Saleae logic voltage Threshold: A voltage level set by the logic analyzer or by the user. saleae. Saleae - Logic 2 Logic 2. 0 (HS) rates, the data will be on other wires/signals, and at voltages & speeds that logic can’t reliably ‘see’ any more. 2 volts as a logic high, whereas a 12V part would ignore everything up to a much higher voltage. 0V to 5. But as you can see the SPI clock not picked properly by Saleae Logic Pro 8. 25V. cornel February 1, 2021, 8:27am 1. Right now I only focused on enumerating FM command and properties; but I will likely expand on this to fully enumerate the FM RDS information and the AM radio The Saleae Logic is a USB-based, 8-channel logic analyzer with up to 24MHz sampling rate. I am aware of the support articles: “In addition to the hardware AA filter, there is a digital-analog filter that engages for sample rates Over Voltage Protection The input pins on the new Saleae Logic devices (Logic 4, Logic 8, Logic Pro 8 and Logic Pro 16) have protection for signals within -25. Use the Async Serial Analyzer. Full details on the threshold options for each product can be found here: However, none of the products support a continuously variable user selectable threshold voltage. henderson. 2 Volts” logic level. 2 volts Saleae logic pro 8 captures incorrect signals with Software version 2. 25V Works with 5V, 3. We’ve suggested here and there in the past that this calibration file Saleae - Logic 2 Quick calibration hack to adjust channel gain and offset \Users\<your user folder>\AppData\Roaming\Logic\calibrations # the first part of the file name is the The Logic software includes a feature to suppress short digital pulses in the recorded data. The physical size of the fixture made Hello, Disclaimer : I am a beginner in electronics 😀. ESD protected per CE requirements Input Impedance 180Kohm || 7pF (typical, approximate) Maximum Input Bandwidth 25MHz square wave Crosstalk Immunity Tolerant of simultaneous switching on up to 8 channels at all voltages. If you were to connect this analyzer to a 1. Hi I’m using a Login Pro 8 I want to see on the screen several measurements like maximum and minimum voltage. Download Links Windows - Linux - MacOS Check out the Saleae Logic 2 Extension Marketplace! - Read more about the Marketplace on the Saleae blog! Improvements Jump to the beginning or end of the data table using Home and End keys when hovering over the data table Pan to the beginning or end of the capture using Home and End keys when Please do a copy and past of the code on Logic 1 to Logic 2. I am running into glitches in my recordings such as the following: image 1432×1091 44. I’m seeing input topping out at ~10. dyen August 24, 2023, Decode Differential and High Voltage Data. F Saleae Logic Pro 16 will be in stock at Saleae next week. 65 V on Logic Pro) (see support article about supported voltage thresholds for more details) Over Voltage Protection The input pins on the new Saleae Logic devices (Logic 4, Logic 8, Logic Pro 8 and Logic Pro 16) have protection for signals within -25. I really appreciate. Input voltage range: -0. Specifically, that means that for devices with selectable thresholds, only a few fixed options can be All Saleae devices with analog inputs have fixed analog voltage range. Product Research. av. thanks, Jeff. I have tested on other channels Hi I’m having a problem with the Voltage Y-axis. The new Logic 8 is significantly more advanced. Hi All, I’ve been trying to debug a Modbus enabled device using the Saleae. The same can happen when recording 5 volt CMOS. 2V results in undefined behavior. The CLK frequency is 1. The maximum sample rates depends on the number of digital and analog channels used. 13 Download Links Windows Linux MacOS [x86_64] MacOS [Apple Silicon] 2. 30 running on Debian. Configuration: Saleae 8 Pro, Logic 2. 5 for the SPI configuration with a prescaler of 2 so at the end we have CLK of 750 kHz. Note that unused inputs may exhibit crosstalk if left floating. The 1st Generation What is the trigger voltage for the digital IO? can it be adjusted? Saleae - Logic 2 Logic 2. 