Hugo vs react. 3 which has 520 weekly downloads and 5 GitHub stars vs.
Hugo vs react I thought it was most important to look at things like how quickly I’d get set up, content authoring workflow, simplicity, and speed. 93. js Express Oct 12, 2021 · O que é React ? Segundo a documentação oficial, React é “Uma biblioteca JavaScript para criar interfaces de usuário”, ou seja, é uma biblioteca que auxilia a construção de componentes que o usuário interage e visualiza na página. Home Features Features Comparison of Gatsby vs Next. Jul 28, 2018 · I have recently done a viability assessment of Gatsby, another static site generator written in React that uses React for templating. Vue: Vue has a growing ecosystem with tools like Quasar Framework (for UI components), Vue Apollo (for GraphQL integration), and VuePress (for static site generation). I love using it; with hugo, your article metadata is inside the same markdown file as your content — which makes a lot of sense Comparing trends for astro 4. German of origins, he was raised in a farm and arrived in the US before the age of 20, settling in Metro City where many of his relatives live. With 90% of your site serverside (typical for nextjs) it’s unlikely you’ll encounter these problems. And it seems to be growing fast. I can build Jekyll sites relatively easy and I find the experience really easy to manage. 2. 2 which has 2,340 weekly downloads and 10,301 GitHub stars vs. The main reason I chose Hugo was because it’s written in Go, and you get a single binary. Hugo makes use of Markdown files with front matter for meta data. PS - There are several capable SSGs out there. About. Watch a video and if you like it, subscribe! Deal? :1 Business Contact ONLY:KurtSchneiderBusiness (at) gmail. gg/qhB7 Feb 24, 2023 · If you have any better ideas how to properly setup React and HUGO, please share, I would greatly appreciate it. He joined the Mad Gear Gang and worked under them for some time, clashing many times with the likes of Cody, Guy, Haggar and other local heroes who were trying to rid the city 因此,我們不會關注 Hugo 現有的主題。 當然,您的要求與我的不同。 如果您確實找到了適合您需要的主題,那就太好了! 為 Hugo 創建自己的主題. 4 which has 316,674 weekly downloads and 54,983 GitHub stars vs. For the comparison, I used this Hugo site and this Gatsby site. js, Node. The effort is minimal, but the benefits are not! Sep 1, 2022 · 最近把博客主题又双叒叕重写了一遍,嘛,生命不息,折腾不止。依然基于 Hugo,但这次把 React 缝合进去了,使用 Vite 构建前端,Tailwind CSS 编写样式,这篇博客记录下整个折腾过程。 Nov 14, 2024 · Integrations – Gatsby has the edge for CMS given React ecosystem and plugin options. React is a JavaScript library providing a view for data rendered as HTML. Comparing trends for hexo 7. 0-beta1 which has 258 weekly downloads and 48,233 GitHub stars vs. Hugo offers a library of themes and site layouts that have previously been created by other users. In this article, I compare the differences between Hugo v0. We want to replace almost all site parts with react components. Simplicity vise, 11ty. This is a much better assessment and I think fair. 0-beta1 which has 169 weekly downloads and unknown number Hugo is a go-based static site generator that is quick and up-to-date, and it was created with the goal of reviving the pleasure of building websites. js (for static site generation), Material-UI (for UI components), and React Query (for data fetching). 3 which has 1,256 weekly downloads and 5 GitHub stars vs. js needs to be included in the bundle, in main. Scalability: Hugo excels at managing content-heavy sites, making it a great option for large-scale blogs or documentation sites. VS code + markdown plugins + hugo = <3 as a technical writer. Build times: Gatsby's build times can be longer than other static site generators, particularly for large websites with dynamic content. Nov 21, 2024 · Complexity: Gatsby can be more complex to set up and configure compared to Jekyll and Hugo, especially if you are new to React or GraphQL. 0-beta1 which has 275 weekly downloads and unknown number of GitHub stars vs. yarn add alpinejs Next, Alpine. There's no special CMS, query language, or crazy lifecycle hooks. 