Quranic studies uitm. Kemahiran menjelaskan tasawwur Islam.
Quranic studies uitm Academic; Giving@UM; Library; Research & Community; © 2021 Universiti Malaya. Journal of Contemporary Islamic Studies (JCIS) will be accepting research paper from Isu kebolehupayaan pelajar UiTM membaca al-Qu ’ran dengan baik merupakan salah satu komponen penting dalam membangunkan modal insan. Guest user Add your university or school. UiTM's online Book of Courses - this site will provides online, Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies (ACIS) is an academic faculty in UiTM. , Maktabah al-Tawbah Riyadh Manna' Khalil Al-Qatthan. Norizan does research in Software Engineering, Theory of Computation and Computer Graphics. Kursus ini juga menerangkan asbabul nuzul dan kategori ayat al-Quran, menghuraikan tafsir al-Quran, isra’iliyat serta terjemahan al-Quran UiTM, Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies (ACIS) (2023) ISC401 : Ulum Al-Quran / Academy of Objektif penulisan ini ialah meninjau sorotan literatur tentang terjemahan al-Quran kepada bahasa Melayu dengan memberi fokus kepada pendekatan terjemahan gaya bahasa majaz al-Quran atau kaedahnya, atau strateginya. Artikel ini menfokuskan pembinaan model kecemerlangan mengikut acuan al-Quran untuk generasi muda. [Teaching Resource] Official URL: https://aims. A vessel is also a symbol of the stature of civilization and technology of a nation or race. org10. Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies (ACIS) is an academic faculty in UiTM. 2017, Mabahith fi 'Ulum al-Qur'an, Ummul Qura Indonesia [ISBN: 978602763785] Yusuf al-Marashly 2017, Ulum al-Qur’an al-Karim, Dar al-Ma'rifah Ammar Fadzil 2006, Anatomi al-Quran: Mengenal Ilmu, Sejarah & Kandungan The Quranic Da'wah of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi: A Review 3 FINDINGS OF THE STUDY The Way of the Quran al-Karim The research findings have shown that the foundations of Said Nursi’s da’wah were based on the method of da’wah presented in the Quran. Justeru itu, usaha kearah pemerkasaan generasi ini dilihat perlu untuk memastikan ia berjaya. Mohd Zahid, Emie Sylviana and Aziz, Siti Noor Ain and Mearaj, Mahasin (2019) Isu pelajar tidak membawa al-Quran ketika sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran subjek CTU di UiTM Cawangan Johor Kampus Segamat / Emie Sylviana Mohd Zahid, Siti Noor Ain Aziz dan Mahasin Mearaj. A processing fee of RM50 Established on 10 November 2019, Ar-Raffiq Quran Study Centre is a dedicated service provider that specialises in Quranic education. Course Syllabus The Journal of Contemporary Islamic Studies (JCIS) (ISSN: 2289-9634, e-ISSN: 0128-0902) is an open-access international refereed journal. 0 0 questions. New. Recommended Text: Manna' Khalil Al-Qathan. , & Haruna, H. korporatmelaka@uitm. The study was carried out qualitatively by looking at past studies, authoritative books and the views of Islamic scholars. uitm. Journal of Contempory Islamic Studies: UiTM Journal Collections: Listed > Journal of Contempory Islamic Studies (JCIS) ISSN Pusat Asasi Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Selangor, Kampus Dengkil 43800 Dengkil , SELANGOR. Yet, when faced with its death, it can be overwhelming for family members. One of the promising ways is by applying augmented reality. Kajian ini bertujuan meanings. It aims to explore the diversity of Kursus ini menjelaskan Ulum al-Quran, penurunan, keagongan,,istinbat, pengumpulan dan penyusunan al-Quran. ISSN ISSN 2289-9634 e-ISSN 0128-0902 In addition, I also make an analysis of tarannum techniques using musicality terms and characteristics through transcriptions of one of the surah in Quran. my/ Abstract Kursus ini merupakan asas kepada kefahaman terhadap al-Quran dan merupakan antara ilmu teras dalam agama Islam. Follow this Dalil daripada al-Quran dan al-Hadith akan menjadi asas bagi menyatakan signifikan selasih daripada perspektif Islam. Terma“keamanan” banyak dinyatakan di dalam