Fluke 28ii ex. 61010-1-04 • Estándar IEC Nº.
Fluke 28ii ex 5235. The Fluke 28 II Ex is the most rugged and reliable intrinsically safe digital multimeter in the world, waterproof and dustproof, able to survive a 10 foot drop. com/zh-tw/product/intrinsically-safe/fluke-28-ii-ex 乐利网是专业的工业产品mro选购平台,乐利网为您提供美国福禄克fluke福禄克(fluke) 28ii ex/cn 本安型真有效值数字万用表f28iiex/cn Ini dia multimeter digital yang andal (DMM), yang dapat digunakan dalam berbagai kondisi berbahaya. Fluke 28 II Ex intrinsiek veilige digitale True-RMS-multimeter. Il est conçu pour une utilisation dans des environnements dangereux. Le Fluke 28 II Ex est le multimètre numérique à sécurité intrinsèque le plus fiable et le plus sûr au monde. com Fluke-Direct. 产品概述: Fluke 28II Ex 本安型真有效值数字万用表 现在推出了一款本安型数字万用表 (DMM),让您可以在各种危险环境中使用。 Fluke 推出了一款坚固耐用的本安型 (IS) 数字万用表:防摔、防水、防尘 (IP67);无论您是在石油、化工还是制药环境中工作,28 II Ex 都能 Now there's an intrinsically safe digital multimeter (DMM) you can use in a wide range of hazardous settings. Fluke 87 V 산업용 멀티미터 Agora existe um multímetro digital (DMM) intrinsecamente seguro que pode ser utilizado numa vasta gama de ambientes perigosos. com or www. Oct 5, 2024 · 5 Fluke Corporation Multímetro digital Digital Fluke 28II Ex True-rms intrinsecamente seguro https://ucp. Es ist wasserdicht, staubdicht und widersteht einem Sturz aus 3 Metern Höhe. 1 - Zone 1 and 2 (gas) areas and is also waterproof, dust-proof (IP67) and drop-proof. Si trabaja en entornos petrolíferos, químicos o farmacéuticos, el 28 II Ex II incluye las capacidades avanzadas de prueba y resolución de problemas que necesita en el multímetro digital intrínsecamente seguro (IS) más robusto que Fluke haya fabricado jamás: a prueba de caídas Le Fluke 28 II Ex est le multimètre numérique à sécurité intrinsèque le plus fiable et le plus sûr au monde. Modo de 4-1 TECHNICAL DATA Fluke 28II Ex 本安型真有效值数字万用表 主要特性 本安与合规认证 该 28II Ex/CN 从世界权威的认证机构获得了防爆认证。 Fluke 28 II Ex ist das robusteste und zuverlässigste eigensichere Digitalmultimeter der Welt. com to get complete details about this product or ask your local Fluke sales representative. Digitální multimetr Fluke 28 II Ex s certifikací ATEX do výbušného prostředí je volbou pro ty, kteří vyžadují vysoké krytí IP 67 - prachu a vodě odolný a bezpečnostní kategorii CAT IV pro použití v nejnáročnějších provozech a podmínkách. com Agora existe um multímetro digital (DMM) intrinsecamente seguro que você pode usar em diversos ambientes perigosos. Buy Fluke 28 II EX True RMS Multimeter, Intrinsically Safe and more from our comprehensive selection of Fluke 28 II Ex Intrinsically Safe Multimeter Same Day Shipping for US orders that contain all "In Stock" items placed by 1:30 PM CT. 4-1/2 数字模式实现精确测量 (20,000 字) 真有效值交流电压和电流可精确测量非线性 2 Fluke Corporation Fluke 28II Ex 本安型真有效值數位萬用表 https://ucp. Fluke 87 V digitale multimeter. CAT III 1000 V, CAT IV 600 V. El Fluke 28 II Ex es el multímetro digital intrínsecamente seguro más robusto y fiable del mundo, resistente al agua y al polvo, y capaz de soportar una caída desde 3 m. Resiste a quedas de até 10 pés ou 3 m (com coldre). Dec 8, 2016 · Whether you work in petroleum, chemical, or pharmaceutical environments, the 28 II Ex gives high-end test and troubleshooting power you need is packed into the most rugged intrinsically safe (IS) DMM Fluke has ever built: drop-proof, waterproof, dust-proof (IP67). The Fluke 28II Ex Intrinsically Safe digital multimeter is designed to prevent the accidental prevent detonation of explosive atmospheres. 現在推出這款本安型數位萬用電表 (DMM),讓您可在各種危險環境中使用。不論您是在石油、化學或製藥環境工作,28 II Ex 都能提供您需要的高階測試及故障排除功能,並將這些功能整合入 Fluke 一手打造、最堅固耐用的本安型 (IS) 數位萬用電表之中: 防掉落、防水、防塵 (IP67)。 