Autodesk inventor file size. The logos were bitmap files that were less than 50 kbytes.

Autodesk inventor file size Simplification creates a single part that when merged creates complex geometry. Community Welcome to Autodesk’s Inventor Forums. While the BIM env. &nbsp; &nbsp; I spend a lot of time trying to simplify these files but it is not a Apr 22, 2004 · -- Cory McConnell Autodesk Inventor Certified Expert www. AIP 2008 SP2, AIP 2009-SP1 May 24, 2024 · I discovered that Model States increase a lot the size of files but even if we delete all of them and all the geometry the files are still big. which does not include the entire modeling information of component but the file reference link only. An Access Panel part file with a ‘. Nov 20, 2020 · Our company gets a lot of large step files of products from various OEM's; some of them are so large that it makes them extremely difficult to use. iam file had grown to 100-400MB. When I open this file, it takes about 10 minutes. Large assembly files of around 50 GB, 100 GB, or 200 GB are having issues when being imported into Inventor. Sep 10, 2024 · IFC Exporter app puts Autodesk® Inventor® into a platform-neutral, open file format. CPU Recommended: 3. to . The default is 0. 5 GHz or greater: Memory: Recommended: 32 GB RAM or more Minimum: 16 GB RAM for less than 500-part Jun 25, 2021 · Aside from simplifying the assembly, there is another way to reduce STEP file size. Community Oct 8, 2023 · How to create a simplified part in Inventor that obscures Intellectual Property and give the smallest file size for sharing. stp file from someone who uses CATIA program. stp files, but they are very large files after exporting, and I'd like to know if there is a way to decrease the exported file size. Instructor/Author/Sr. ) . Oct 8, 2023 · Additional Information: The root cause is a memory leak and it's been fixed in Inventor 2020. However, the spline geometry may be inaccurate. it would seem that the stl file (though should be unit less) is in mm as it then imports and measures 114. Right away, the window always seems to default to maximized, but if I could specify a number of Apr 4, 2024 · Either authored & published directly from a part or ipart in Inventor, or copied from an existing Standard Family. Please help me, guys. ipt’ file extension. ipt) files on that assembly that are larger than the (. Files that should be only a 100kB-300kB are becoming 3-5MB or even larger. Changing the templates to just embedding the logos reduced the file size to ~500 kbytes. For instance, I send a file attached with just a simple sketch where I deleted all Model States and the file still has more than 10MB. When I open several drawings in Adobe Reader the first drawing takes time to render. Sep 23, 2021 · Hi all you guys I am want to use this command Change Size Content Center with API (When I select a content center member and click the button in window form, it will show the dialog to change the Content Center Member). Jul 21, 2015 · Like many others, I have a multiple monitor setup. The file size is now 7,666 KB. However, the existing files with the leak cannot be healed and need to be recreated. Select and use the New Substitute command and Mar 5, 2019 · New Inventor using learning the ropes. &nbsp; This gets the file size down to the expected size. 1098813658416. The text size that I changed in the title block that I'm using seems to only apply to the original drawing file, and nowhere else. We deal with very large files and most users get the error they need to increase this file size. Oct 8, 2023 · Follow the propositions to reduce file size: Use Shrinkwrap with Inventor parts, assemblies and features. After creating a model and solving it, I found that my . Aug 24, 2004 · I just went through the lengthy process of migrating one of my projects from IV8 to IV9. You can simply change the default STEP export spline fit tolerance. Looking to export parameters from Autodesk Inventor to an excel file, generate multiple parts. ipt or . 01mm. Drawing file is empty. Current file size is 814,463KB. Many thanks! Jul 12, 2024 · I need a 6-inch thread and Inventor only goes to a 4-inch size thread. 5 in to 0. Undo File Size - 8191 MB is the maximum undo file size. Also, you may want to leverage Task Scheduler to import the files automatically (TS runs graphics-less Inventor so it may reduce member foot print). 4. Oct 7, 2021 · I went from a iam file size of 350 kb to a ipt file of 2700. Other thread sizes can be included by adding their sizes to the Threads. Also make sure you are not using surfaces, they increase the file size massively. If i read this correct. But after the recent update, the exported STL files when opened in 3D printer software, appear to be scaled down by a factor of 10. Autodesk Inventor 2019 Certified Oct 2, 2019 · Hello, I tried to "render" a video from Inventor Studio (no real rendering, just a preview output), using uncompressed AVI format. Jun 9, 2024 · "While rendering in Inventor Studio, the uncompressed file size becomes very large. 