al-Quran. Mohd Zaid Bin Mustafar: This research studies the concept of scientific exegesis (Al-Tafsīr Al-ʿIlmī)which recently gained considerable significance in the Muslim world in order to understand the Quran in this Quranic verse finder: a tool for speech preparation using 1,2,3Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, UiTM Shah Alam, Malaysia 4Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Putra University Malaysia 5of Contemporary Islamic Studies, UiTM Shah Alam, Malaysia Article Info ABSTRACT Article As we know, there are many Quranic verse and Hadith regarding business in Islam however, none explains about online business. Bahasa Inggeris Pendidikan Islam / Tasawwur Islam / Pendidikan Al-Quran dan Al-Sunnah / Pendidikan ACADEMY OF LANGUAGE STUDIES, UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA (UiTM)KEDAH BRANCH, MALAYSIA DR NOR ARDIYANTI AHMAD the younger generation based on the Quran. However, it has been contended that the Quranic concept of peaceful co-existence accepts the diversity and existence of various communities A Study of Two Distinct Opinions Concerning the Quranic View on Peaceful Co-existence and Violence in a Pluralistic Society Maria Zehra Department of Islamic Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi Keamanan merupakan suatu yang sangat penting dibincangkan pada masa kini memandangkan terlalu banyak berlaku peperangan, kekacauan dan ketidakamanan di serata dunia. my 1,2,3,4Jabatan Sains Komputer & Matematik (JSKM), Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Pulau Pinang, Malaysia ABSTRACT This study examines the methods used in learning Tahfiz among students. 00 – 9. The researcher is using the qualitative approach for this research. Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) telah berjaya memperkenalkan satu program Plus Tahfiz UiTM yang memberi peluang kepada pelajar yang berlatarbelakang pendidiakn tahfiz mendapat sijil hafazan al Generasi muda Melayu Bumiputera merupakan aset penting untuk kemajuan dan pembangunan masa hadapan negara. With the tagline "Inspiring Minds with Quranic verses that have been used in scientific exegesis. UiTM Institutional Repository is powered by EPrints developed by Thus, a preliminary study was conducted to understand the attitudes of the students at UiTM Perlis in the implementation of the Quran memorization of selected chapter and to analyse the UiTM, Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies (ACIS) (2023) ISC102 : Ulum Al-Quran / Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies (ACIS). my International | Students | Staff | ACADEMY OF CONTEMPORARY ISLAMIC STUDIES (ACIS) KAMPUS ALOR GAJAH (KAG) Name Position E-Mail Phone; Dr. Said Nursi emphasized the exclusive use of the Quran as his sole reference when writing *fadzilawani. Etika dan moral profesional. Sokongan NC, kepimpinan tertinggi serta unit-unit pentadbiran dalam UiTM memudahkan urusan tersebut dan seterusnya Al-Quran telah memberikan garis paduan yang jelas berkaitan dengan gender dari segi asal usul wanita, kepimpinan dan pewarisan harta pusaka yang selayaknya diterima oleh wanita. In human civilization, this technology has been used as early as Noah's time. 2006, Mabahith fi 'Ulum al-Qur'an, Pustaka Jiwa Kuala Lumpur Jalal-Al-Din Al-Suyuti. The research study examined the mental health among final semester of degree students from Faculty of Quranic and Sunnah Studies in Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM). com Received: 20 March 2022 Accepted:13 October 2022 This study was conducted to analyze the benefits of water in Quranic verses that have been used in scientific exegesis. Koran > Study and teaching. Kursus ini merupakan asas kepada kefahaman terhadap al-Quran dan merupakan antara ilmu teras dalam agama Islam. Kursus ini memperkenalkan kepada pelajar kepentingan Kursus ini memperkenalkan kepada pelajar kepentingan membaca al-Qur’an, mengetahui dan menyebut huruf dengan betul. e-ISSN: 0128-0902 ISSN 2289-9634 Available online at https://jcis. my/ Abstract. 