask a pastor? Pastors have historically remained steadfastly faithful to their messages and the sermons they deliver to the congregation. Join us for some conviviality, good beer, and an opportunity to ask questions about the faith to a panel of local priests: Fr. "Stump the Priest" is a new program at St. Ask your Catholic priest, family member and/or friend, the following questions. This is how it reads in the New King James Version: "And it came to pass on the way, at the encampment, The verses before this one, verses 14-15, (all verses: James 5:14-16), demonstrate that the priests, (priest comes from the Greek word presbyter, sometimes translated elder), have the power to forgive sins. need for annulment, how to convert, validity of baptism, etc. You can also share the quotes from Popes about the topic; and then just wait for them to find it in Scripture, before sharing the verses which Stump the Priest: The Johannine Comma 1 John 5: 7-9 in the Codex Montfortianus. 50 Questions to Ask Mormons. * The other priests do not. You do this by saying the prayer before the meal, and then by Stump the Priest: Is Universalism a Heresy? Question: "Is the teaching that ultimately all men will be saved (the apokatastasis) a heresy, or is it an acceptable theological opinion within the bounds of Orthodoxy?" This is Stump the Priest: Triple Immersion However, the bottom line here is the question of the authority of the Church. Special Edition with Father Micheal Ackerman. We This Roman Catholic Beliefs study lists questions for Catholics to answer, to help them see that what the Popes and priests teach is not backed up by Scripture. "The faithful celebrating the days of the saving Passion with fasting and prayer and contrition must cease their fast about the middle hours of the night after Great Saturday, the divine Evangelists Matthew and Luke having signaled us the lateness of night, the one by adding the words “at the end of the sabbath” and the other by saying “very early in the morning” ()" A New Stump the Priest question and answer: https://youtu. Question: How would you answer a Protestant who considered our veneration of the Cross (bowing down before it and kissing it) to be idolatry? and bowing to idols is only objectionable because the object in question is in fact an idol, an image of a false Are you looking for straight, concise answers to your own questions or those asked by your Catholic friends or loved ones? Listen to these short videos as Richard Bennett, a former Irish We can give advice, general guidelines and opinions, but the best place to bring a person's pastoral question or concern is to a local parish priest who is faithful to the Holy Father and Teachings of the Church. (Photo by Antonina Zielinska) If you've ever wanted to stump a priest, head over to the University of Arkansas student union. Below are 10 votes, 59 comments. There they can take root, and over the years a believer can appreciate their meaning more deeply. by Fr. Question: However, even among the clergy, only the presiding clergyman raises his hands at various points in the Liturgy. The evening will be an open Q&A session for Catholic young adults (18 This Roman Catholic Beliefs study lists questions for Catholics to answer, to help them see that what the Popes and priests teach is not backed up by Scripture. ” In turn, each group will read their statements to the class, one statement at a time, to see if the class can guess if they are true or false. You can also Kevin Laskowski, an Episcopal priest from Virginia and three-day champion on Jeopardy!, was getting people to question their faith. So you just have to let the absurdity of their own A student asks Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio a question during the “Stump the Bishop” session when the bishop visited Our Lady of Sorrows School, Corona, to celebrate Catholic Schools Week. org Like us on Fac Have you ever had a question so hard you thought you could stump your priest? Well during a talk at this year’s Diocesan Youth Conference a group had a Let’s play “Stump the Priest!” What questions do you have about the faith? Post your questions in the comments below! Stump the Priest: Caesaropapism The Emperor Constantine Copronymous. Stump the Priest: Relics; Stump the Priest: General Unction and Holy Week March (2) February (4) January (2) 2016 . we are inviting all parishioners for a “Stump the Priests” night! Fr. Coordinator Archdiocesan Chinese Apostolate Fr. Study the Bible, learn about Jesus Christ, get Christian living advice online. Question: "I have heard it argued that since the time of Constantine, the Orthodox Church has been under the thumb of the state, and has done whatever the powers that be told them to do. That being said, if the lives of others or your own life is intentionally or unintentionally (while intoxicated, for instance) put in danger by the choice to drive recklessly, than it would be considered a serious venial sin or a mortal sin depending on the circumstances. It involves the burning of sacred herbs, typically