6V Over-voltage protection to +/- 50V. It has a significant number of features designed with professional engineers in mind. They seem to be related to the height of the channel. Repeated trigger capture . ESD protected per CE requirements Over-voltage protection to +/- 15V. 5V to 0. Even though the logic analyzer presents the digital signal as a 1 or 0 (high or low), the real world is still By looking at the analog channels we will see not only logic high and low, but two voltages. Currently we have an analog channel connected to the Output Voltage of a Current Sensor. The Saleae Logic Pro 8 is one of the two USB 3. Each Logic is DC calibrated and INL and DNL are tested. Decode Differential and High Voltage Data. markgarrison December 30, 2020, 12:53am 6. You’ll need to ensure that your data meets the voltage threshold specification of Logic 8 mentioned below in order for the logic LOWs and logic HIGHs to be Logic analyzers are capable of monitoring anywhere from 4 to over 100 channels at the same time. No worries - you can do many things even better than real scopes. 1: 1321: September 28, 2022 What is the maximum input before breakdown? 2: 851: Like an hint: “Dear user, the measured voltage on all channels is of limit, you might want to consider changing the voltage to #n,n V” Saleae - Logic 2 Alpha 14. Hi, I exported the usb protocol The original Saleae Logic (8 channel, digital only) has different input loading when it is not connected to the PC and configured. The analog input on Logic 4 and Logic 8 is limited to +0V Saleae - Logic 2 Signal measurement window issues. Protocol Analyzers. The device connects to a PC over USB and uses the Saleae Logic Software to record and view digital and analog signals. Similar to the "normal" trigger mode of an oscilloscope, it would be useful if Logic could be set capture an amount of You would want to record CAN-Low due to the requirement for crossing the voltage threshold of our digital channel inputs on transitions. Thank you for your help In case you would like us to provide a standalone version of our Logic 2 app that is immediately available for download, feel free to vote for it in the feature request post here. They do not support a hardware analog zoom like oscilloscopes do. battery voltages, and audio. 0 logic analyzers made by Saleae. Halo everyone! You would want to record CAN-Low due to the requirement for crossing the voltage threshold of our digital channel inputs on transitions. 8 But for my thesis I was made aware of the logic analyzers of Saleae, so I remembered them in this situation. Logic Pro 8 and Logic Pro 16 employ fixed voltage threshold options with little to no hysteresis (we don’t characterize the hysteresis amount either). sivarama. Saleae Logic Pro 16 capabilities for a task. 3 HT240E") 24MHz The fact is the current logic display is currently focused on time history visualization (means horizontal swipe) that makes sense for (ana)logic analyzer mode. 6 volts; Voltage input HIGH: 1. 3V Connecting the Logic Analyzer. RS-232, RS-485, and RS-422 transmit data via asynchronous serial communication. 5V to 5. 37. 3+ volts setting (actual threshold limit is 1. , 0V to 3. The Saleae wiring is definitely higher quality vs. mstharunreddy February 20, 2024, 2:10pm 1. x; Recording Multiple Protocols at the Same Time; Changing the Display Radix (Base) Which Logic Analyzer Should I Get? How to View and Debug Firmware Variables, State, and Function Calls; Using Saleae Logic Devices with Third-Party Pattern Generators Hi, I use Beaglebone Black as SPI master. Let's say 4 V. For Logic 8's digital channels, the range between 0. So what would be nice would be to have that available from the manu (Y zoom-out / zoom-in / Y fit + Y set). SPI Clock issue. 3+ Volts is selected (only for Logic Pro 8 and Logic Pro 16; the Logic 8 does not have this setting but will automatically . Open. Saleae Logic Pro 16. Related topics Topic Replies Views Activity; Logic analysis on analog waveforms. ejohn1164 November 30, 2021, would be the best approach to ensure the correct frequency readings without duty cycle fluctuations caused by our Logic’s fixed voltage threshold. Datasheets & Specifications The 2nd Generation of Saleae products (Logic 4, Logic 8, Logic Pro 8, & Logic Pro 16) use calibration data generated at Saleae to display accurate AC and DC values. Can the Logic Pro 8 decode differential I2C, or do you just sniff the SCL+ and SDA+ lines ? Saleae - Logic 2 Differential I2C. The device can be safely used for normal operation with signals in this range. Then allow the GUI scaling to permit higher voltages. 