50 or equivalent and 3 years working experience. my, maisurah025@uitm. Journal of Contempory Islamic Studies, 5 (1). Ornaments found in the Quran are usually only found in the front, middle and end of the Quran. my Ramadan Research Siri 3 /2025 | Pemberian Duit Raya: Tradisi & Impaknya Terhadap Ekonomi Tempatan Sejauh mana amalan memberi duit raya mempengaruhi Gamification is the use of game elements for engagement in the non-game field. I'm teaching Arabic and my research areas are about Quranic Translation, Arabic-Malay Translation and Arabic Linguistics. Nowadays, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are becoming increasingly important, which requires Quranic knowledge representation to be A vessel is a time-proven form of transportation and is a mentioned mode of transportation in the Qur'an. my Received: 4 September 2020 Accepted: 10 Program Diploma dan Sarjana Muda Muamalat adalah bidang terkini yang diperkenalkan oleh UiTM seiring dengan keperluan semasa negara. The issues sprinkled with the application of the Quranic verses in Malaysian contemporary Islamic painting. Quick Links. A total of 73 students participated in a Quran reading test, and the data was 📢 SIMPOSIUM TREK PANTAS SPM PROGRAM PLUS TAHFIZ UiTM SHAH ALAM Alhamdulillah, bertarikh 22 Februari 2025, Simposium Trek Pantas SPM telah berlangsung dengan jayanya! 🎉 Dalam ucapan perasmiannya, Prof. ISSN ISSN 2289-9634 e-ISSN 0128 Journal of Contemporary Islamic Studies Vol. Prepare your exam. This study assesses the Quranic reading proficiency of students at UiTM Pulau Pinang, focusing on seven domains of recitation and examining the relationship between proficiency and demographic factors such as gender, educational background, and prior religious education. 24191cis. Welcome to Studocu Sign in to access the best study resources. (2019) Journal of Contempory Islamic Studies, 5 (1). The study respondents consist of 121 IPTA students from Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM UiTM's online Book of Courses - this site will provides online, searchable access to all of the University's approved Courses & Programmes. The study employs the qualitative methods, including library research and content analysis. my/ Government supports and community interests in the field of Quranic and Sunnah Studies are very obvious, especially with the establisment of Tahfiz Institution and Quranic education centers all over the country. 9 ABSTRAK merealisasikan program pemantapan hafazan pelajar UiTM demi menjaga wahyu al-Quran. 1. ISSN 0128-0902 Official URL: https ://jcis. my Journal of Contemporary Islamic Studies Journal of Contemporary Islamic Studies 10(2) 2024 This course helps students to understand Quranic verses, Hadiths and religious texts through analysis on Arabic vocabulary, morphology, and syntax. ISSN ISSN 2289-9634 e-ISSN 0128-0902 Quranic concept of halalan tayyiban and its application in food and beverages of hospitality sector in Malaysia / Amiratul Munirah Yahaya and Zulaipa Ruzulan. It covers various aspects of knowledge such as theology, law, history, science, and others. ʻUlūm al-Qurʼan B Philosophy. Therefore, this programme can meet the challenges of providing expertise in the field of Quranic and Sunnah Studies. +TAHFIZ UiTM apps also provide a commercial value to UiTM Recommended Text: Fahad 'Abd al-Rahman al-Rumi 2017, al-Madkhal ila Dirasah 'Ulum al-Quran. For my case study, I had focused on a Surah AD-Dhuha. For the secondary sources, this study refers to the scholarly books, journals, proceedings, papers, dissertations, theses and related studies on this topic. However, it is believed that the main area of Quranic studies is only related to the Quran itself and issues related to The study aims to identify the extent of proficiency in reading the Quran among IPTA students, observe differences in Quranic reading proficiency based on demographic factors, and identify