Ahora existe un multímetro digital intrínsecamente seguro apto para gran variedad de entornos peligrosos. Whether you work in petroleum, chemical, or pharmaceutical environments, the 28 II Ex gives high-end test and troubleshooting power you need is packed into the most rugged intrinsically safe (IS) DMM Fluke has ever built: drop-proof, waterproof, dust-proof (IP67). 61010-1-04 • Estándar IEC Nº. 28 II Ex Users Manual viii info@Fluke-Direct. FLUKE 28 II EX: the most rugged intrinsically safe multimeter in the world. 02. The 28II Ex intrinsically safe digital multimeter is ideal for use in Class 1, Div. Um case completamente selado, com classificação IP67. 475. À prova de poeira conforme IEC 60529 IP6x. 1 Introduction WX Warning Read “Safety Information” before using the Product. Dec 8, 2016 · Whether you work in petroleum, chemical, or pharmaceutical environments, the 28 II Ex gives high-end test and troubleshooting power you need is packed into the most rugged intrinsically safe (IS) DMM Fluke has ever built: drop-proof, waterproof, dust-proof (IP67). Вы будете оснащены для любой ситуации, в опасных зонах и за их пределами, не жертвуя совместимостью или возможностями измерений. Dec 19, 2012 · Item model number : FLUKE-28IIEX Date First Available : December 19, 2012 巧力工業是專業供應Fluke 28II Ex 本安型真有效值數位萬用表及提供Fluke 28II Ex 本安型真有效值數位萬用表服務的優良廠商(成立於西元1974年)憑藉50 年之製造經驗,巧力工業專業研發生產比流器 (CT)、比壓器 (PT)、配電用變壓器、電抗器、環氧樹脂套管礙子、電子式電表等電力與電子產品。 28 II Ex Mode d’emploi 2 Consignes de sécurité Le produit est conforme aux normes suivantes : • ISA-82. 5 Digit. Multimètre industriel Fluke 87V. 888. Farnell® Ireland offers fast quotes, same day dispatch, fast delivery, wide inventory, datasheets & technical support. Nauwkeurigheid en diagnostische functies voor optimale industriële productiviteit Fluke 725 Multifunctie-proceskalibrator. Fluke 28 II Ex는 세계에서 가장 견고하고 안정적인 본질안전 디지털 멀티미터로, 방수 및 방진, 10피트 낙하 내구성을 지원하는 제품입니다. Fluke 725 Multifunction Process Calibrator “Simply" Powerful! Fluke 28 II Industrial Multimeters 28 II Ex Manual de uso 2 Información sobre seguridad El Producto cumple las normas: • ISA-82. Ce modèle résiste à l´eau et à la poussière, ainsi qu´aux chutes de 3 mètres. Enten du jobber med petrokjemi, kjemi eller farmasi, gir 28 II Ex den avanserte test- og feilsøkingskapasiteten du trenger, i det mest robuste egensikre (IS) DMM-et Fluke noen gang har laget: støtsikkert, vann- og støvtett (IP67). 28 II Ex overholder følgende sertifiseringer: Buy FLUKE 28 II EX - FLUKE - Digital Multimeter, Handheld, Intrinsically Safe, 20000 Count, True RMS, Auto, Manual, 4. 2 No. 61010-1-04 同时,Fluke 28II Ex/CN数字万用表防水、防尘、耐摔,您可以应对所有的情况,无论是在危险区内还是危险区外,并且不会违返规章或牺牲测量性能。 福禄克Fluke 28II Ex防爆万用表特点. 61010-1:2001 Buy Fluke 28EX Handheld Digital Multimeter, True RMS, 10A ac Max, 10A dc Max, 1000V ac Max FLUKE 28 IIEX. Si trabaja en entornos petrolíferos, químicos o farmacéuticos, el 28 II Ex II incluye las capacidades avanzadas de prueba y resolución de problemas que necesita en el multímetro digital intrínsecamente seguro (IS) más robusto que Fluke haya fabricado jamás: a prueba de caídas from Fluke Corporation. Coldre reversível para proteção adicional do display quando não estiver em uso. Fluke 28 II Ex 是全球最堅固耐用且可靠的本安型數位萬用電表,兼具防水與防塵,此外還能承受從 10 英呎高處墜落的衝擊。 Fluke 87 V 數位萬用表. De Fluke 27 II en 28 II digitale multimeters stellen een nieuwe norm voor het werken in zware omstandigheden, terwijl zij tegelijkertijd over de functies en nauwkeurigheid beschikken om de meeste elektrische problemen op te Модель Fluke 28 II Ex также водо-, пылезащищенная и устойчива к падениям. The 28 II EX intrinsically safe digital multimeter is ideal for use in Class 1, Div. Baik Anda bekerja di lingkungan penambangan minyak bumi, kimia, atau farmasi, multimeter digital 28 II Ex menyediakan kemampuan pengujian dan pemecahan masalah yang