0 allows significantly smaller sizes. 11-14-2005 12:24 Aug 4, 2011 · 1. (Inventor 2011) Anyone know the max size for 32 bit. I would say you need a lot of RAM. The main question I get back is "OK, but to what amount?" Watch this video to learn 5 powerful ways to reduce file size in Inventor and speed up load times. 37 different parts most with vent holes of some sort. This wouldn't be such a problem but I've got about 30 sponsons that are derived from that hull which gives me 30, 12 meg files. Aug 9, 2018 · I understand what your saying in this reply, but in my case I am creating an stl from a file that in inches and importing to a file that's in inches. The Inventor files themselves are managed by the Vault Server Application. I believe that Inventor prefers AP214. Pretty simple name plate. ipt that has 8 thru holes in it file size is 962MB the file will not open however 3 days ago the file was normal size (160-180KB) and opened fine when i attempt to open this file it eats up about 8 gig of RAM then gives Jul 29, 2024 · So, I have this part file that is ~260 MB, once I export into a STP file it becomes even larger - ~760 MB. DocumentType = kDrawingDocumentObject Then Dim selectedSize As String = "Sheet" Dim sizeList As New ArrayList sizeList. Jan 9, 2018 · I'm using Inventor 2017 at the moment, so I wasn't able to see how your sketches and embossed text were set up, but see the attached file for a more complete example, of how this might be done. 0001mm (in Export dialog). Sep 26, 2013 · Welcome to Autodesk’s Inventor Forums. A 7mb file set off some warning signals . Thanks. Jul 31, 2020 · I have a step file from a vendor that's 198MB. If you can exclude some parts when you shrinkwrap, that Oct 13, 2023 · Good afternoon, In an effort to reduce some file sizes, I've been investigating some IDWs that come out of other offices of ours around the globe. The logos were bitmap files that were less than 50 kbytes. Share your knowledge, ask questions, and explore popular Inventor topics related to programming, creating add-ins, macros, working with the API or creating iLogic tools. I'd like to use a font size bigger than 9, throughout all of inventor. 3/25. Nov 16, 2007 · Huge file size issue I've got a hull that's over 16 meg. Size of the saved file has 7Kb. Feb 5, 2025 · But once I try to use the template (File > New > Drawing Template that I created), I get a style conflict warning. Is there a way to simplify this part and not show inner structure but only outermost geometry? (see the 2 images below) P. I have assembled them in an assembly file. I have tried opening the STL files in Cura and also in IdeaMaker and results are same. Troy Troy Grose Mar 31, 2015 · Our templates were created with links to company logos on the server. Jun 5, 2024 · The size of DWG files is large when exported from Inventor. I was really hoping that because there are no features and the step process created dead geometry, the file size would be moderate but its not. &nbsp;Nothing seems to have an effect. Got a Code to change the drawing sheetsize and bordertype. Is there a way to select larger font sizes. iam and the shrinkwrap . In administrative tab select "Change system locale". Enter a new name or close the file that's open in another program. Our assemblies need to be loaded quickly and step files need to be at minimum size. 5" (114. &nbsp; However when checking out this file from the vault (professional) is says the file is 2. Set Format to your location. mechanixdesigns. Inventor Forum > Download file size on Subscription site; Inventor. Thread size only goes to the 4-inch size. The PDF file size was 920KB. When I use other formats, the video editor program doesn't recognize the video codec file, so I can't edit. Once you shrinkwrap it, it needs to include all the geometry information too so that it can build the part. A Panel Frame Sub-Assembly file with a ‘. I went from 5mb to 1. Set this Dec 19, 2024 · An access panel screw part file with a ‘. I was expecting the original file to go down in size when I moved things to new librarys, but after moving half of the parts in there, the file size is still the same. &nbsp; I have tried other suggestions found Jan 25, 2023 · Hello, I got *. However, in some cases, they are not cleaned up. I am sure it is truncated. Share your knowledge, ask questions, and explore popular Inventor topics. Feb 15, 2013 · I am trying to export and save numerous Inventor Assembly Models, to send to various customers to import into their models. With Vault, ALL Inventor files are stored on the Vault server. 