the contributing factors to students' Quranic reading ability. Journal of Contempory Islamic Studies (JCIS) UiTM Journal Collections: Listed > Journal of Contempory Islamic Studies (JCIS) ISSN: ISSN 2289-9634 e-ISSN 0128-0902: Volume: 8 e-ISSN: 0128-0902 ISSN 2289-9634 Available online at https://jcis. UiTM Institutional UiTM Melaka, UiTM Cawangan Melaka, UiTM Lendu, UiTM Bandaraya Melaka, UiTM Jasin. Previous studies have found that there is a UiTM's online Book of Courses - this site will provides online, searchable access to all of the University's approved Courses & Programmes. Kemahiran membaca dan menghafaz al-Quran turut diterapkan. UiTM, Academy of Language Studies (2017) BAE554 : Arabic discourse and rhetoric in Islamic texts / Academy of Language Studies. Because of that, the researcher decided to study the existence of the implicit and explicit meaning in the dialogueueues of the Quran, and if the researcher found the implicit meaning, then the researcher will study them by using the appropriate theory. " (Jibia, D. In addition, hearts to be able to give thanks. University of Malaya. Many articles were written by the West on the coping strategies that can be adopted. 1 1 student. Universiti Teknologi MARA | UiTM Quranic studies; June 2002 - August 2007. Journal of Contempory Islamic Studies: UiTM Journal Collections: Listed > Journal of Contempory Islamic Studies (JCIS) ISSN: ISSN 2289-9634 e-ISSN 0128-0902: Volume: 5: Number: 2: Page Range: pp Pilih Koleksi Al-Quran dan Hadis (Boleh Pilih Lebih Dari Satu Koleksi) Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies (ACIS) is an academic faculty in UiTM. The doctrinal studies involve searching for primary sources such as the Quran and related tafsir. The Quranic Da'wah of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi: A Review 3 FINDINGS OF THE STUDY The Way of the Quran al-Karim The research findings have shown that the foundations of Said Nursi’s da’wah were based on the method of da’wah presented in the Quran. 2011, Al-Itqan fi Ulum al-Qur’an, Garnet Publishing Limited. An innovative technique of i-Tasmi’ Tahfiz is a drill-and-practise method used by students for memorizing Quranic verses and chapters. edu Journal of Contempory Islamic Studies: UiTM Journal Collections: Listed > Journal of Contempory Islamic Integrasi Ilmu Al-Quran dan Bidang Kejuruteraan: Kajian Analisis Terhadap Manfaat Air dalam Meningkatkan Pengeluaran nurulbadriyah@uitm. my) Publication Charge. Located at 72 Lorong BLM l /6, Bandar Laguna Merbok, Sungai Petani, Kedah, Malaysia , the centre caters primarily to adults with young children, fostering a family-oriented approach to Islamic learning. The existent opinions of classical and contemporary Muslim authorities have been critically analysed. my (cc to Chief Editor nnmsza@uitm. v8i1. Tel :+603 8924 5200 Fax : 603 students. 106-125. my, sitibalqis026@uitm. my, nurha9129@uitm. 61-75. APPLIED SCIENCE WITH ISLAMIC STUDIES; Publications. Kemahiran menjelaskan tasawwur Islam. In matters of Islamic painting appreciation, Muslims are divided into two groups in their understanding of the concept of Islamic paintings containing Quranic verses. All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy | Site PhD Quranic Education (Islamic Studies) (UM), MA Usuluddin (Al-Quran & Al-Hadith) (UM), BA Qiraat (Al-Quran & Al-Qiraat) (Maahad Azhar) 011-21134700. Recent. Salahudin Suyurno menekankan kepentingan Program PLUS Tahfiz dalam menyelaraskan pendidikan akademik dan hafazan al-Quran bagi (2020) Journal of Contempory Islamic Studies, 6 (2). To elicit responses pertaining to the use of the -Tasmii technique in Quranic memorisation, questionnaires consisting of 11 items have been distributed to 18 students who have participated in -Quran classes at Tasmi’ al UiTM Cawangan Terengganu Dungun Kaedah hafazan al-Quran merupakan amalan yang dilakukan oleh para penghafaz al-Quran untuk menguasai hafazan al-Quran yang lengkap, iaitu 30 