3V. Jeff March Simply letting Logic capture for 15-30 minutes will cause the UI to become unresponsive, as well as stop displaying new data. csv-file and then reading it back from disk, which is pretty tedious. 22 - Analog measurements on Linux. In other words, worse case. goncalves May 26, 2021, 12:20pm 1. d) Yea, I just had the dynamixel analyzer there but I’m ignoring that until I can get Serial to 2. Currently, if you look at a “normal” analog voltage at, say 0. Thanks for suggesting the specific line hook ups! The MCU123 Saleae Logic clone is a USB-based, 8-channel logic analyzer with up to 24MHz sampling rate. 49 What’s New Measurement API We’ve expanded the capabilities of the Measurement API with a focus on Analog channels as part of a longer term product development plan to help our customers Hi, I know this has been asked before (not only by me;) but now after a log “sw only break” I’m back using Logic 16 PRO, and for the first tests/measurements I really would love to have this feature now (task: measure current via 2 voltage channels from a 0. For this reason, you can use our The original Logic could record signals at 24 MSPS on 8 channels and supported IO voltages between 2. 5V – 5V logic and RS-232/485 signals, but only some support 1. com Supported Voltages. 3 + Volts” as the logic voltage, the issue goes away. 9. Is it possible to change the units of the Analog channel? Many times I need to measure voltages or currents with my Logic analog channels that have to be scaled using hardware circuits so that the Logic can measure them. I agree But what I would like is to set the voltage scale to a certain value. x capture files with Logic2. I want to measure the difference between CAN H and CAN L onthe CAN bus with my Logic analyzer. 2. 3: 491: September 29, The hardware isn’t there to do really fast repetitive triggering across wide voltages, etc. On USB3. Input High Voltage: >= 3. Input Voltage Range In practice, the useable range is slightly Learn Asynchronous Serial; Topology – Where Do the Wires Go? Voltages; How Do You Transmit Information with Only One Wire? The Bits on the Bus Go One at a Time The new Saleae Logic products (Logic 4, Logic 8, Logic Pro 8, Logic Pro 16) can be used to read and decode RS-232, RS-485, and RS-422 data up to +/- 25V. Hello! Having trouble decoding RS485 modbus captured using the analyzer. Wait 5 secs to change voltage like happens on Logic 1 is not a problem I understand that this a “incentive” to buy a new hardware, but for me that use this as a hobby and don’t do money with that is a lot of money. 3. Delightfully intuitive software and The analog input voltage range can be extended with a pair of external voltage divider resistors. chris. The analog input on Logic 4 and Logic 8 is limited to +0V It would be good if the channel Y axis zoom levels on analog channels were persisted across a restart. Saleae - Logic 2 Changing units of Analog channel. 00V for continuous Industry-leading 16 channel usb logic analyzer for professional electronic circuit debugging, protocol analysis and power sequencing verification. Cancel. When I start the software the analog channels range is set between +10V and -10V. Could you explain me why ? Best, A. 3 KB. ADC values will either be in the range of 0–255 or 0–4095. Logic 8 has a fixed input voltage threshold for its digital channels. 3V/5. The analog input on Logic 4 and Logic 8 is limited to +0V Effortlessly capture signals and decode protocols like SPI, I2C, I3C, CAN bus, Serial, and many more with the world's most trusted USB logic analyzer. 0 volts. 00V to +25. Device Settings To begin, plug 2 cable harnesses into your Saleae Logic Analyzer. For high-speed or low-voltage applications, the Logic Pro devices are the best-suited choice. The problem to fix is translating the divider ratio to Logic 2, so that the GUI signals can be correctly scaled. While the Saleae Logic is connected to the PC, if For instance, when recording, 12-volt TTL with Logic 8 would detect any spike above 1. Looping mode, with 0. vajrasana January 3, 2020, 1:24am 61. Is this possible? How can I do it? thanks Saleae - Logic 2 Measurements. peterson April 8, 2020, 3:52pm 43. You can find datasheets for the Saleae logic analyzers below. Logic Pro 8, Logic Pro 16, and our Original Logic16 all feature adjustable voltage thresholds, which can be set via the voltage dropdown setting next to the digital sampling rate setting. The unit itself is very small, and has a USB 2. 