120 to 0. I am currently splitting our 550Mb library file in different category's. Feb 7, 2022 · Inventor iLogic, Macros, AddIns & Apprentice Forum. 00 LG. Aug 13, 2020 · The file size will always be more. Apr 26, 2024 · Refresh command reloads the file from disk and forgo whatever unsaved change you made to the file in the memory. Nov 8, 2011 · Has anyone found a solution yet? Here's my work-around: use Diamond rev tags. In this example the text box values of Sketch2 are being set to use the parameter called WrenchSize. Open the Threads. I have since upgraded to Inventor 2024. hess" wrote in message news:31693368. Inventor 2020, In-Cad, Simulation Mechanical Mar 9, 2011 · The attached drawing has an angle dimension (37. I have modelled the sign footing and post in one part file and the sign face in another. The file default location is: C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\Autodesk\\Inventor 20xx\\Design Data\\XLS\\en-US This is an Excel spreadsheet and under the ANSI Unified Screw Threads tab, you can scroll to Sep 14, 2018 · Greetings All, I regularly put mechanical equipment that I have designed in Inventor into Plant 3D. 2mb just from doing that. 0 GHz or greater, 4 or more cores Minimum: 2. 4=4. Planning to run it as an external rule but cant get it to work. When the given Model State is consumed within an assembly or Sep 7, 2012 · Hi all, We are looking into going to Inventor/3D software. We found a solution online that involves saving the file as a DXF, reopening the DXF, runing -PURGE, AUDIT, PURGE on the file and resaving as DWG. Feb 6, 2019 · You will also need to change your template files. Feb 4, 2025 · Inventor has used up the maximum file size allocated to undoing transactions Inventor 2024 Help | "The application has used up the maximum allowable disk space" during executing or undoing commands in Inventor | Autodesk Aug 29, 2024 · Having problems exporting assembly files from Inventor into Navisworks. Any file can only be edited by one user at a time, when the user has the ownership of the file. May 13, 2019 · By the way, please do not compare the file size for . Autodesk Platinum Partner Search Use the up and down arrows to select a result. 7 thread. See Autodesk's Product Support Lifecycle for support information. 7) Open the template idw files -> Manage -> Styles and Standard -> Update -> select the styles you want to update in the template -> set them to Yes -> Yes to All -> Ok. Create a new tab or locate the appropriate tab for the type of thread you Jul 8, 2020 · When embossing some text into a surface, the text size changes. App Engr. The content of Sketch Symbols is large. 3 inches and the measurement is the native file is exactly 4. Wait for any comments. Mar 22, 2013 · Hi, New here on the forum (and fairly new to Inventor). 39 GB. The new DWG file is about 72MB. Change the standard to WhyDoINeedThisOddThread and select the 47x0. How to transfer the file? Instead of transferring the file through Email consider one of the following options: Use a cloud drive to share the file. The computer is i7- year 2013 8g RAM WIN 7 64 BIT. The file stores all geometry, making it 7mb, but the assembly never loads more than 1 model state (250kb). However, I have 8 of these models in my revit drawing, and my revit file is now 150MB and things can take a while to do. The output file will be in object-based file format. I have found that attaching a coordination mode Apr 4, 2013 · I might create the text at the 1/2" size as a single IPT and then derive/scale to get the final size. I am modelling a sign post, footing and face. The assembly file is a just a list of parts and where they go. Our inventor files are not very complex to necessitate the big size, our mechanical department, who which mo Oct 8, 2023 · Users reported an Inventor part file with iLogic, has a large file size and is taking a long time to save or open. You will need at least 32GB RAM. Is there a way to access any data of any Border in a Drawing files when creating a sketch in the file? I'm trying to make a Title Block that take up the whole length of the Border bounded page and 10 mm high, anchored on the bottom. Created files are difficult to handle and share. Again this has nothing to do with drawing dimension and such. JavaMail. Using Autodesk 2011 Oct 26, 2004 · Check to see which version of step file was created, AP203 or AP214. 3 days ago · The PDF file sizes are very big in comparison with other colleagues in other departments. Even though all I did was use the text size dropdown menu provided to me in the Format Text dialogue. 001mm or 0. com > The step files I am trying to import were created by pro-e. Anonymous. I can delete anything internally. And file size might be increased depending on the file geometry, complexity, structure and options Oct 8, 2023 · Ready to get started? Download a free trial Buy now System Requirements for Autodesk® Inventor® 2021 Windows Operating System 64-bit Microsoft® Windows® 10. Decrease the size of content that is needed Mar 31, 2017 · Inventor 2018’s Shrinkwrap capability makes it far faster and easier to simplify models. Use Single solid body merging while creating Shrinkwrap. 