1 which has 139 weekly downloads and unknown number of GitHub stars vs. No other dependencies. Aug 3, 2021 · Hugo’s support community is very helpful for those starting out. js, webpack and Babel. If you’re starting from nothing, Hugo is slightly easier to install. js: What are the differences? Cost: One key difference between Hugo and Next. Hugo Hugo templating is also a bit more rigid to work with, and hugo isn't the best at working with say a headless CMS, it's more optimized for markdown file content. Programming Language: One major difference between Hugo and React-Static is the programming language used. With Jekyll, you have to install a couple prerequisites like Ruby. 9 which has 2,367 weekly downloads and 26,997 GitHub stars vs. Terwijl bij Hugo veel is ingebouwd, moet je bij Astro veel meer zelf doen. By . 3 which has 522 weekly downloads and 5 GitHub stars vs. 0-beta1 which has 432 weekly downloads and 48,535 GitHub stars vs. sourcesContent New in v0. 7. Gatsby - Free, open source framework for building blazing fast websites and apps with React. js has a lot of dynamic features built in. Its templating language is boring. pelican 0. hugo vs jekyll vs pelican. RoboTom says: "This is similar to what you've just read because both posts focus on leveraging specific technologies to enhance the functionality and efficiency of websites, with the second post exploring the integration of a client-side search function to maintain the static nature of a site, mirroring the first post's discussion on using different static site Oct 6, 2024 · With the release of React 19, the React team has introduced a host of new features and changes aimed at improving performance, developer… Oct 6, 2024 Victor Hugo Urchella Mar 2, 2020 · On top of that we’ll need to install alpinejs (the starter project comes with react, react-dom and parcel-bundler). 6 which has 301,460 weekly downloads and 55,136 GitHub stars vs. However, it does not provide any kind Hugo. Feb 9, 2023 · When you’re drafting in markdown and looking at localhost, it just works. Ollie Bannister · Feb. Intended Purpose: Docusaurus is primarily designed for building documentation websites, providing a streamlined process for organizing and displaying documentation content. Sitting in the sweet spot between minimal and flexible, Eleventy is easy to theme and extend, and with its gentler learning curve it’s ideal for Compare vim-hugo vs vim-react-snippets and see what are their differences. Feb 12, 2024 · ReactとHUGOを組み合わせることは、ウェブ開発における新たな可能性を切り拓く一歩です。 Reactの柔軟性とパワーを利用しながら、HUGOの高速で効率的な静的サイト生成機能を活かすことで、優れたウェブサイトを構築することができます。 Starting a project with Hugo, React, Redux, Webpack, Babel and SASS Hugo is a Go general-purpose website framework that works as a static site generator. Note that the _default page type has files for a list. 2 which has 641,033 weekly downloads and 51,666 GitHub stars vs. Even with 4000 pages, you’re looking at like <2 second loading. Hugo takes a directory with content and templates and renders them into a full html website. Hugo uses Golang templating, which uses simple rules and constructs, and is processed very quickly; Gatsby runs the React library to generate the DOM tree for every page and then renders each tree into static HTML, which is a much more complicated and lengthy process; Overkill# What are you comfortable with? And how many pages will you have? I mean, Hugo is fast but if you have a 10page website it does not really matter your build time is 4sec or 1min?, right? If you are flirting with React Gatsby or NextJs. Or that's how it felt when I was working with it. May 30, 2019 · I have sites in Hugo, Jekyll, and Gatsby. 15. Gatsby improves rapidly with However it will not have the full functionality until it has been "hydrated" as it is essentially a react application with a special webpack config and code to allow for faster performance. 42 Comparing trends for gitbook 2. Nuxt with PrismiCMS and Netlify could do miracles if your client want good SEO, blog articles with categories etc etc. React-Static - A progressive static-site framework for React Similarity score: 60% match. html. Apr 27, 2020 · You can see some similarities. The first step is to run npm init -y to generate a package. Styling – Gatsby leverages modern CSS, Hugo provides simple templating and BYO CSS. Dec 15, 2024 · This article is a tutorial for easily deploying your React app to a VM with HTTPS. 2 which has 2,778 weekly downloads and 10,317 GitHub stars vs. 12. 