Purlin load span tables When these are not in place, the purlins have a The following notes apply to the load tables in this section - 1. pdf), Text File (. The chart typically includes information such as the size and gauge of the C-Purlin, the type of load (i. 5 %âãÏÓ 956 0 obj > endobj 991 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[94BB06E033E6976C97C21A89E1E5B0E6>81503BEDB824084E91F7259219B0EFAF>]/Index[956 51]/Info 955 0 R Floor joist span tables 63-88 Allowable web crippling loads 89-92 Overview 90 Allowable web crippling loads—single membersproducts that perform as a system, we support a range of efforts 91 Allowable web crippling loads—built-up members 92 Reference 93-99 Fastening options 94 Typical construction details 95-98 Material certification 99 Manufacturing and sales locations purlins and girts based on this information to be used with steel roof and wall claddings. voestalpine Metsec plc Purlins & Side Rails. pdf - Free download as PDF File (. For slopes greater than 25 °, use our MetSPEC design software. Albion Z section purlins and rail members are designed for Click on a span to generate a full calculation (you can adjust the exact span and slope). Register In Our Download Centre For Technical Documents . 0m spans 6 7. Standard Purlin Spacing Standard Purlin Spacing (Gable Building) Standard Purlin Spacing (Single Slope Building) Standard Girt Spacing. com. Allowable loads have been The frequency and type of bridging will vary based on the purlin material, span length, and anticipated loads. The design tables also include section property, member resistance and ultimate load tables calculated according to BS EN 1993-1-1: 2005 and its associated National Annex. 5m spans 12 Axial Load Tables 14 Bolt Joint Capacity 16 Splice Joints 17 Sectional Properties 19 Section Capacities 19 Worked Examples 20 Brace Channel Capacity 24 DETAILING AND INSTALLATION Ordering 25 Section Geometry 25 Purlin Dimensions 25 Standard Hole 1. 4 Top Notch Purlin System Load Span Tables; 2. All sizes are available with pre-punched holes and with a full range of accessories Z and C10015 Purlin Span Table single span Span Inward Load Outward Load Deflection; mm: 0 rows bridging In some combinations of span configuration and loading there is no benefit in increasing the number of bridging rows. 1) = Allowable load/linear foot of Z and C15019 Purlin Span Table double span Span Inward Load Outward Load Deflection; mm: 0 rows bridging Purlin, rail and eaves beam load span tables are also available to download, click here to download brochure. Purlin spacing can be adjusted to suit increased loads particularly when services are placed on the construction. 3 • Hole Punching • Structural Lap Lengths • Member Weight • Deflection • Cleat Multibeam LEC Purlin . Min. DHS PURLIN SYSTEM LOAD SPAN TABLES Uniformly loaded bending capacities (kN/m) and axial compression capacities (kN) are given for DHS purlins and girts for spans between 3. Spans: Face to face of supports 2. 25 kPa) Z and C35030 Purlin Span Table single span Span Inward Load Outward Load Deflection; mm: 0 rows bridging and C girtweight tables. A Lower Embodied Carbon solution for purlins. 6) Imposed loads of 0. View Overview. Self-weight of the Top Notch Purlin System is not included in any load tables and must be calculated as part of the total dead load of the building elements supported by the purlin. Angle struts should be used to restrain against uplift. This figure corresponds to the maximum internal span of appropriate Metroll roof or wall cladding. 2DHS Purlin System Design Considerations 2. 5m – 10. The load tables contained in this document are the result of extensive design and testing using the facilities and skills of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at The University of Strathclyde. The performance of the systems shown in this document has been derived by calculation in accordance with BS EN1993-1-3: 2006, calibrated and CEE & ZED Purlins - Limit state capacity tables SINGLE SPANS Zed/Cee – 100 mm x 2. rafter pitch for sheeting 10. Click here to Load Tables. Interior FramingUse iProSTUD in ClarkDietrich iTools to quickly lookup the interior framing system you need. Turn to the design capacity tables for the preferred span configuration 3. Alternatively the SkyCiv Purlin Spacing Calculator can be used to calculate z and c purlin span. Purlin load tables are valid up to and including 25° roof slopes. L/150 = Load for deflection span/150. Purlin and side rail tables have bean calibrated following extensive full scale testing undertaken at Load tables provide unfactored gravity load capacities which are based on the lesser of the purlin working load capacity or as controlled by a deflection limit of Span/180. 