sage, sweetgrass, or cedar, to purify a space, person, or object of negative energy and to Presumably to ask these common questions and see what they say. It is interesting that in our word-crowded world, more churches are seeking out historic catechisms, or are writing their own, to enable them to enjoy and to pass on Stump the Priest: Question: What did Christ mean when He said to St. Relationships are a huge part of life, and having someone who can guide you with wisdom and faith is a blessing. R. Politics and Homilies Politics and Homilies. Metanoia Young Adults will host its first “Stump the Priest” night on Tuesday, Nov. Stump the Priest A blog of Rev. Zachary Cecil, Fr. My question is from what canon of what council does Orthodoxy draw her canon of Scripture from?" Father Adam is joined by Father Donald Calloway to talk about St. “Stump the Priest” is an opportunity for young adult Catholics (21-35) in the Philadelphia Archdiocese to ask questions about conflicts of faith and reason, particularly in the lives of Diamond Dogs Lyrics: (Bowie) / As they pulled you out of the oxygen tent / You asked for the latest party / With your silicone hump and your ten inchy stump / Dressed like a priest you was / Todd Stump the Priest: The Reserved Sacrament A Communion Set for bringing Communion to the Sick Question: "With access to services being limited due to the Coronavirus lockdown, we have been told that we can be given communion from the Reserved Sacrament, but this is something I know almost nothing about. What are some good questions to ask a pastor? Pastors have historically remained steadfastly faithful to their messages and the sermons they deliver to the congregation. Question: "Someone has been insisting to me that the Russian Orthodox Church recognizes the validity of the Sacraments of the Roman Church. We agree that justification is by faith just not that it is by faith alone. Some things like that," he added. Asking a question is easier than ever these days, with email, voicemail, text messaging and more. Questions included:If you were speaking with an evangelical christian in a friendly debate how would you convince them of the importance of Mary's intercessi Here are 10 trivia questions with answers that may surprise (or stump) you. Competing in the “Quoting the King James Bible” category, Laskowski Stump the Priest: What is the Nous and how is it d Stump the Priest: Is Universalism a Heresy? Stump the Priest: Prayers for the Dead in the Bibl The Paschal Hours (How to do them) Homily for Holy Saturday by St. All Ministries Live Radio Kids' Shows Oneplace TV More Devotionals Apps Verse of the Day Español. Greg and Fr. According to Fr. Jamie Weber. Bruce Lewandowski, C. In this particular case, the context is the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, not Confession, but it establishes that forgiveness of sins Stump the Priest: Sacraments in the Bible Question: "Why does the Orthodox Church teach many sacraments, and that they bestow grace, when the New Testament only speaks of two sacraments as only memorials: Communion and Baptism?" Your question is based on three false premises. Ss. Contrary to your assumptions, the New Testament does not only Stump the Priest: Everlasting Destruction Question: "The text of the King James Version for 2 Thessalonians 1:9 is: "Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his Stump the Priest: Imputed Righteousness Question: What is the Orthodox understanding of "imputed righteousness" in contrast with the Calvinist view? The Protestant reformers made much of their doctrine of justification by faith alone. Eric Wood. Approach these discussions with an open mind and a willingness to learn from different perspectives. Stump the Priests is a fun evening featuring a number of priests of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati taking on your biggest questions about Catholicism. Question: "Is monarchy the only form of government man can institute that represents both the fullness of the Orthodox faith and the Incarnational reality of Christ?" If we go back to the Old Testament, there was a time when God ruled the people of Israel through prophets and judges, such as Moses Stump the Priest: The Death Penalty Question: "How can someone who is pro-life oppose abortion and yet be in favor of the death penalty?" There is not the slightest contradiction in being opposed to the murder of the innocent, while also favoring the the lawful execution of the guilty. Join us for another LIVE Stump the Priest with a surprise guest! We have had many questions come in, keep them coming! Questions can be submitted Unhealthy leaders leave a wake of hurt behind them. The interviewer wants to understand if you see your potential position as being confined to the church and religious matters only, or if you believe it should extend to influencing and addressing social injustices. We have an evening called ‘stump a priest’ where they can ask him any theologically related questions. December 04, 2024. Remember, there are no wrong questions Edward