0 which has 15,186 weekly downloads and unknown number of GitHub stars vs. 0-rc2 which has 15,833 weekly downloads and unknown number of GitHub stars vs. Hugo is the best one for me as it’s focused on blogging and markdown. Gatsby made a comparison of Hugo, Gatsby and Jekyll. 10 which has 44,155 weekly downloads and 22,636 GitHub A Techset apresenta um novo quadro de gameplay react. 3 which has 520 weekly downloads and 5 GitHub stars vs. 综上所述,根据不同的使用场景和需求,可以选择适合的工具。 如果你是一个非前端开发者,那么我建议hexo,你完全可以使用hexo提供丰富的社区模板构建你想要的 Oct 17, 2024 · How can I integrate react components in a pre serve hugo site? HUGO React component in a hugo site. Gatsby is great but you need to know React. quasar-framework 0. 9 which has 2,612 weekly downloads and unknown number of GitHub stars vs. Nov 5, 2021 · Templating vs React. The React library we use is a custom library of components that we wrapped into shortcodes and partials. If you like me prefer plain HTML and CSS with some vanilla JS here and there and want to mainly build pure static sites I think Hugo is a better choice. js for 3d page landing to showcase that awesome landing experience (which no one is going to see), s3 with cloud front caching spread across the world for FASTER page load, ci/cd pipeline which deploys/builds the site before you even commit the code :), dark theme for soothing eye experience, gazillion modern css features with their shims/prefixers so that it should work even Aug 6, 2020 · Hugo does support some additional formats out of the box if you have the pre-requisites installed. Unlike Jekyll, Hugo uses these specific file names to distinguish between list pages (like a page with links to all your blog posts on it) and single pages (like Get Bytes. Contribute to kaihendry/react-hugo-esbuild development by creating an account on GitHub. 11. gitbook 2. 4 which has 534,118 weekly Hugo is a go-based static site generator that is quick and up-to-date, and it was created with the goal of reviving the pleasure of building websites. This seems to be working, but there are a few issues we are facing. 4 which has 4,976,089 weekly downloads and 128,362 GitHub stars vs. reactjs; sass; setup-project; hugo; Share. 10 which has 49,083 weekly downloads and 22,423 GitHub stars vs Aug 30, 2023 · Hugo van der Vlies Hugo van der Vlies a simple fetch of an api call HTMX vs React. What's nice to see highlighted here is that Gatsby does require more experienced developers with js/react experience. vuepress 1. The V2 of Kamal was recently released, and you can watch Donald McBreen’s presentation about it during the Hugo is a static site generator written in Go. hugo-cli 0. Comparing trends for gitbook 2. 20 which has 1,233 weekly downloads and 26,127 GitHub stars vs. Hugo vs React-Static: What are the differences? Introduction: Hugo and React-Static are both popular static site generators used for building websites. 140. . How can I The other reason is that the central focus of the story (perhaps I should have left in the 200 word summary) was how a seemingly insignificant event that occurs during the EU4 timeframe, i. Delivered every Monday, for free. . 1 which has 189 weekly downloads and unknown number of GitHub stars Comparing trends for gatsby 5. 3 which has 1,338 weekly downloads and 5 GitHub stars vs. This post will explore the most… Hungriger Hugo hat ein paar Clips zusammen gestellt und parodiert. 1. I’ve seen a lot of devs struggle with understanding the render cycles in react, and IMO the react team have made some mistakes in their design principles that cause issues around render management. 1 which has 462,990 weekly downloads and 55,641 GitHub stars vs. Hugo,next and svelte are all quite different, however I'd say that Hugo and svelte are the closest in terms of what they're trying to achieve. Paulami_Das October 17, 2024, 8:46am 1. Taking the Hugo. Documentation – Hugo documentation is more stable and searchable. coc-vetur Comparing trends for eleventy 1. vim-jsx - React JSX syntax highlighting and indenting for vim. js team CMS. Nov 1, 2021 · Hi! I am trying to integrate React into Hugo and running into some issues. It is optimized for speed, easy use and configurability. 13. As you already noticed, next. Than you can easy implement TailwindCSS for saving time doing css, and could implement bunch of external modules based on the client's wishes. Just good old React producing an amazing SEO-ready, user experience driven, progressively enhanced website. 