5GB of memory buffer size on a Logic Pro 16. 00V for continuous operation. saleae Over Voltage Protection The input pins on the new Saleae Logic devices (Logic 4, Logic 8, Logic Pro 8 and Logic Pro 16) have protection for signals within -25. Now, I had an emergency where I needed to check a RS422 connection between two devices. Thanks for suggesting the specific line hook ups! Saleae - Logic 2 Saleae for Automotive (OBD2/ISO 15031) Logic 2 Software. 6Gbit of data which must be Logic 8 has a fixed input voltage threshold for its digital channels. Attenuation @ Nyquist The Saleae Logic 4 USB Logic Analyzer is a 4 channel logic analyzer with one input dual purposed as a single channel analog data recorder. You may be recording at too slow of a digital sample rate or using the wrong voltage standard if you find one or more pulses in the digital data that are only 1 sample wide (1/sample rate Return to saleae. When compared to the analog signal, the digital line transitions low at about the right time, but then Saleae - Logic 2 Analog Low Level Analyzer. All Saleae devices support 2. For more information about the differences between the Saleae products and oscilloscopes, see this article: For more information about the analog resolution of the Saleae products, see this article: Logic Pro 8. Special features of the Logic Pro devices: If you have the original logic (or a cheap knock-off), then upgrade: Saleae, Inc. For Logic Pro 16, this is an awesome 9. balaci. cheeng August 17, 2022, 5:24pm 1. Submit. Support. Saleae Logic 8 $499. If you notice a problem with the voltage threshold on one of those devices, please let us know! Saleae - Logic 2 Logic analysis on analog waveforms. 4. If a scope didn’t suffer from a limited buffer how would you want to zoom in and out on your data? Saleae - Logic 2 [1 Question Poll] Scope settings while you zoom. Notes: The 1. I had a logic pro8 & a pro16 connected to a test fixture that was not behaving. Input Voltage Range In practice, the useable range is slightly wider. 25MS/s and 1. Is there a way to directly display the Download Links Windows - Linux - MacOS What’s New Access and discover shortcuts via the command palette (Crtl-P or CMD-P) Improvements Improvements to HDMI-CEC analyzer (thanks to guzu) Updated Raw Data Export dialog layout with digital channels listed first & added all / none buttons to make it easier to filter channels LLAs using the Binary Export Format (Digital) - Logic 1. Saleae - Logic 2 Logic Table data (protocol decoder info) doesn’t match the timestamps of the analog voltage data timings. But the timestamps doesn’t match. e. The inputs are not ESD protected. Neel January 27, 2021 Supported Voltages; Device Calibration; Using Logic Software. The other 2 products which support adjustable digital voltage settings, Logic Pro 8, and Logic Pro 16, should work properly. Over Voltage Protection The input pins on the new Saleae Logic devices (Logic 4, Logic 8, Logic Pro 8 and Logic Pro 16) have protection for signals within -25. Voltages detected by the probe below the threshold I finally got around to working on some hobby stuff this weekend. Includes the the Logic Pro 16 hardware, Logic 8 has a fixed input voltage threshold for its digital channels. vemula November 18, 2022, 5:56pm 1. At the moment I am storing the capture to a . 5 volts and 5. goncalves May 23, 2021, 10:37am 1. The HW is also capable of real time measurement but the current HMI of the software is not so convenient to be clearly readable for instant measurements (especially when all channels A CAN transceiver will translate this differential bus voltage to a nice digital input voltage (i. 6V; Voltage input high: 1. Some of the Saleae logic analyzers do support selectable thresholds. Thank you. The levels are below digital thresholds, and/or the analog isn’t fast enough on a logic for USB2+ signals. (for more detailed explanation see the support article on decoding differential and high-voltage data) Digital threshold (if using CAN_L pin or 3. c) The servos and the board they’re talking to are configured to 2M. Not meant for continuous operation outside -0. r. 0 V to 5 V-10 V to 10 V-10 V to 10 V. x; MATLAB Data Export Format - Legacy Logic 1. 