6 Updates. ActiveDocument'check file type If oDoc. It is unclear to me how these files can impact stability. By asiangirl02 April Does anyone know how to reduce the size of inventor files? I Dec 21, 2012 · Inventor Forum > file size; Inventor. iam file is only a container to hold on the file references, relations, design views, position reps, etc. As a result, the temp folder may grow in size. Then place the part (IPT) file in your assembly. Dependent on the purpose of the sharing, use Autodesk Viewer or shared Views in Inventor After zipping a STEP file, the file size is too large to be sent. Other applications also dump files there. And after doing some research and asking questions, we believe that it is possible to draw what we need to draw in about the same time as our current system and have less manufacturing errors. I thought you were talking about exported file size. Apr 23, 2015 · That will not even fit on the re-purposed Autodesk PDSU 32GB thumb drive I have. iam’ file extension. In the Content Center Editor, a Custom Family would show up darker, whereas a Standard Family would be greyed out like in your second image. xls file, which is typically found at C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\Autodesk\\Inventor 20xx\\Design Data\\XLS\\thread. xls file. The app is usable for a 15 days trial period with 5 model executions and no cost. Jan 30, 2020 · The Inventor Undo File Size I believe defaults to something like 1024 MB. Is there any way to make it lighter? Any help appreciated. To manage the add-in load behavior, go to the Add-in Manager go to All Programs Autodesk Autodesk Inventor Feb 20, 2015 · Autodesk Community > Inventor Community > Inventor Programming - iLogic, Macros, AddIns & Apprentice Vault database file size limit. The file also has about 3000 lines of iLogic code in it, because this file is a product configurator. This is causing the program on which we upload it to crash every so often & take forever to upload. " Follow the steps: Open Windows Control Panel. Nov 28, 2024 · Hi Forum, I have an assembly that is (according to the file explorer) 10. After removing all the features/parameters/ilogic rules and forms, purging styles and parameters, the file size is still large and slow to save or open Oct 23, 2024 · I couldn't find this information anywhere else (Nastran User Manual, This Forum, Inventor Forum), but I found a solution to large files sizes. 0. We really run into issues when we have to include numerous large step files into one assembly and then export that main assembly for photo sims, thermal testing, etc. 25 in. 2 and 2019. Apr 22, 2023 · Welcome to Autodesk’s Inventor Forums. 100. Using primary Model State. iam) value I am getting. How to minimize the file size of Inventor files for Navisworks. . I opened it in Inventor and did a shrinkwrap, then exported to DWG so I can import into Revit. "w. jive@jiveforum1. 0MB, when the drawing was done with 11 views (orthographic, detail, and section) over 3 sheets the drawing file size was 2. Have you been doing a lot of undos and redos in your current session? Can you shut down Inventor and re-start it to see if the problem goes away? 3. Depending on the amount of detail you want to remove, part count and file sizes can easily be reduced by more than 50% in a few clicks. R-click rev tag / Edit Revision Tag / check Override Shape / click pencil icon / select Rev Diamond on drop-down. xls. Check the content of Sketch Symbols folder inside Drawing Resources: Remove the content that is not needed. &nbsp; For example, I don't believe that a drawing of a key for a shaft needs to be 15MB; if that drawing was made from Aug 1, 2019 · Now, my next problem is size. Sep 10, 2005 · on average what is the size of a file made by inventor, a part file. S I have a PDM Autodesk package, including Fusion, 3DSmax etc. Dec 13, 2023 · In some case, file size increased after simplification in Inventor. http://imaginit. 9 MB large, this assembly has around 300 parts (200 unique). 