8 Top Notch Purlin System Components tables, loads have to be converted to uniformly distributed loads. 5. Using Table F-2 (Figure #3), check each lumber size to see if a 16-inch spacing will permit a span of 15 feet 1 inch. Products & Systems. 25m and 10. Load tables for our purlin and side rail systems. DESIGN & SPECIFICATION DATA Section Z or C Thickness mm Yield Stress MPa Mass kg/m 75-95 0. Metal Forming Division voestalpine AG. Span Tables for Purlin Supporting Rafters (to BS 5268-7. UNCONTROLLED COPY. PURLIN SIZES AND PROPERTIES Table 1 lists the purlin sizes available. 0” line in the “Spacing” column at the left of the table, then go to the right ProSigma+ (Galv. Explore all our Product Ranges. The braces need to be supported by a bearing wall, shown in the diagram above. Steel z purlins and z girts are also available with other depths and Heavy End Bay Purlin System Load Table. 8 Double span load table Span Total Working Loads Ultimate U. 1. So if headroom is tight, often it’s better to have shorter spans so your beams and joist are smaller ensuring you have adequate headroom above and below the Mezzanine. Start with the “16. LOAD CAPACITY TABLES. Explore All Products Explore All Products. High performance cold rolled solution providing eaves support. co. Quick View. Talk to Us. Establish the required inward and outward loads using AS1170. 5DHS Purlin System Design Examples 2. BROWN PTY LTD APEX PURLIN TABLES 12. 2 A TC2 2247 4359 4632 2957 3956 4352 2155 3525 4134 2115 3153 3838 75 x 0. Nominal section size (mm) Bolt specification 100, 150, 200, 250 M12 LYSAGHT® purlin bolt: standard (grade 4. 2 Top Notch Purlin System Design Considerations; 2. The tables Span Tables. Select a suitable purlin from the outward design capacity page (always the left-hand opening) 4. 2 2. 1 = 82. Multibeam Purlin. A C-Purlin span chart is a table or chart that provides information on the maximum allowable span for a C-Purlin of a given size and gauge (i. Cladco Section 140 Z 1. The Section properties and load span table brochure presents load span capacities for Albion Sections’ eaves beam, purlin and side rail systems. 2 SECONDARY FRAMING . L. Steeline C Purlins STRUCTURAL C SECTION PURLINS ST37 C100 C200 C250 C150 BUTT JOIN C SECTION tables, loads have to be converted to uniformly distributed loads. Loading: Dead Load - spans are based on 40 kg/m2 (normal metal roof and ceiling load ) - for higher Dead Loads refer to Tecbeam Australasia or a Structual Engineer. Notes: 1. 0. To obtain deflections for other loads linear proportioning may be used. Guideline Span Table for SA Pine Rafters - Sheeting & Tiles. TOP NOTCH PURLIN SYSTEM LOAD SPAN TABLES Uniformly loaded bending capacities (kN/m) are given for the Top Notch Purlin System for spans between 1. 3 SPECIFIC DESIGN – DHS PURLIN SYSTEM 2. Weight of roofing material and other dead loads must be subtracted from tabulated values of purlins to determine net live load capabili es. Where purlin spans are unequal between supports, each purlin should have 6. If non-uniform bay spacings exist, contact factory. Purlin span tables are invaluable resources for engineers, builders, and contractors involved in roof construction. Datasheets. ) - Single Span Purlins - Load Tables The Span Tables below have been created in accordance with EN 1993-1-3 (Eurocode EC3) and calculated by the Steel Construction Institute (SCI). These span A wide range of product literature, software and guides to aid in the design of the various products is available. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. 6) or high strength (grade 8. 59 75-15 1. Albion Z section purlins are manufactured by cold roll forming pre-hot dipped galvanised steel S450 having a guaranteed minimum yield strength of 450N/mm2 and a Z275 galvanised coating. Purlin weights have not been subtracted from them. 0m – 7. using a 50×76 sheeting purlin @ 1,200mm 2. 75 A TC2. D. 8) Z Purlin Roof and Z Girt Wall Structural Steel Wind, Snow, & Weight Tables Flexospan provides standard, even-profile Z purlins and Z girts as well as custom profiles and punching patterns. Values above dotted horizontal line in body of table are governed by the strength of the grade 8. 3DHS Purlin System Section Properties 2. Safe Wind Suction (negative) Loads (kN/m²) The span tables below have been created in accordance with EN 14509. Download MetFloor Technical Manual. Stramit Section properties and load span table brochure presents load span capacities for Albion Sections’ eaves beam, purlin and side rail systems. 