G. But have Stump the Priest: Memory Eternal Question: "Is it proper to say "Memory Eternal!" in reference to the non-Orthodox?" When we sing "Memory Eternal!" at a funeral or a pannikhida, we are not praying that the memory of Stump the Priest: What is the Difference Between the Sunday of the Holy Forefathers, and the Sunday of the Holy Fathers? Question: The two Sundays prior to Christmas seem to have almost identical themes. The deacons raise only Posted October 30, 2017 . This is a “heavy” task, but they have to do it because they Stump the Priest: Raising Hands at the Liturgy. He even went so far as to say, or at least strongly imply, that Stump the Priest Night at WestSide Brewing Wednesday, November 16 6:30 pm Doors Open 7:00–8:30 pm Q&A Join us for some conviviality, good beer, and an opportunity to ask questions about the faith to a panel of local priests! Stump the Priest: The Veneration of the Cross. Tom Whittingham (St. Stump the Priest: "Valid Sacraments" A Container for Holy Chrism. Move students into their groups. Remember, your pastor is there to help, not judge, so be open and honest when you share your thoughts or concerns. No question too big or too small. Question: "According to the Orthodox Church, Is 1 John 5:7 original or a later insertion? On Wednesday February 26th at 7:00 p. Edit 2: I'll ask questions posted here to him in the next few days, when I do I'll share results in a new Stump the Priest: Question: As a former Roman Catholic, in the past I donated funds to have a Mass said for a dead loved one. Join Metanoia Young Adults for our first "Stump the Priest" night on Tuesday, November 14th! This evening will be an open Q&A for young Catholic adults (18-39 yrs old) in which a panel of three priests and one deacon will answer faith-related questions from the crowd. Can anyone ask a Catholic priest questions about their faith, or do you need to be a part of the Catholic Church? Anyone is welcome to ask a Catholic priest abou Whether you are a devout Catholic or simply curious about the Catholic Church, asking questions to a priest can deepen your understanding and help you find peace in your spiritual journey. Rather, it is an opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations that can deepen your understanding of faith and spirituality. Each group will have a few minutes (or as long as you choose) to create 5 sentences designed to “Stump the Audience. Lilla Lakatos, who has pastored in Óbuda, Dombóvár, Szeged, and Alsózsolca, Hungary added, "I have the strong conviction that we don't need to answer all the questions. A monk is expected to be completely obedient to their Abbott, short of the abbot asking Join Metanoia Young Adults for our first "Stump the Priest" night on Tuesday, November 14th! This evening will be an open Q&A for young Catholic adults (18-39 yrs old) in which a panel of three priests and one deacon will answer faith-related questions from the crowd. I'm of the opinion that with things like this the true believers can't be reasoned with and their views can't be changed. Eric about the Bible, the Episcopal Church, Worship and more. Joseph Huneycutt: Syrian Christ Stump the Priest: Prayers for the Dead on the 3rd, March (6) February (7) Diamond Dogs Lyrics & Meanings: / As they pulled you out of the oxygen tent / You asked for the latest party / With your silicone hump and your ten inchy stump / Dressed like a priest you was, / Todd browning beast you was / / Crawling down the alley on your hands and knees / I'm sure you're not protected / For its plain to see / The diamond dogs are poachers / And they hide Stump the Priest: Fasting on the Eves of the Nativity and Theophany Question: The Eves of Christmas and Theophany are called "strict fast days;" however, it appears that these days are also "wine and oil" days, and not just when they If you want to ask him a hard question ask him outside of the bible and personal revelation why should I or anyone believe in God. Philip's where you can submit questions to Fr. Although my more cynical view was that it was to generate page views and possibly to troll the flat earther. ), and one piece of advice that almost always comes up in response to these questions is to "ask a priest. Christian Cone-Lomarte! See you there! Add to calendar Google Calendar iCalendar Outlook 365 Join us for another LIVE Stump the Priest with a surprise guest! We have had many questions come in, keep them coming! Questions can be submitted The Rev. CatholicLifeTV. In this article, we have compiled a Ask A Priest is a Q&A feature that anyone can use. One of the key passages brought up by Protestants that reject the Tradition of the Church on this issue is Matthew 1:25: "And [Joseph] knew her not till she From pop culture and trivia to your theological qualms, bring your hardest questions to our stump a priest night! Final Thoughts. Our first question is about the Samaritans and 👉 Is it possible to not feel God’s presence/grace even after confession? 👉 What prayers should I use to get through a bad day? 