0 which has 505 weekly downloads and 26 GitHub stars vs. I've also had issues getting Ruby and Jekyll to play nice on Windows. 1 which has 183,364 weekly downloads and 55,543 GitHub stars vs. A typical website of moderate size can be rendered in a fraction of a second. Mar 20, 2020 · Hugo vs. Jun 3, 2022 · Gatsby. I’m assuming Lektor primarily uses the data model for it’s web editor. Hugo integrates easily with Markdown files and Git based workflows though. Hugo's docs are harder to follow: As pointed out by Ben Congdon in his blog, Hugo follows a top-down engineering approach, where it tries to provide everything Docusaurus vs Hugo: What are the differences? Key Differences between Docusaurus and Hugo. VS Code React Sample. Aug 7, 2020 · 我一直以为用Hugo的人少,看来是中文用户中用Hugo的人少,看Stars的数量比Hexo高出不少呢。 所以这就带来一个问题,如果只是喜欢静态网站而不是专业的程序员,应当说Hexo对中文用户支持更友好,毕竟开发出Hexo的就是台湾人。 Jul 28, 2018 · I have recently done a viability assessment of Gatsby, another static site generator written in React that uses React for templating. This is a sample React application, which creates a simple TODO application and includes the source code for a Node. I prefer Hugo though because you don't need an entire Ruby setup. Hugo appears the fastest build, but the templating is goofy to me, but that's a personal thing. frontmatter. js is a good choice. Nadelen van Astro Alles zelf doen. Hugo is a recurring character in the Final Fight and Street Fighter series. Sick of boring JavaScript newsletters? Bytes is a JavaScript newsletter you'll actually enjoy reading. Hugo Hugo is a static site generator written in Go. js - Fully Client-Side JavaScript Site Generator. 42 and Gatsby v1. 11 which has 38,726 weekly downloads and 61,523 GitHub stars. You forgot three. Performance Jun 16, 2021 · But, I think it all boils down to your development team’s experience: if your team is already experienced with javascript and React, then Gatsby is an excellent choice to start right away, and if JavaScript is not a tool you have under your belt, then the learning curve of Hugo js will be lower, so it can be a great alternative. 3 which has 553 weekly downloads and unknown number of GitHub stars vs. c babel-sublime - Syntax definitions for ES6 JavaScript with React JSX extensions. I really like Jekyll for its use of Liquid - it’s so simple to pick up but very powerful. Mar 18, 2019 · Websites rule the web, be they static or dynamic. Hugo is a multifunctional website framework. Choose Eleventy if you’re newer to the SSG world, or your workflow includes collaborative development across different languages. Hugo is an open-source static site generator that is free to use, while Next. There is so much hype for Gatsby right now, but if you give it to a classic web developer who just wants to build an SMB site, do some great design, leverage some partials/templates, SCSS and markdown then they are going to Hugo has the most stars (65,043) Hugo has the least commits (7,396) Hugo has the most open issues (632) Hugo has the fewest total PR's (4,231) Jekyll has the most watchers (1,424) Jekyll is the oldest (14 years ago) Jekyll has the least total issues (4,49) Source: gitcompare So what do you recommend? Jekyll vs Hugo vs Hexo. Hugo’s page template files are tucked into layouts/. This site was created by John Potter and is maintained by uidotdev. 0. Nor do you have to understand Ruby and Gems and all that. js vs Jekyll vs Hugo vs Nuxt. For better Feb 14, 2024 · Part two covers the most important frameworks and static site generators in the 2024 JS ecosystem, including React, Vue, Astro, and Hugo. js Next. Written in Ruby by Tom Preston-Werner, GitHub's co-founder, it is distributed under the open source MIT license. Jekyll. Finally, you can build a website like you do any other React App. It's basically just a single executable. 6 which has 309,822 weekly downloads and 55,119 GitHub stars vs. json. Hugo VS Docusaurus It is a static-site generator that builds a single-page application leveraging the full power of React. In fact, there is a rise in the use of static sites. Reaktionen und Reacts bleiben von unserer Seite nicht aus^^ Gönnt euch :PPlottwistPenis Comparison of Gatsby vs Jekyll vs Hugo vs Nuxt. Jan 16, 2025 · React: React has a vast ecosystem that includes tools like Gatsby. It was the first SSG to really blur the lines between static and dynamic sites, allowing developers to hydrate their purely static sites with React components for dynamic interactions. Canal de reacts e opiniões sobre o São Paulo Futebol Clube e outros. 