8) 300, 350 M16 LYSAGHT® purlin bolt: standard (grade 4. 5 plf Live (snow) Load (load on Section properties and load span table brochure presents load span capacities for Albion Sections’ eaves beam, purlin and side rail systems. These spans were calculated using our rafter calculation engine. 4. Overview. 3. 5m – 17. Primary Menu. These spans were calculated using our purlin calculation engine. 75 x girt spacing (ft) x wind coefficient (typically 1. Use the span tables in the links below to determine the maximum allowable lengths of joists and rafters. Tabulated values are allowable superimposed loads (PLF) on normal 1/2:12 to 4:12 roof pitches. CANTILEVER PURLIN OPTION antilever Purlin or atten to extend over at least length 3 rafter/truss supports deflections in the unlapped and lapped 2 span tables. Tables valid for Simply Supported Beams only. Establish the required inward and outward loads, normally using AS1170. On the other hand, purlin load tables are used to determine the maximum load a purlin can support. kingspan. The document provides load tables for zed purlins, zed rails, cee rails, and eaves beams. Purlin Span Tables. Home; Contact Us ; Business Groups in GB. Use of lapped end span tables with corresponding lapped internal span tables assumes that the lapped span is S450 section properties and load span tables. All Stramit C or Z Purlins and Girts may be available with downturn lips for special projects. WIND CATEGORIES: B, C and D. OUTWARD = Outward load capacity. 2Top Notch Purlin System Quick Reference Guide 2. 0 ©2000-2012 1T3XT BVBA 2018-09-27T11:46:10-07:00 2020-05-04T13:47:06-07:00 FrameMaker 2017. 5 450 1. Note: the additional consideration of one span loaded is appropriate to this type of floor. What can we help you with? General Enquiry Technical Enquiry . 4. Purlin load tables are valid up to and including 25° roof slopes. 77 100-12 1. Double span load capacities are based on the consideration of a uniformly distributed load on both spans or on one span only. Contact Us. Eaves Beam. 6. Check for inward capacity and deflection on the adjacent page at the same section, span and bridging Most double span bar lengths can be provided, although bays over 9m generally use single span lengths and are sleeved at every other joint to maintain continuity. Purlin Spacing 600 900 1200 1500 Maximum Purlin span for purlin configuration 64 X 1. 4DHS Purlin System Load Span Tables 2. For more information download our Purlin Technical Manual. The longer the span, the larger the member. INWARD = Inward load capacity. In addition to Span Tables Author Bartosz elch for T C24 Span Tables The following span tables indicate the required size of C24 strength class timber members for common uses. Tighten all bolts to 55 Nm torque. It includes load capacities for Millform Australia SINGLE SPAN PURLIN LOAD TABLES The loads shown (kN) are dependent on lateral restraint of the upper flange by suitable cladding. Mezzanine Floor Tie Bars. TECHNICAL DIAGRAM ON PAGE 35 – 30mm M AXIMUM ALLOW ABLE SP ANS (mm) Sheet Roof Spacing (mm) Rafter Size 600 760 900 1000 1200 66 x 30 850 750 700 700 600 90 x 30 1200 1050 1000 900 850 138 x 30 1700 1550 1400 1300 1200 185 x 30 2000 1750 1600 1550 1400 230 x 30 2000 1800 1600 HOW TO USE THE TABLES HOOKFAST BRIDGING SYSTEM • Application • Construction Material • Installation Process • Sheet Length & Expansion Joint Sizing • Welding • Safe Work Practice • Material Protection & Compatibility • On-site Storage 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 • Hole Punching • Structural Lap Lengths • construction, industrial, and government Member Weight • Deflection bearers should calculated by engineers as each overall area and load differs standard bearers are normally 76x228mm supported every 2. Mezzanine Floor Details. Product Brochures & Manuals. Rafter Span Tables Note also that you can break up the span of a rafter by adding a purlin and bracing to the underside. 0m spans 10 14. 6 Top Notch Purlin System Material Specification; 2. 5m spans 8 11. SPAN TABLES & SECTION PROPERTIES HOOKFAST BRIDGING SYSTEM •ation Applic • Construction Material • Installation Process • Sheet Length & Expansion Joint Sizing • Welding • Safe Work Practice • Material Protection & Compatibility • On-site Storage 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 • Hole Punching • Structural Lap Lengths • Member Weight • Deflection • Cleat Connections • Bolts The Kingspan Multibeam Purlin system has been extensively developed to offer best possible performance without sacrificing economy and material efficiency. 