juzuk. A Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field from UiTM or any institution of higher learning recognised by the UiTM Senate with a minimum CGPA of 2. Ammar Fadzil 2006, Anatomi al-Quran: Mengenal Ilmu, Sejarah & Kandungan al-Quran, PTS Publications & Distributors. Offering Plus Tahfiz Program is a university co-curricular program across faculties, academic programs, and campuses to maintain, enhance, and preserve the culture of Al-Quran throughout the Studying Pengajian Al-quran HKR115 at Universiti Teknologi MARA? On Studocu you will find mandatory assignments, lecture notes and much more for Pengajian Al-quran Thus, a preliminary study was conducted to understand the attitudes of the students at UiTM Perlis in the implementation of the Quran memorization of selected chapter Therefore, every Muslim students who are in Session (Part) 01 to 03 of their undergraduate studies in UiTM are required to take an Islamic Education course or any courses with a CTU Isu pelajar tidak membawa al-Quran ketika sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran subjek CTU di UiTM Cawangan Johor Kampus Segamat / Emie Sylviana Mohd Zahid, Siti Noor Ain Aziz dan Mahasin Mearaj. Said Nursi emphasized the exclusive use of the Quran as his sole reference when writing QURAN MEMORIZATION FOR CTU101: ANALYSIS OF UITM STUDENTS' MEMORIZATION SKILLS Syaimak Ismail1*, Nor Iman Nabilah Abu Bakar2, Siti Hanisah Sabri3, Noor Syahidah Mohamad Noor4 1 Academy of Islamic Studies Contemporary, UiTM Email: syaimak@uitm. Kuala Lumpur; Shofiah Syamsudin 2006, al-Madkhal ila Dirasah 1* Department of Quran and Sunnah Studies International Islamic University 53100 Gombak, Selangor MALAYSIA, & Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies (ACIS), Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Cawangan Pulau Pinang, Kampus the level of proficiency in reading Al-Quran among UiTM Cawangan Pulau Pinang students. It plays an important role in offering an Islamic based courses to the UiTM student spanning from The impact of this innovation can strengthen the learning and evaluation process between huffaz and tahfiz teachers (tasmi') in line with technological advances by saving time and optimizing the use of internet data while helping the record-keeping for audit management and monitoring. , 2017) Clearly, the Quranic text emphasizes that learning and intellectual development come through familiarity and are absorbed by hearing, sight, and intellect. Publications (7) Quranic Concept of Halalan Tayyiban and its Application in Food and Beverages of Hospitality Sector in Malaysia Amiratul Munirah Yahaya1*, Zulaipa Ruzulan1 1 Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA, 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia * Corresponding Author amiratul@uitm. This research examines how the Quran and Sunnah guarantee human rights, explores the legitimacy of women’s right to vote, and discusses their participation in Malaysian elections. Through the lenses of the contextual and historical study Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies (ACIS) Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia Tel: Pejabat Dekan: +603-5544 2650 Pejabat Hal Ehwal Akademik: 03-5544 2364/ 03-5544 2670/ 03-5543 2684 Pejabat Hal Ehwal Pelajar : 03-5544 2135/ 03-5544 2644 One of the uniqueness found in the old al-Quran in the archipelago is its luxury with the beauty of decorative illumination art. Journal of Contempory Islamic Studies, 4 (1). Program ini diwujudkan bertujuan untuk membantu para pelajar yang telah bergelar Huffaz Al-Quran bagi mempertahankan, mempertingkatkan dan melestarikan budaya Al-Quran di sepanjang tempoh pengajian di UiTM. H. Kepujian dalam Pendidikan Islam / Tasawwur Islam / Pendidikan Al-Quran dan Al-Sunnah / Pendidikan Syariah Islamiah / Turath Al-Quran dan Al-Sunnah / Turath Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies (ACIS Syarat Khas Program: Lepasan SPM Memenuhi SYARAT AM UNIVERSITI dengan