canggih, dalam DMM Fluke yang paling kokoh dan aman secara intrinsik: tahan jatuh, kedap air, dan tahan debu (IP67). Si trabaja en entornos petrolíferos, químicos o farmacéuticos, el 28 II Ex II incluye las capacidades avanzadas de prueba y resolución de problemas que necesita en el multímetro digital intrínsecamente seguro (IS) más robusto que Fluke haya fabricado jamás: a prueba de caídas Fluke Part No Description Impacted Serial Number Range Non-impacted Serial Number Range with "R" Designation; 4017165: FLUKE 28 II EX Intrinsically Safe Multimeter with ATEX approval: 20960000 to 22489999: 20960000R to 22489999R: 4017176: FLUKE 28 II EX/ETL Intrinsically Safe Multimeter with ETL approval Multímetro digital Digital Fluke 28II Ex True-rms intrinsecamente seguro. 61010-1-04/ UL61010-1:2004, et TUV 61010-1:2001 • CE Résistance extrême Le Fluke 28II Ex est le multimètre numérique à The Fluke 28II Ex Intrinsically Safe digital multimeter is designed to prevent the accidental prevent detonation of explosive atmospheres. 61010-1:2001 Ahora existe un multímetro digital intrínsecamente seguro apto para gran variedad de entornos peligrosos. Quer trabalhe em ambientes com produtos petrolíferos, químicos ou farmacêuticos, o 28 II Ex proporciona todas as capacidades de teste e resolução de problemas de que necessita no DMM intrinsecamente seguro (IS) mais robusto que a Fluke alguma vez fabricou: à 28 II Ex Manual de uso 2 Información sobre seguridad El Producto cumple las normas: • ISA-82. Multimètre numérique TRMS à sécurité intrinsèque Fluke 28 II Ex. Additionally it is waterproof and dustproofed (IP67) as well. Fluke 87V Industrial Multimeter Identify complex electrical problems fast and accurately. Quer você trabalhe em ambientes petrolíferos, químicos ou farmacêuticos, o 28 II Ex oferece uma alta qualidade em capacidade de teste e resolução de problemas que você precisa, juntos no DMM intrinsecamente seguro (IS) mais robusto que a Fluke já criou: à prova de Now there's an intrinsically safe digital multimeter (DMM) you can use in a wide range of hazardous settings. Nov 19, 2003 · The Fluke 28II multimeter is built to work in the toughest environments. II 2 G Ex ia IIC T4 Gb II 2 D Ex ia IIIC T130 °C Db I M1 Ex ia I Ma: NEC-500 Class I, Div 1, Groups A-D, 130 °C: IEXEx Ex ia IIC T4 Gb Ex ia IIIC T130 °C Db Ex ia I Ma: GOST R Ex Защита от перенапряжения: категория измерений III, 1000 В, степень загрязнения 2 Description Qty. 01 • CAN/CSA-C22. 28 II Ex True-rms Digital Multimeter Users Manual Now there's an intrinsically safe digital multimeter (DMM) you can use in a wide range of hazardous settings. 2 Fluke Corporation Fluke 28II Ex Intrinsically Safe True-rms Digital Multimeter Intrinsic safety and regulatory approvals The 28II Ex carries Ex certifications from the world’s leading certification bodies. À prova d'água conforme IEC 60529 IPx7. Measures up to 1000 V ac and dc, measures up to 10 A (20 A for 30 seconds), has a 10,000 μF capacitance range and a frequency to 200 kHz. Fluke 725 Multifunctie-proceskalibrator. S. ecom-ex. A serious upgrade to the already solid 28II (and reclassified from the 87V Ex), it is built to be used in explosive environments, such as the oil & gas or chemical industries, and is spark-proof, watertight and built to withstand 3m drops. De Fluke 28 II Ex is de meest robuuste en betrouwbare intrinsiek veilige digitale multimeter ter wereld, water- en stofdicht en bestand tegen een val van 3 meter. Using the correct replacement fuse block is essential to the safety of that design. De Fluke 27 II en 28 II digitale multimeters stellen een nieuwe norm voor het werken in zware omstandigheden, terwijl zij tegelijkertijd over de functies en nauwkeurigheid beschikken om de meeste elektrische problemen op te Nå finnes det et egensikkert digitalt multimeter (DMM) som kan brukes i svært mange farlige situasjoner. 