6. 2 which has 663,143 weekly downloads and 52,948 GitHub stars vs. Vim plugin for web development with static site generator Hugo (by phelipetls) Hugo is a go-based static site generator that is quick and up-to-date, and it was created with the goal of reviving the pleasure of building websites. Hugo. Hugo vs Next. js Jekyll Jekyll is a simple, blog-aware, static site generator for personal, project, or organization sites. Apr 9, 2020 · 「大家好,我是鱼叔,前不久我刚用hexo搭建完我的博客,但是最近在隔离期无所事事,秉着“生命在于折腾”的精神,我又将博客从Hexo迁移到了Hugo上,这篇文章主要讲为什么我要选择Hugo,以及Hugo React-Static is a next-gen static site generator for React. The effort is minimal, but the benefits are not! Hey, I'm Kurt, a music producer and filmmaker. The next step is to install all of the dependencies npm i --save-dev babel-loader @babel/core webpack @babel/preset-react react react-dom npm-run-all React-Static is a next-gen static site generator for React. In this section we'll introduce three popular static site generators: Jekyll, Hugo and Hexo, see their pros and cons and we'll also compare them according to different criteria such as: speed, community and popularity, templating system and themes, workflow and easiness of use, markdown and multiple formats support, Jun 22, 2022 · npm run dev — output Adding Preact app with TypeScript into a Hugo website. On the flip-side, Jekyll has a number of plugins that also provide additional content formats (including AsciiDoc, RST and Pandoc). js is a free and open source web application framework based on React. Hugo is a go-based static site generator that is quick and up-to-date, and it was created with the goal of reviving the pleasure of building websites. 3 which has 1,490 weekly downloads and 5 GitHub stars vs. VuePress - A static-site generator built by the Vue. react-static 7. Goal: To use React components in Hugo partials and markdown files. reactide - Reactide is the first dedicated IDE for React web application development. html and a single. mkdocs 0. js for building server-side rendered and/or static web applications using React. Comparing trends for gatsby 5. js is a framework built on top of React and requires additional hosting costs for server-side rendering or static site generation. 3 which has 241,753 weekly downloads and 43,859 GitHub stars vs. While they have similar features, there are some key differences between the two. Hugo also allows you to manage content as AsciiDoc, RST, Pandoc and “Emacs Org-Mode”. Go comes as a precompiled binary bundled along with the Hugo installation. Gatsby benefits from the React ecosystem, which is a huge plus for me. Normalmente assistimos os jogos em família, e buscamos trazer nossas experiências pro Yo Dec 18, 2024 · 作为一名后端程序员,在体验过使用 React 组件快速搭建 fe 页面之后,基本不太会自己再去写 css 了(本来就记不住🥲)。所以当我想修改 Hugo 页面的时候,第一时间就想问:如何将 React 引入到 Hugo 中,通过 React 来快速实现想要的效果? Gatsby - Free, open source framework for building blazing fast websites and apps with React. 0-rc2 which has 15,833 weekly downloads and 37,484 GitHub stars vs. 14. Hugo - A Fast and Flexible Static Site Generator written in Go. With either generator, you can get a templated blog up and running in under thirty minutes. js we can add an import. Mar 8, 2024 · docusaurus, 底层使用了react,因此同样支持你完全使用react的语法去定制你想要的任何样式。 总结. 2 which has 2,639 weekly downloads and 10,299 GitHub stars vs. 3 which has 520 weekly downloads and unknown number of GitHub stars vs. 10 which has 45,072 weekly downloads and 22,498 GitHub stars. Preact is a faster alternative to React with the same modern API that aims to be 100% compatible with React 4 days ago · Huge theme library: Hugo has one of the largest theme ecosystems, with templates for a wide variety of use cases. e. REDES SOCIAIS:instagram: @_ggraci @rfagner_tiktok: @ Hugo 使用自定义的模板语言来渲染网站内容。Astro 让你使用你喜欢的 UI 组件库(React、Preact、Vue、Svelte 等)或类似于 HTML + JSX 的内置组件语法创建页面。Hugo 不支持使用现代 UI 组件进行 HTML 模板制作。 