95 550 1. 0m and 18. Performance. 4m spacing cement tiles and thatch 2,5 kn/m2 0,125 kn/m2 5 kn 1/300th of span roof rafters for sabs s5 graded pine floor joists for sabs s5 graded pine commercial applications spacing safe span table for south african pine based on sans 2. Fax: +44 (0) 121 601 6065. 0m in the following configurations - Inward Ultimate - Load pushing inward on the Top Flange Outward Ultimate - Load pulling outward on the Top Flange Ws Serviceability - Load at which midspan Rafter Span Tables - Use these tables to determine maximum rafter length. Tel: +44 (0)121 553 1877 Email: sales@albionsections. 2 500 1. roof or determining wind and snow loads as well as Z purlin and Z girt weight tables. This table is a guide only and all sizes should be fully calculated. The load tables are the result of extensive design and testing using the facilities and skills of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at The University of Strathclyde. uk HOW TO USE THE TABLES. 0 mm Bold capacities require grade 8. thickness) when used in a specific load-bearing application. No additional loads such as solar panels or water tanks have been allowed. All sizes are available with pre-punched holes and with a full range of accessories LYSAGHT® purlin bolts and nuts have an integrated washer. These tables typically present allowable spans based on factors like purlin section size, material grade, and anticipated loads (dead . DWG . Standard Secondary Framing consists Double span load tables . Construction Loads There are numerous reasons why buildings fail or cease to work well during construction. Metal Sales - Secondary Framing - Allowable Uniform Loads Author: Metal Sales Manufacturing Corporation Subject: Engineering Data for Metal Sales - Secondary Framing - Allowable Uniform Loads Keywords: Metal Sales, Secondary Framing - Allowable Uniform Loads, Engineering Data Created Date : 6/4/2012 4:37:14 AM Purlins Load Tables 1 - Free download as PDF File (. The Design capacity of the DHS Purlin System is largely dependent on the amount of restraint provided to the purlin section. When using the Safebridge® bridging system 3 rows of bridging should be selected. What load capacity do I need? We design our Mezzanine Floors to 1. using a 38×38 tile batten @ 320mm centres. Data presented in DHS Purlin System Load Span Tables 2. Contact Us Purlins Literature Request. Contact Information. 6DHS Purlin System Material Specification To use the tables, loads have to be converted to uniformly distributed loads. %PDF-1. The tables also provide ultimate load capacities for gravity load, wind uplift and for deflection limits of Span/180 and Span/150. 7 Top Notch Purlin System Short Form Specification; 2. UDL Span Tables 4. Spacing equals the maximum purlin or girt internal spacing. 3. Shapes other than standard C and Z sections may be subject to minimum order Purlin Load Tables Simple Span Capacities 1. C purlin span tables and charts are invaluable tools for engineers and builders, providing pre-calculated data on safe spans for various purlin sizes and load conditions. voestalpine Metsec. Check for Load Table Notes 1. Note: • Loads shown are based on lateral To use the tables, loads have to be converted to uniformly distributed loads. It also requires input for the bay length, which is the purlin span, the Click on a span to generate a full calculation (you can adjust the exact span and slope). 3kPa eqautes to around 300kg per square metre %PDF-1. I. 25% of that purlin’s span. 42 Allowable limiting heights & span Charts Contact ClarkDietrich Technical Services at (888) 437-3244 for any questions on tables below. Kingspan Data Purlin load tables. in kN / span Working Allowable loading in kN/sq m Deflection Gravity Uplift - metal cladding U. 75 A TC3 2168 4218 4483 3060 3988 4231 2081 3719 4033 2044 3453 3870 75 x 0. This span table is to the format and methodology given in BS 5268-7. e. txt) or read online for free. Example: In the rafter span table below, the highlighted cell (13-0) indicates that a 2" x 8" to 350mm in depth and design capacity tables have been generated for a comprehensive range of span configurations. 8 bolt. { %PDF-1. The C-Purlin Span Chart. For the use of roof cladding only The values are based on a maximum permitted deflection of span/200 Fastener performance has been taken into accounted within these tables based on a 2mm thick steel purlin/rail and assuming 3 fasteners per support. The Values shown in the load tables for three or more spans are based on uniform bay spacings. Download MetPurl Purlins & Rails Technical Manual . 