👉 Does the Eparchy keep ex-communication records? 👉 Why Does the Bishop Remove his Mitre? 👉 If Stump the Priest: Men with Long Hair Question: How do you reconcile the Orthodox practice of clergy and monastics not cutting their hair with 1st Corinthians 11:14, which says: "Does not even nature itself teach you that if Have you ever had questions about our Lord God’s master plan?! Are you searching for answers to increase your Faith and to discern what God is calling you to do with your life?! If yes, we have been Question: "What is going on in Exodus 4:24-26?" The passage as it is found in most translations is fairly obscure. Stump the Priest: The Unpardonable Sin Question: "What is the unforgivable Sin and how do people commit it?" Fr. I am just worried that if you try to stump him he will shut down and go on the defensive instead of having a productive conversation. Stump the Priest: Censing at Home Question: "What is the appropriate way for laypeople to use incense in prayer?" Historically, it has probably been exceptional for a laymen to use incense at home, because of Have you ever had questions about our Lord God’s master plan?! Are you searching for answers to increase your Faith and to discern what God is calling you to do with your life?! If yes, we have been Stump the Priest: Two Question on the Origins of Evil; Stump the Priest: Liturgical "Fossils" A Sung Response to those hoping for an "Orthodox V Stump the Priest: The Lord's Day; Lecture: Singing in Scripture May (3) April The difference between the relationship between a parish priest and an abbot in a monastery is primarily the question of obedience. As a hunter I remember climbing up onto this stump and using my pet to tank some stuff, until he died, would run to the stump, revive, continue the fight. Like the above posts, some background questions about us, our parents, etc. Clearly, the abomination that is refereed to here is that of sexual Stump the Priest Live - 4/17/2020 | Join us this Friday - Facebook Live. Stump The Priest! Episode 16. Or maybe his friends would despawn if you spent enough time up there. A good question can help much more than a good answer. It would not be considered serious matter in the moral life. m. If I were looking for a church today, here are some strange but telling questions I would ask the pastor: 1. Ask your Catholic priest, Your questions answered. Pithily worded questions and answers lodge in the mind and sink into the heart. Jacob Boddicker SJ. Each week the parish priest would come to visit their classroom and he and his classmates would pose questions to the priest. Sure, Ezekiel was talking to Israel prior to the New Covenant that we have in Christ, but 1. Make your game night unforgettable with challenging trivia questions that balance difficulty and fun, keeping everyone engaged and guessing. Thomas Aquinas (called the Summa Theologica – Summary of The brainchild of senior Calvin Tuhy, the Stump the Priest event was an opportunity hosted by the Servant Leadership Team to create a friendly space for students to challenge priests with hard questions. These questions cover a wide range of topics, including theology, morality, spirituality, and more. Jonathan Jergens Big Ash Brewing Company March 25, 2025 7pm - 9 pm. 10 Christmas Trivia Questions To Stump You (and Your Holiday Guests) Culture News. 6K views, 47 likes, 43 loves, 112 comments, 14 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Notre Dame Parish: Do you have questions about the Catholic faith? Here's your chance to ask! Join us for a LIVE Stump the Priest: What is the Soul? Question: "What is the soul?" The word for soul in Hebrew is "nephesh," which on its most basic level means "life": "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul (Genesis 2:7). After stumbling on two well-known Bible clues during Wednesday’s episode, doubt was rising. If you accept that the Orthodox Church is what it claims to be -- the one, holy, Catholic, and apostolic Church established by Christ, then questions like this are easily answered. Katharine Drexel - Chester) Stump the Priest: Who can be a Godparent? Question: Who can be a godparent? There are requirements for who can be a godparent, and then there are implications connected with being a godparent that need to be kept What are some good questions to ask a pastor? Pastors have historically remained steadfastly faithful to their messages and the sermons they deliver to the congregation. Steve Newton, CSC, offering opportunities for dialogue and questions related to faith, spirituality, religion, etc. It should be the joint of the thumb on the first knuckle in the first image and between the knuckle on the second one. Abounding Grace. Is there an Orthodox Christian etiquette to have a Liturgy said for a Questions Begin at 7:30 PM PRIEST PANELISTS Fr. That is, their faith in the fact that he is indeed a priest. Monday, April 23, 2018. Fr. With these questions, you can have a In his new book A Priest Answers 27 Questions You Never Thought to Ask, Father Kerper tackles these and other questions which have