4. Now you should be all set with the style change. No physical changes to the part. This is why a file-based PDM system (Vault) can facilitate the collaborative design Mar 5, 2024 · Is there a file size limit in Autodesk Viewer? Upload size is limited to around 1GB per file Inventor 2024 Help | File size limits of Autodesk Viewer | Autodesk Apr 25, 2018 · GrabCAD Community Groups allows the largest community of professional designers, engineers, manufacturers, and students can common together to discuss topics and others areas of interest directly related to the things they care about. &nbsp;Other angle dimensions do not have this problem, but re-creating this particular dimension is very difficult, so I don't want to get Jul 2, 2020 · I am sorry I got it reversed. Jan 23, 2025 · How to Add a Custom Thread Size in Inventor Using the Existing thread. DocumentDim Doctype As String = "Drawing"'doc = ThisApplication. The only way to get the smallest file size is to create a new Simplified part and then export that part our as a STP/Step file for sharing Mar 26, 2016 · We have a problem in our company with AutoCAD files becoming very bloated. Visit http://imaginit. It "rendered" through seemingly fine, but it made just a 4 GB file, which is much smaller than waht it should be. Dave Apr 21, 2020 · Use the data from step 1 to fill out all the columns for all the thread parameters that Inventor needs. When the particular Model State is authored, only the variation will be captured on the table. Helps to facilitate interoperability in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry. Add("A1 Jan 4, 2006 · start anyways. Jul 16, 2023 · On 4th July I exported my drawing to PDF from Inventor 2024. Oct 8, 2023 · Split up the large file into more than one file of the right size by using tools like 7Zip. Oct 8, 2023 · Cannot open saved Inventor DWG file. Jan 13, 2011 · The revision tag size is governed by the text height used for it in the styles based on ASME standards. When you add the part and low-level assembly files to the top-level assembly, links are established to their respective locations. xls in Design Data Lets follow steps below, Navigate to the default location of the Threads. Thanks . parts in IAM are complicated with 500+ puches and holes in each. Saving the file to Version 7. Jan 9, 2025 · On a shared drive, it is easy to have two people open the same file - last one to save overwrites the other person's file. Can you try to migrate all the files using TaskScheduler prior to opening it in Inventor. A Shrinkwrap will be the fasted way to create a simplified part but it will not give the smallest file size. You may loose it to 0. Aug 17, 2013 · Hello, I have a part that almost 9 mb. CPU: Recommended: 3. 5) on it which resists all of my attempts to change its font size from 0. I've tried highlighting it in the text box, I've tried editing the dimension style. Also, not just Autodesk products leverage %temp% folder. I thought that after doing a Aug 12, 2021 · Hi. Dim oDoc As DocumentoDoc = ThisDoc. Yes, Mega. com | Do find yourself waiting Aug 1, 2019 · The file size is around 38mb and seeing as i have 7 in my assembly, thats a fair size and enough to grind inventor to a stop So, how can i create this file so that it doesnt consume all of my memory? Apr 13, 2010 · Autodesk Inventor ; Reducing inventor file size Reducing inventor file size. Drawing size was about 27 Mbytes. Actually under File in Adobe Standard there is a button called (DuHHHHH) "Reduce File Size" which basically allows the file to be saved down to Adobe 4. I also decided to transition into using the new feature of STYLES which I think makes sense (should have been done a long time ago). I have been saving them as . An identical file, created from scratch takes only about 80kB. > Is there a method in pro-e that can export a cleaner step file that IV might accept better? > > What can I tell the person Watch this video to learn 5 powerful ways to reduce file size in Inventor and speed up load times. xls file; Restart inventor, model a part, and add a thread/hole. Oct 9, 2003 · I was working with a drawing which has 1256 parts When this drawing was done with a single sheet, single exploded view, the drawing file size was 5. I created a copy and started to delete feature by feature, all iLogic- Mar 10, 2009 · Dennis Jeffrey, Autodesk Inventor Certified Expert Autodesk Manufacturing Implementation Certified Expert. But, you are asking importing. I found that right clicking on Mesh Model > Delete Mesh, tha Jan 13, 2022 · Well we looked at filesize mainly as indicator if the model was efficient. The Inventor assemblies complexity has been reduced by using design views and substitutes. Why is this? Autodesk Inventor 2019 Certified Professional Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Oct 8, 2023 · After zipping a STEP file, the file size is too large to be sent. Oct 8, 2023 · System Requirements for Autodesk® Inventor® 2021 Windows; Operating System: 64-bit Microsoft® Windows® 10. What happens if you say "Yes" to the prompt about increasing undo file size? Does the problem go away? 2. com "Calimesa" wrote set the file size limit and it > > > will make as many files as Oct 8, 2023 · After saving Inventor Assembly with several components and Model States, the file size increase depending on the number of active components in the current Model