2 Fluke Corporation Multímetro digital de verdadero valor eficaz intrínsecamente seguro Fluke 28II Ex Seguridad intrínseca y aprobaciones de las normativas El 28II Ex tiene certificaciones Ex por parte de los organismos líderes mundiales en certificación. You'll be equipped to handle any situation, inside and outside of hazardous zones, without compromising compliance or measurement performance Tested for drops of up to 3 meters (10 feet), waterproof and dustproof (IEC60529, IP67), this completely sealed and extremely rugged DMM survives the roughest treatment in the harshest environments. 2 Nº. Es Dieses Produkt vergleichen Fluke 718Ex Eigensicherer Druckkalibrator 2 Fluke Corporation Multímetro digital de verdadero valor eficaz intrínsecamente seguro Fluke 28II Ex Seguridad intrínseca y aprobaciones de las normativas El 28II Ex tiene certificaciones Ex por parte de los organismos líderes mundiales en certificación. com/pt-br/product/intrinsically-safe/fluke-28-ii-ex from Fluke Corporation. Fluke 87 V Industriemultimeter The Fluke 28II Ex Intrinsically Safe digital multimeter is designed to prevent the accidental prevent detonation of explosive atmospheres. Ahora existe un multímetro digital intrínsecamente seguro apto para gran variedad de entornos peligrosos. Multímetro digital de valor eficaz verdadero intrínsecamente seguro Fluke 28 II Ex. Certifications • IECEx Ex ia IIC T4 Gb, Ex ia IIIC T130 °C Db, Ex ia I Ma 28II safety and regulatory compliance 2 Fluke Corporation Fluke 28II Ex Intrinsically Safe True-rms Digital Multimeter Intrinsic safety and regulatory approvals The 28II Ex carries Ex certifications from the world’s leading certification bodies. Certificaciones • IECEx Ex ia IIC T4 Gb, Ex ia IIIC T130 °C Db, TECHNICAL DATA Fluke 28 II Ex Intrinsically Safe True RMS Digital Multimeter Key features A completely sealed, IP67 rated case Withstands drops up to 10 ft or 3 m (with holster) 2 Fluke Corporation Multímetro digital de verdadero valor eficaz intrínsecamente seguro Fluke 28II Ex Seguridad intrínseca y aprobaciones de las normativas El 28II Ex tiene certificaciones Ex por parte de los organismos líderes mundiales en certificación. fluke. Modo de 4-1 Fluke 28II Ex 本安型真有效值數位萬用表. Fluke 28 II Ex ist das robusteste und zuverlässigste eigensichere Digitalmultimeter der Welt. 28 II Ex Fluke 28 II Ex 방폭형 True-rms 디지털 멀티미터. Dec 8, 2016 · The Fluke 28 II Ex is the most rugged and reliable intrinsically safe digital multimeter in the world, waterproof and dustproof, able to survive a 10 foot drop. Certificaciones • IECEx Ex ia IIC T4 Gb, Ex ia IIIC T130 °C Db, Certifications 28II Ex • IECEx Ex ia IIC T4 Gb, Ex ia IIIC T130 °C Db, Ex ia I Ma Conformité aux normes réglementaires et de sécurité du 28II • ISA-82. 精度和診斷功能可使工業生產力最大化 The Fluke 28II Ex Intrinsically Safe digital multimeter is designed to prevent the accidental prevent detonation of explosive atmospheres. Dec 8, 2016 · Now there's an intrinsically safe digital multimeter (DMM) you can use in a wide range of hazardous settings. You'll be equipped to handle any situation, inside and outside of hazardous zones, without compromising compliance or measurement performance Fluke 568 Ex Intrinsically Safe Infrared Thermometer. 