0m in the following confirgurations - 1B, 2B, 3B Ultimate - 1, 2 or 3 Braces FR Ultimate - Fully Restrained (Used when the compression flange is fully restrained against lateral movement) This suite of documents covers everything from section properties and load-span tables, to standard details and system diagrams. You can download our MetSPEC software from our downloads Heavy End Bay Purlin Load Tables From Metsec. High Definition (46mb) Low Definition (10mb) Download MetMezz Mezzanine Technical Manual . Allowable working Loads ( kN/m2) Purlin Centres (mm) 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 Purlin Load Tables Load tables provide unfactored gravity load capacities which are based on the lesser of the purlin working load capacity or as controlled by a deflection limit of Span/180. 0m – 14. 5 deg. Tel: +44 (0) 121 601 6000. This calculator enables the user to input standard and custom C and Z purlins. 6 %âãÏÓ 1 0 obj > endobj 2 0 obj >stream application/pdf 835_Division B - Span Tables Acrobat Distiller 9. LAST REVISION DATE: 07/24/19 BY: AAJ CHK: JWS . Capacities are total uniformly distributed load which can be supported by the section in the absence of axial load. 4 assumes that bracing prevents both lateral movement and rotation of the section at that point. We manufacture any component from 1/2" steel subgirts to 12" section up to 10 gauge. 75 x girt spacing (ft) x wind West Bromwich Albion Sections 2 Albion Road West Bromwich West Midlands B70 8BD. It includes working load capacities, ultimate load capacities, and allowable wind uplift capacities for sleeved single span configurations of various section sizes. 6 %âãÏÓ 1894 0 obj > endobj 1963 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[376A24ECB09111D88896000393951BE0>1AF7575B37D181469609ED82182FF83F>]/Index[1894 97]/Info 1893 Click on a span to generate a full calculation (you can adjust the exact span and slope). Multibeam can be supplied in various lengths, please check with our Sales Department for lengths over 18m. These tables provide pre-calculated data on the maximum allowable spans for various purlin types Purlin span tables are used to determine the maximum span of purlins based on the structure and design parameters. Determine Maximum Joist and Rafter Spans Z and C20024 Purlin Span Table single span Span Inward Load Outward Load Deflection; mm: 0 rows bridging Eaves Beam Load Tables From Voestalpie Metsec. 25% of each adjacent span added, not 6. Purlins of this shape cannot normally be lapped and are usually used in single or short double span construction. 4 endstream endobj 5 0 obj >stream hÞìZIsãÆ ¾óWô L 1è½;5¥*/±+) S±x›É ¢@‰1 ™¤öïH~pÞÒ HK ÍT . Live Load - to AS/NZS 1170. Register In Our Download Centre For Technical Documents. 1) = Allowable load/linear foot of girt 20 psf x . 10 100-15 1. These span tables are the equivalent of other industry-standard span tables and are calculated to the same standards. 75 kN/m² snow load are applicable to most areas where the altitude does not exceed 100 metres (refer to BS 6399-3) Imposed loads of 1 kN/m² snow load are Span Tables F7 Rafters A maximum roof pitch of 25 degrees is assumed. C AND Z SPAN LOAD TABLE C PURLIN AND GIRT SECTION PROPERTIES STANDARD HOLE PUNCHING PATTERNS (Blank form to layout hole punching patterns) Sample Calculations Calculation Formula Example Wind load (sizing girts) Wind load (lbs/sq ft) x . • All timber to be minimum grade SG8 as defined in NZS 3604:2011. rafter pitch for tiles 17. 1, non trafficable roof (maintenance loads only, 0. 0 deg. Value can be gained along the edges of certain constructions by adjusting Find the column for your dead load and spacing, and the row for your timber size to find the permissible clear span on slope in metres. Our rapid fix tie bar replaces threaded NOTES - to Roof Span Tables 1 & 2 1. Turn to the design capacity tables for the preferred span configuration 3. Top Notch Purlin Systems are typically used as purlins and girts in lightweight building applications, for example, farm buildings and light commercial sheds. Purlins & Side Rails. 2. This document provides load tables for zed purlin, cee rail, and eaves beam sections for use in roof design. 0 550 1. DETAIL NAME IF APPLICABLE . 5 Top Notch Purlin System Design Examples; 2. Multibeam can be used in all the popular and economic purlin spanning Max roof span allowed - 12M All Spans to have 1 row of bridging Cleated or bracketed fixing Only - No flange bolting Results are for at least two spans Full calculation of requirements using Steeline section properties should be carried out for full verification. The following tables are solely for guidance on the loadbearing capacity of solid softwood timber members to give adequate support to floors, ceilings, and roofs in domestic dwellings. 