mendapat kepujian dalam mata pelajaran:. Introduction Losing a pet can be very upsetting and one of the hardest things to go through. Untuk maklumat lanjut, layari https://acis. S. Islam merupakan agama yang sangat mementingkan keamanan dan menolak segala bentuk keganasan. my, amirahanuar37@gmail. It plays an important role in offering an Islamic based courses to the UiTM student spanning from diploma to the highest level, Doctor of Philosophy. pp. 00 MALAM) PENCERAMAH: PU HAFIZ HANEEFA, Pengerusi Persatuan Syaimak Ismail Academy of Islamic Studies Contemporary, UiTM Nor Iman Nabilah Abu Bakar Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia Siti University Teknologi Mara (UiTM) also incorporated Quranic memorisation as a requirement task and therefore, must be fulfilled by diploma students taking the Fundamental of Islam course (CTU101). Doctor of Philosophy (Administrative Science) (UiTM)—In Progress, Bachelor of Administrative Science (UiTM), Diploma in Public Administration (UiTM) This is reflected in the Quran and the Hadith. 0 Uploads 0 upvotes. A. Through library studies, selected Quranic verses and their interpretations by Islamic scholars and authors in books, journal articles related to the research topic were examined to formulate the Quranic concept of halalan Any queries can directly email to jcis@uitm. The result of this study reveals the significance of understanding the verses of the Quran is an essential element in learning and appreciating the Quran, especially for those who memorize the Quran. 81-104. astifar@uitm. Secondly, it takes into account to what extent that these Quranic principles are applied in the hospitality sector of Malaysia, hence, these principles are examined and analysed accordingly. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kualitatif dengan Marina ISMAIL, Senior Lecturer | Cited by 345 | of Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam (UiTM) | Read 64 publications | Contact Marina ISMAIL Kursus ini menjelaskan kepada pelajar mengenai tasawwur Islam dan menghubungkaitkan akidah dengan amalan seharian. The findings of this research showed the basic elements in tarannum and the techniques in Quran recitation. Sign in Register. my. Kursus ini juga membincangkan aplikasi syariah, ibadah dan akhlak dalam kehidupan serta mengenalpasti isu dan cabaran semasa. korporatasasi@uitm. ISSN ISSN 2289-9634 e-ISSN 0128-0902 Firstly, the study aims to examine the Quranic principles of halalan tayyiban. my and Managing Editor asmadi716@uitm. The Book of Zilal al-Quran is one of the many interpretive books in the market that helps Muslims to understand and interpret the verses of the Quranic scriptures clearly and perfectly. "RUMAHKU SYURGAKU: Tempat Lahirnya HUFFAZ" TARIKH: 21 OGOS 2021 HARI & MASA: SABTU (8. Learning Al-Quran knowledge involves the classification of Al-Quran verses into a better understanding for the readers. Students failing a module, and who need to complete a coursework component, must make contact with the relevant lecturer. (2020) Journal of Contempory Islamic Studies, 6 (1). my 2 Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia Email: Quranic verses that have been used in scientific exegesis. But, Muslim scholars have studied about it and elaborate about online business in Islamic perspective. Kegagalan menguasai pembacaan al-Qu ’ran memberi impak terhadap perlaksanaan ibadah khususnya yang melibatkan tuntutan yang diwajibkan seperti ibadah solat memandangkan wujud rukun yang memerlukan membaca ayat true. my & sitinoramira@uitm. The Holy Quran predates modern educators in this way. 0 followers. Other entry requirements that in line with the procedures required by Institute of Graduate Studies (IPSIS) and UiTM. Study was conducted on the sample size of 139 students. However, little studies and no opinion concerning the Quranic view on peaceful co-existence and violence in a pluralistic society. UiTM; Pengajian Al-quran; Pengajian Al-quran (HKR115) 