I've used both Jekyll and Hugo. If… Canal de reacts e opiniões sobre o São Paulo Futebol Clube e outros. Jun 1, 2020 · Flavio Copes has a great quote about Hugo in his post "The pros of using a boring stack": Definitely don’t work on your blog infrastructure if you want to do any serious blogging. js is a static site generator built with React; it uses React/JSX for templating and GraphQL for queries. Jekyll - Blog-aware, static site generator in Ruby Mar 8, 2025 · A common use case is to load dependencies like React from a CDN (with shims) Note that the linked option was added in Hugo 0. No need to manage Node, Ruby and Python run-time environments. Oct 6, 2024 · With the release of React 19, the React team has introduced a host of new features and changes aimed at improving performance, developer experience, and scalability. As you can see in the above image, a developer (or webdesigner) can focus on plain html with css. Loved by over 100,000 developers. Both #Gatsy and #Hugo do a great job in every category that matters. Mar 16, 2023 · I love the power and productivity of React, so the fact that Gatsby is based off of React made it very compelling. The benefit to hugo as you mentioned is extremely fast builds even for very large sites, but this isn't always the most important thing. react Comparing trends for gatsby 5. npm trends. 7 which has 351 weekly downloads and 3 GitHub stars vs. vim-hugo. nuxt 3. While a lot of sites are dynamic today, the static ones are still quite popular. support. 12 which has 13 weekly downloads and unknown number of GitHub stars. twitch. Normalmente assistimos os jogos em família, e buscamos trazer nossas experiências pro Yo 之所以有这样的结果是因为Hugo使用go语言是一种编译型语言,速度非常快,而Jekyll使用ruby编写,hexo使用nodejs编写,ruby与nodejs都是面向对象的高级解释型语言,执行效率比编译型语言要低。为什么Hexo介于二者之间,因为Nodejs的V8引擎比Ruby实现的方法要快。 Apr 6, 2021 · Hugo vs. Jekyll: The learning curve. Jan 2, 2017 · Hugo’s data model is loose where Lektor’s is explicit. They are both good. [] I use Hugo, a static site generator. However, Hugo is super simple to setup. Minimal Hugo based React ESbuild example. Key Differences : Astro vs Hugo 1. js is the cost. hugo 0. 0-beta1 which has 164 weekly downloads and 49,432 GitHub stars vs. jekyll 3. Normalmente assistimos os jogos em família, e buscamos trazer nossas experiências pro Yo I did not deep dive into VitePress, but could give you an alternative, normally if you have time for it. Improve Canal de reacts e opiniões sobre o São Paulo Futebol Clube e outros. There are lots of great samples and starter kits available to help build your first React application. If you find any bugs or have a feature request, please open an issue on github! Je hebt daarbij zelf de keuze of je Javascript of Typescript gebruikt. 14, Feb 8, 2021 · By default Hugo does not come with any setup for webpack or npm packages. 2 which has 2,056 weekly downloads and 10,295 GitHub stars. hexo 7. It is boring. 2 which has 5,542 weekly downloads and 10,305 GitHub stars vs. Vamos pegar como exemplo um aplicativo muito famoso chamado Netflix, ele é construído com React. Mar 3, 2024 · If you already know and like Javascript, Node and React I think next. next 15. If your team's experienced with JavaScript and React, Gatsby is an excellent choice. tv/bosshogginshttps://discord. 17. 5 which has 355,180 weekly downloads and 54,744 GitHub stars vs. Heard good things about Gridsom if you are into Vue (haven't tried it myself). 9. Ook voor componenten kun je kiezen of je Astro-componenten wilt maken, of componenten gebouwd in een ander framework zoals React of Vue wilt gebruiken. 0 which has 27,237 weekly downloads and 38,764 GitHub stars vs. strapi-admin 3. 在 Hugo 中,這是通過創建我自己的主題來完成的。 我們首先使用以下命令添加一個新主題: hugo new theme <theme-name> In this tutorial, we used the create-react-app generator to create a simple React application. 3 which has 1,454 weekly downloads and 5 GitHub stars vs. 0 Jul 21, 2024 · #reaction #reactionvideo #evo2024 Boss watches one of the GREATEST ROUNDS OF 3RD STRIKE EVER! MY GOD!https://www. However, the point of a blog is really the content, and not a showy website. the British landing in Quiberon (compared to say, the fall of Constantinople, discovery of the new world, reformation, enlightenment, Waterloo, etc) could have drastic differences on Europe as we know it Neste video trouxemos react dos melhores momentos de Palmeiras 1x1 Corinthians pelo campeonato paulista. Jekyll has been around the longest I think and has a large ecosystem around it. quiplpitoxcfnkzdvxqyiitjvlmhnnvrgsbwhsvynwlguyhlylxnidxfzpuwdxacbzchggokndemuwqlz