3V low-dropout voltage regulator: Advanced Monolithic Systems AMS1117-3. timreyes February 2, 2021, 3:01am 3. Software Extensions. If desired, unused inputs can be disabled. konrad. thank you for walking me through this and enlighten me! Yes, I did a mistake in selecting the wrong operation Our Logic 8’s voltage threshold is fixed at the following levels; Voltage input LOW: 0. Also let us know what I’m trying to measure the peak-to-peak voltage of an analog signal but all I see is Vrms and the change in time. 2V input voltage high spec allows Logic 8 to be used directly with the CAN low channel of 3. (Referenced from here: Supported Voltages | Saleae Support) Voltage input low: 0. I tried 1. A volt-meter will see an digital signal as a partial voltage. 81. x, running protocols above the 2. 0V systems. This time around I decided to play with the HLA plugin framework. Roadmap Logic 2 - Ideas and Feature Requests. 4: 162: July 17, 2024 Max Analog input voltage. 0 port connecting it to a PC (and powering the unit) and a connector for the 8 + 1 probe set. 13 Welcome to the 2. timreyes June 25, 2021, but only when operating at “1. Related topics Topic Replies Views Activity; I2C decoding concern. 3+ V digital I/O RX pin): use 3. 8V Input High Voltage: 2. So if you have boosted the channel height to get a clear However, if there is a ground path, then current will flow from that voltage supply through the logic analyzer's ground pin, through the USB cable and the host PC, and then through the secondary ground connection—either MAIN earth ground or another USB port, back to the ground on the DUT. 6V and 1. 6: ZBasically I want the voltage value at a specific packet, lets say PID IN or PID OUT. The Tolerant of simultaneous switching on up to 8 channels at all voltages. Your bus is most idle (80% The Saleae Logic 4 USB Logic Analyzer is a 4 channel logic analyzer with one input dual purposed as a single channel analog data recorder. 13 release of Logic! This release contains a lot of changes under the hood, especially to how we save and load Saleae - Logic 2 Saleae for Automotive (OBD2/ISO 15031) Logic 2 Software. I use Saleae for documentation and having a defined scale would be appreciated. eduardo. Logic Accessories. 25V Input Low Voltage: -0. The ability to log data from multiple saleae devices at a time. Saleae - Logic 2 Modbus Analyzer RS485. Saleae Logic Pro 8 $999. Hi. Note that the arrow on the harness connector should be facing up and to the left (toward the ‘S’ in Saleae on your Logic Analyzer). Industry leading logic analyzer for professional debug of electronic circuits, protocol analysis, and power sequencing. 8V but not recommended. com Changelog Log in. com Keyboard Shortcuts. 8V for the voltage. Where I developed an HLA for the Silicon Labs Si4735 radio chip. There is slight variation from channel to channel, but Logic 8 has an analog sample rate of 10MS/s at 10-bits, and Logic Pro 8 and Pro 16 sample at 50MS/s at 12-bits. 8 Channels + 500MS/s. (Referenced from here: Supported Voltages | Saleae Support) Taking a look at your capture file, it doesn’t look Can you let me know what the maximum input voltage is on the analog channels. Please add a new Custom Scale input setting where the divider ratio can be entered. support. On Saleae I can only show time measurements. I’m hoping your’re able to reproduce this issue as well. This means the vertical You may also try choosing a different digital threshold, depending on the hardware voltage levels for your logic inputs and analyzer capability (as a different level might be more stable): support. A logic analyzer is a debugging tool used to record and view digital signals. Make sure the logic analyzer supports the electrical specifications of your signal. 2 and 1. 8 V logic circuit, it would not be able to detect any logic highs! As a result, you will want The absolute maximum voltage range is −25V to 25V for Logic Pro 16’s inputs. 1 Ohm shunt, show delta-voltage or directly scale to current and/or power (times voltage). jelen March 25, 2020, re voltage measurements: this is now calculated for a region selection, not for the markes, although I see that this The exact analog voltage range of the device is stored in the device’s calibration file. Specifically I am trying to check the readout of registers but haven’t been able to confirm whether the device is sending anything back or if I’m Download Links Windows - Linux - MacOS Check out the Saleae Logic 2 Extension Marketplace! - Read more about the Marketplace on the Saleae blog! 2. 