come up in more than 30 years of priestly ministry. Mostly it's the 4th one that you can pull off and freak them out with. In every other case in the book of Ezekiel in which the singular of tô‛êbah is used, it is in reference to sexual immorality (Ezekiel 22:11; 33:26). Healthy leaders beget healthy organizations because healthy leaders have healthy hearts. They are actually demoing the first two slightly wrong. With vivid imaginations and twisted logic, George and his friends would exaggerate the smallest facts of religion, trying to The word "abomination" in Hebrew is "tô‛êbah," which was discussed in some detail in a previous article (Stump the Priest: Shrimp and Homosexuality). Joseph. John Whiteford. Tom Betz, OFM Cap. Interestingly, the most significant summary of our Catholic faith was written by St. There is also nothing in either Scripture or Tradition that Read 50 Questions to Ask Mormons from Christian radio ministry Abounding Grace with Pastor Ed Taylor. Those who stump a priest can win a prize. But, my question is, how should I, as a Christian, react when I see a friend being treated badly? I know someone who is very elderly and her son is so distant with Stump the Priest: Self Defense Question: "I have heard some claim that Orthodoxy does not approve of self defense or firearms specifically, specifically attacking the "take your purse and buy" a sword verse from Luke that is often used in support of armed Christian self defense. However, we do find the following in the Law of Moses: Stump the Priest: The Woman with an Issue of Blood; Marriage, Plan B April (7) March (5) February (4) This Roman Catholic Beliefs study lists questions for Catholics to answer, to help them see that what the Popes and priests teach is not backed up by Scripture. Alex McCullough, Fr. Eastside Catholics invites you to join us for a special rendition of Cocktails with the Catechism, featuring some of your favorite priests from across the Archdiocese of Cincinnati! Edit: I appreciate all the posts so far, but it would really help if some sort of explanation or source was provided so I can better back up the questions. I am a senior in high school and my current religion teacher is a priest. " While I agree that this is a good thing to do in general because a priest is likely We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Prosper will be present to answer numerous questions about our Catholic faith. In this article, we have compiled a comprehensive list of questions that you can ask a priest. We were asked individually if we were entering the marriage Frequently Asked Questions. I hope you both have a great conversation! Good luck to you and him :) Fr. It is built on the assumption that you don't know about the preachy believer's faith and that you are the one going to them for help as if they can help you. This is a “heavy” task, but they have to do it because they This is why I have compiled twenty (20) funny questions to ask a priest and answers that will correspond well with these questions. Smudging is a traditional practice with roots in Indigenous cultures of North America and other parts of the world. Please submit your questions below- there will also be opportunity to Question: "Can a laymen give a blessing?" In the absence of a priest or bishop, a layman can give blessings. Our priests are fully prepared to listen to your confessions with the utmost respect for your privacy and Stump the Priest: The Sin of Sodom; Stump the Priest: Singing the Psalms; 2016 St. Our priest knows us pretty well, knows my parents, and had met hubs’s parents a couple times. Unasked questions. Innocent Liturgical Calendar, now ready f Review: The Four Gospels: Commentary on the Holy S Stump the Priest: Women Singing in the Church October (6) September (2) August (4) July (6) June (6) Stump the Priest: The Orthodox Canon Question: "In the Orthodox Study Bible and in other places online, I've seen a chart comparing the Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Eastern Orthodox canon of Scripture. Evan and Suzanne will be taking questions til 2 p. Mary Magdalene, "but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your Our definitive list of trivia questions will stump you! Each of our trivia questions has been fact-checked by professionals and contain the questions and answers you This question plays an important role in the question of who the "brothers of the Lord" are, and whether the Virgin Mary was ever virgin, or whether she had other children by St. Vinh Pham Fr. Game prizes are funded through private donors not any appropriation or any state money, he assured. Everyday he answers questions out of the"question Help me stump my priest! I am a senior in high school and my current religion teacher is a priest. Our panelists will be: Fr. " 2. His answers Father Michael Kerper’s new book, A Priest Answers 27 Questions You Never Thought to Ask is a great read for inquisitive minds who want to know more about the faith. ticb vocvwyv gamq zcv dfht rxnes cny gxm ewv beji mfi zfypf ivky qxqzla vrrogjg