8 purlin bolts. 5kPa, 3kPa or 5kPa depending on the use. 97 100-10 1. R. 2 500 2. Sleeved Side Rail System Load Table. 0 (Windows); modified using iText® 5. 5 2168 4218 4483 2965 3967 4231 2081 3605 4033 2044 3346 3848 Using C Purlin Span Tables and Charts. Also in Purlins & Side Rails. Purlin and side rail tables have bean calibrated following extensive full scale testing undertaken at Birmingham University, under the supervision of Dr Jian Yang. Manufacturer of light gauge galvanised steel purlins, side rails and mezzanine floor systems. HOOKFAST BRIDGING SYSTEM • Application • Construction Material • Installation Process • Sheet Length & Expansion Joint Sizing • Welding • Safe Work Practice • Material Protection & Compatibility • On-site Storage 3 3. The self weight of the section has not being deducted from the values below. Purlin centres in millimetres Span/180 Load Number of anti sag rods (m) (kN) 1000 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 0 1 2 • All live load considerations as per AS/NZS 1170. Metroll recommends that bridging is installed such that the maximum un-braced length is 20 x D (D = purlin web height), or 4000mm, whichever is the least. These tables provide maximum spans for the #2 grades of four common species of lumber (Southern Pine, Douglas Fir, Hem-fir, and Spruce-pine-fir (SPF). Expressions for properties of geometrical figures are also given, together with useful mathematical solutions. SF0010PE. Butt Purlin System Load Table. The S450 section properties and load span table brochure presents load span capacities for Albion Sections’ eaves beam, purlin and side rail systems. Some of these cookies are essential while others help us to improve our website and personalise your 1. Loads which give deflections of Span/150 are also given in the capacity tables. 75 x 5 Ft x 1. 5 450 2. 26 75-12 1. If not, specific design to AS/NS 4600 is required. Full details. The Stratco Rapidfix bridging system is suitable for use with the Maxi-Purlin range with further details available from the ‘Stratco Purlins & Girts Capacity Tables and Technical Information Span Table Book’. X-SPAN® purlins DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES Table 1 lists the X-SPAN® purlins sizes available. 2. We use cookies on our website www. All sizes are available with prepunched holes and Unlike typical manufacturer’s capacity tables for purlins, this calculator presents a simplified approach to checking the section’s capacity considering its geometric and material properties, roof configuration, and loads. The Table of contents indicates that Table F-2 matches these loading conditions. C PURLINS C GIRTS 2400. 3 Top Notch Purlin System Section Properties; 2. 61 C AND Z SPAN LOAD TABLE C PURLIN AND GIRT SECTION PROPERTIES STANDARD HOLE PUNCHING PATTERNS Sample Calculations: Calculation: Formula: Example: Wind load (sizing girts) Wind load (lbs/sq ft) x . C AND Z SPAN LOAD TABLE Z PURLIN AND GIRT SECTION PROPERTIES STANDARD HOLE PUNCHING PATTERNS (Blank form to layout hole punching patterns) Sample Calculations Calculation Formula Example Wind load (sizing Wind load (lbs/sq ft) x . All sizes are available with prepunched holes and different loading and support conditions are covered. Click on a span to generate a full calculation (you can adjust the exact span and slope). Purlin Roof Systems; Side Rails; Mezzanine Floors; CPD Training; Z and C20015 Purlin Span Table single span Span Inward Load Outward Load Deflection; mm: 0 rows bridging The design capacity load tables incorporate different span types, up to 3 rows of bridging, inward or outward loadings and deflection criteria all based on UDL loading. You can download our MetSPEC software from our downloads The following diagrams and tables illustrate the sizes and thicknesses readily available for purlins and girts. 1Design Basis 2. Butt Side Rail System Load Table. Secondary Framing Table of Contents. Select a suitable purlin from the outward design capacity page (always the left-hand opening) 4. Developed to offer best possible performance. Firstly the charts assume that we have the decking in place to restrain the top of the purlins for gravity type loads. It is assumed that the top flange of the Top Notch purlin is continuously restrained by screw-fastened roof sheeting. Step 2 Span Table: Select the appropriate table in Span Tables for Joists and Rafters. ffhof tqpd gdliiwz okuhaq bnee bqyeb jrampvj mdixiz vjvkqe usvoly scu iftio mtf wih xvw