6V low threshold, hence why your digital channels look like they are idling high. Suggest a Feature Would be nice to be able to open Logic 1. See the Wikipedia article on USB signaling/PHY for more details. You ca see the analog has a little noise and this is causing small 8ns glitches on the "we are using Saleae Logic Pro 16 with Analog capabilities for doing some measurements. 00. Logic 2 Software. Supported IO Voltages, Differential, and RS-232/485 Support. If the device does not seem to have a problem, there is no ground loop or no common mode ground voltage, but the device is still causing problems with your circuit, please let us know. The Pro models have the ability to configure between 3 voltage threshold options, and Logic 8 has 1 fixed voltage threshold value. 2: 806: Hello, we are using the saleale logic 8 to read data transfer between an STM32 MCU and an IC through SPI. Capturing at 6. Automation & Analyzer SDK. Quantity: Sold out. 3V, 2. First, Logic 8 allows you to disable unused channels in order to achieve higher If you’ve used a scope before you probably noticed that the sample rate and the voltage resolution changes as you zoom in and out. Four digital, two analog channels turned on. May work with 1. The analog input on Logic 4 and Logic 8 is limited to +0V Hi there I am using Saleae Logic 8 with Automation Python API to capture one Analog Channel for 200ms and I was wondering if I can directly use the capture inside python, for example as a numpy array (e. the cheap jumper wires, but for relatively short debugging lengths and digital voltage levels The Gen 2 Saleae Logic devices (Logic 4, Logic 8, Logic Pro 8, and Logic Pro 16) are considerably more capable than Gen 1 (Original Logic and Logic16). For your comment below: The only thing related that I can Saleae also sells Logic-to-Wires (Gen 2) accessory that you could make your own adapter for, or you could cut the Logic-to-2x4 Header (Gen 2) in half and splice into your own custom extension(s), too. It is designed to help remove noise picked up in the digital recording. 3 (markings: "AMS1117 3. Decode Differential and High Voltage Data I am trying to understand the technical limitations of Saleae Logic’s analog inputs. 40. 5V, and have to restart Logic, you end up with non-sensical voltages on the Y axes. Typically, this means that, if the rising/falling edges have a relatively gradual slope, any inline noise might trigger these glitches (due to the little to no hysteresis around the threshold). 5V, 2. 3V CAN. It is a reliable hardware. So, I plugged CAN H on pin 1 and CAN L on GND (associated to pin 1), so that Channel 1 will have CAN H - CAN L as voltage. 2V; Taking a look at your capture file, it doesn’t look like the voltage is crossing the 0. g. 3. anything new for Using Saleae Logic Devices with Third-Party Pattern Generators; Can Logic Operate with a Full-Speed USB Isolator? This array either contains calibrated voltages or ADC sample numbers, depending on which option was selected in the export. 5MS/s respectively. More information on our safety guidelines are described below: SMBus Analyzer - User Guide. There What is the maximum current draw from USB for the Logic Pro 16 ? That is, with the maximum sample rate, all channels operating, etc. When selecting “3. Make sure 3. Saleae - Logic 2 Resize the Y-Height. When using lower voltage thresholds with larger swing signals, noise on the signal when it is in the low state can easily be picked up by the Saleae devices, even when the Powered by GitBook b) The analyzer is Logic 8 pro. It is not a square wave, they are random spikes. time/voltage columns). When voting for it, you can refer to Mark's comment to provide us with If your logic analyzer is only capable of sampling 5 V TTL levels, it might have 2 V as the logic high threshold. Unfortunately, I am not able to see anything. 0V depending on VDD of I/O pins on an ‘RX’ pin) that is easier to probe with digital logic analyzer. 9V to 6V. Downloads / Releases. wdeyuovitmtuwmtguwbdzuxtpxlvkcjncozoifbxsnvjbzjrlchyvpytmnvefofzgccfbao