28II Ex I. Ordering information Fluke 28II Ex Intrinsically Safe True-rms Multimeter Optional Accessories TL175 - Silicone test lead set with probes 80BK-A - Bead temperature probe AC172 / AC175 - Alligator clips i400 - AC Now there's an intrinsically safe digital multimeter (DMM) you can use in a wide range of hazardous settings. Ordering information Fluke 28II Ex Intrinsically Safe True-rms Multimeter Optional Accessories TL175 - Silicone test lead set with probes 80BK-A - Bead temperature probe AC172 / AC175 - Alligator clips i400 - AC The Fluke 28 II Ex is the most rugged and reliable intrinsically safe digital multimeter in the world, waterproof and dustproof, able to survive a 10 foot drop. 61010-1-04/ UL61010-1:2004, et TUV 61010-1:2001 • CE Résistance extrême Le Fluke 28II Ex est le multimètre numérique à TECHNICAL DATA Fluke 28 II Ex Intrinsically Safe True RMS Digital Multimeter Key features A completely sealed, IP67 rated case Withstands drops up to 10 ft or 3 m (with holster) The 28II Ex intrinsically safe digital multimeter is ideal for use in Class 1, Div. Dec 19, 2012 · Item model number : FLUKE-28IIEX Date First Available : December 19, 2012 Koop FLUKE 28 II EX - FLUKE - Intrinsically Safe Digital Multimeter, 20000 Count, True RMS, Auto, Manual Range, 4. Multímetro digital Digital Fluke 28II Ex True-rms intrinsecamente seguro. Certifications • IECEx Ex ia IIC T4 Gb, Ex ia IIIC T130 °C Db, Ex ia I Ma 28II safety and regulatory compliance Now there's an intrinsically safe digital multimeter (DMM) you can use in a wide range of hazardous settings. Mar 27, 2013 · The Fluke 28 II intrinsically-safe digital multimeter (also known as a multitester) is a true RMS, auto- and manual-ranging meter used in electrical testing applications to measure voltage, current, conductance, duty cycle, capacitance, frequency, and temperature, and perform resistance, continuity, and diode tests. Multímetro industrial Fluke 87V Dec 8, 2016 · Whether you work in petroleum, chemical, or pharmaceutical environments, the 28 II Ex gives high-end test and troubleshooting power you need is packed into the most rugged intrinsically safe (IS) DMM Fluke has ever built: drop-proof, waterproof, dust-proof (IP67). You'll be equipped to handle any situation, inside and outside of hazardous zones, without compromising compliance or measurement performance. With a various range of approvals the DMM can be used globally! The 28 II EX carries the most important Ex-certifications and is also tested for drops of up to 3 meters. Nov 23, 2022 · Fluke 28 II Ex Intrinsically Safe True RMS Digital Multimeter. The 28 II Ex Digital Multimeter (the Product) is a compact easy to operate measurement tool for electrical and Go to www. Fluke Part or Model Number W Fuse, 11 A, 1000 V, FAST 803293 28 II Ex Fuse Assembly 4016494 W To ensure safety, use exact replacement only. The Fluke 568 Ex Intrinsically Safe Infrared Thermometer is the one product you can use in Class I Div 1 and Div 2 or Zone 1 and 2 hazardous environments anywhere in the world. Fluke 28-II industriële multimeters. Farnell Nederland heeft snelle offertes, verzending op dezelfde dag, snelle levering, brede voorraad, datasheets & technische ondersteuning. Performance Tests XWWarning To prevent possible electrical shock, do not do the performance test procedures unless the Product is fully assembled. Eigensicheres Echteffektiv-Digitalmultimeter Fluke 28 II Ex. Fluke 725 Multifunction Process Calibrator “Simply" Powerful! Fluke 28 II Industrial Multimeters TECHNICAL DATA Fluke 28II Ex 本安型真有效值数字万用表 主要特性 本安与合规认证 该 28II Ex/CN 从世界权威的认证机构获得了防爆认证。 Fluke 28 II Ex ist das robusteste und zuverlässigste eigensichere Digitalmultimeter der Welt. Visit www. The ‘intrinsically safe’ 28II Ex is Fluke’s hardiest and safest multimeter. Like all Fluke DMMs, the 28II Ex delivers the accuracy and measurement performance you depend upon to succeed in your work, day after day. Fluke 568 Ex Intrinsically Safe Infrared Thermometer. com 1. xhhehl xvfuo dadskwg ufsbw apemjg hozqp rjk qhryyp vlcixwk nzyl yxghs rcejk fkoign ovcz uqqhh