State at the time of saving. Find out the level of support for your plan. Any idea whats going on here? Aug 15, 2012 · Here is the problem I have a simple angle iron (3 x 2 x 1/4 w/t x 3. Inventor is a file-based mechanical design tool. Ram sufficient and video card was specially ourchased for IV within the last year <6 months. Sep 10, 2020 · The original file size is around 1000kb and after using mesh enabler and saving the same file it is around 20 000kb. And no wonder, the file can't be played at all. In the browser expand Model States in the browser. What's the best workflow or process to make a deep clean to reduce the file. A Model State is like a mini file within a file. adsk works, & actually is perfect for vessels with pipe connections; The file size is large and bogs down my pipe design process. Inventor now takes ages to export my drawing to PDF. I was wondering if there is a way, possibly in the registry, to specify the size of the window that opens whenever I open a file or start a new one. xls file in Excel. Jun 5, 2023 · In theory, these temporary files should be deleted automatically after the operation is finished. autodesk. Split up the large file into more than one file of the right size by using tools like 7Zip Jan 23, 2025 · How to Add a Custom Thread Size in Inventor Using the Existing thread. 5 GB to 200MB or even less. 2MB (56% smaller). File access time was reduced from about 1/2 minute to less than 2 seconds. I have searched far and wide for a solution and found very similar problems but nothing quite matches what I need. Dec 15, 2010 · I've read on this blog that the max size for the Application options undo file size is 4095 for 64 bit. Oct 8, 2019 · I am creating a simplified part from an assembly and I was shocked when I looked at the file size: almost 6 MB! I know it could be around 2 MB. 1 build 209. Save the thread. I noticed that many, if not all, IDW files coming from a certain office have rather large file sizes for relatively simple parts. I've included an image that shows the drawing overlayed with the actual emboss. iam) icon and check my file size it don't make any sense, it will give me a very small size, I know that I have (. So is there any way to purge out the things that were m Feb 13, 2025 · What level of support do you have? Different subscription plans provide distinct categories of support. Is there any Sep 11, 2019 · I'm new with Inventor and I need to reduce a STEP file from 1. 5") Jun 4, 2024 · Hi all, I'm working on large (ish) aircraft assembly and I'm trying to make the assemblies more manageable by using derived/simplified files (and suppressing to link to the original assembly to avoid issues), but&nbsp; I've discovered a weird issue while doing so: I have a large structure assembly that contains many parts, this file size is ~35 MB If I drop in this assembly into a new assembly May 24, 2017 · Hi. Select "Region" (View by icons). It went from 0. Open Inventor assembly. While opening the file appears a message: "This file is in use. com | Do find yourself waiting for Inventor files to load because they are CADzilla-size? Ever wish you could speed up that load time? Watch Feb 13, 2025 · What level of support do you have? Different subscription plans provide distinct categories of support. Couldnt even attach it here , so giving you a link below: IPT FILE Thank you. Despite following the standard export process, the files are bigger than expected. My question to you all is about file size of Jan 6, 2021 · The largest text size that is allowed in the pull-down menu is font size nine (9) Application Options----Text Appearance----Font Size (8), or (9) only. 0 GHz or greater, 4 or more cores Minimum: 2 Jan 6, 2003 · wondering if my file size was too large for IV to handle? I am confident my machine is good for size and drivers. So I Harvested and Purged all my project files. File size doesn't http://imaginit. To my knowledge, this isn't exposed in the API and if that's the case, we couldn't even access the spacing of the symbol to text height with a macro. Any idea whats going on here? Jul 29, 2024 · So, I have this part file that is ~260 MB, once I export into a STP file it becomes even larger - ~760 MB. I had to rebuild the part due to other issues and then the file was just over 2 MB. ipt, the . In general, how can I reduce the file size of a part/stp Mar 30, 2021 · Hi, I have been using 'Export > CAD Format' to make STL files for 3D printing and never had any issues since 2019. The file size is around 38mb and seeing as i have 7 in my assembly, thats a fair size and enough to grind inventor to a stop Mar 10, 2011 · If I right click on any (. com/trainingmore. When I use Autocad, I enter purge, audit, overkill words for minimize the file size. eko mdapk vsate mxzedo ocp mnqd vxgss hhn zprnd pkac zfg wfqctw eoh qjmjg zcssm