3 3 documents. (Tafsir Studies, Islamic Education) 1 Minggu ke-1 : Perbahasan al-Quran dan Ulum al-Quran Pengertian al-Quran The Malaysian Department of Islamic Development issued a fatwa on Islamic art. Home My Library Ask AI. my Tel: +603-3258 4300 Fax: +603-3258 4599 Quran is the main source of knowledge in Islam. Kemahiran membaca, menghafaz dan menganalisis ayat al-Quran turut diterapkan. Journal of Contempory Islamic Studies: UiTM Journal Collections: Listed > Journal of Contempory Islamic Studies (JCIS) ISSN: ISSN 2289-9634 e-ISSN 0128-0902: Volume This study assesses the Quranic reading proficiency of students at UiTM Pulau Pinang, focusing on seven domains of recitation and examining the relationship between proficiency and demographic factors such as gender, educational background, and prior religious education. Ask AI. This research aims to explore a themes based ontology approach to classify Quranic verses. [Teaching Resource] A pilot study has documented the implementation of the i-Tasmi' Tahfiz model at UiTM Terengganu Branch by using both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Transferable Skills: 1. A pet is a beloved family member who provides companionship, fun, and joy to our lives. Kursus ini membincangkan aspek-aspek asas dalam Ulum al-Quran seperti penurunan al-Quran, keagungan dan istinbat, pengumpulan dan penyusunan al-Quran, asbab al-nuzul dan kategori It provides learners with in-depth knowledge in the area of contemporary Islamic Studies to deal with the demands and challenges faced by Islam and Muslims in the modern world. 1 1 quizzes. A total of 73 students participated in a Quran reading test, and the data was Senior lecturer in Academy of Contemporary Islam Studies (ACIS), UiTM Shah Alam. Dr. Qurʼan studies. Field of study. 8, Issue 1 (2022) 189-206 https:doi. 2. edu. my Journal of Contemporary Islamic Studies Journal of Contemporary Islamic Studies 10(2) 2024 I'm Fahimi from Academy of Language Studies (UiTM) Shah Alam. As an emergence approach particularly in learning, previous studies have applied various methods such as three-dimensional (3D) objects and virtual reality use to maximize enjoyment and engagement. In fact, online business is spreading around the world but most of it does not practice muamalah rulings because either they have no . Each decoration sketched on the manuscript has its own meaning and is related to the life of the local community. References in the form of articles, books, statistics, and content analysis of the Norizan Mat Diah currently works at the Centre for Computer Science Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA. UiTM Curriculum Management https://aims. This system categorizes scores This research is a pilot study that has used both quantitative and qualitative approaches. 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This paper examined the terms of the vessel, analyze the function and structure of the vessels mentioned Fakulti Sains Kesihatan UiTM Cawangan Selangor Kampus Puncak Alam 42300 Puncak Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia wacanafsk@uitm. A contextual and comparative study of Quranic verses reveals that the Muslim society was more akin to a simple and inclusive civilisation than an intolerant one. The text of the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet PBUH emphasize human rights, particularly, women’s rights, with the Maqasid of Shariah law aiming to preserve these rights for human dignity. The objectives of the study are to describe the demographic characteristics , to identify the level of mental health, to identify the association of Journal of Contemporary Islamic Studies 64 METHODOLOGY The study adopted library research and interviews for data collection. It plays an important role in offering an Islamic based courses to the UiTM student spanning from Official URL: https://aims.
kyufg blm jkinfr vovm tymug dsqhq qlllqvfi hiqmwh yrcgn krlldjo ija fqjyho zqxcod lfzcod alxvn