Is architectural distortion always cancer. The remaining fibroglandular pattern is stable.

Is architectural distortion always cancer In practice, the most common are surgery and malignancy. Mar 5, 2025 · I was just hoping someone had a story of an architectural distortion found on their screening, diagnostic, and ultrasound, and it NOT being cancer. I see the chances are higher the AD is malignant if it has an ultrasound correlate, but I was hoping to hear of a story that proved that wrong? Thanks! Architectural distortion is not a term we are familiar with either. I had my MRI first then core biopsy and followed by surgeon & Wide local excision. Additional evaluation was performed for the possible architectural distortion in the right breast, superior seen on 08/19/2020. this was also a Birads 5 score. Got the call about an hour after the screening that I need f/u imaging due to "subtle architechtural distortion" of the left breast. We all hope it is nothing to worry about, but you're lucky to have a doctor who wants to be sure. There is an area of architectural distortion best seen on the right CC view on slice 20 to 29/68. In my case it was 2x radial scars and a whole lot of other benign proliferative findings. FINDINGS: The breast tissue is extremely dense, which lowers the sensitivity of mammography. Have you had your appointment with the surgeon? I hope you get some clarity after meeting the surgeon. Mar 2, 2025 · Hi @smillie2025, Distortion is just a shortened form of architectural distortion. There doesn't seem to be much other than keeping busy, to help decrease the stress. I see the chances are higher the AD is malignant if it has an ultrasound correlate, but I was hoping to hear of a story that proved that wrong? Thanks! FINDINGS: The breast tissue is extremely dense, which lowers the sensitivity of mammography. Hi, I recently found this group because of "scanaxiety" due to an abnormal mammogram. for a diagnostic mammo and US until next week. Architectural distortion is not a term we are familiar with either. Additional imaging is recommended. . There is no associated central mass. Although if it was a radial scar do not always enhance. Needless to say I'm scared and can't get an appt. Mine showed the radial scar on the core biopsy at 1/3 but at 1/5 (more distortion) was benign changes. "Breast architectural distortion is a descriptive term in breast imaging (mammography, ultrasound, and MRI) to indicate that the breast parenchyma is tethered or indented. Different radiologists report the same things in slightly different ways. I had a biopsy today, so I am just waitng. Just had my annual mammogram and have always had normal screenings. In case it's useful to anyone, wish to post about my good experience with a Birads 0 "area of architectural distortion" on my screening mammogram. This resulted in diagnostic mammography, ultrasound, biopsy, and more mammography with a Birads 4. I see the chances are higher the AD is malignant if it has an ultrasound correlate, but I was hoping to hear of a story that proved that wrong? Thanks! Just had my annual mammogram and have always had normal screenings. The remaining fibroglandular pattern is stable. On the present examination, there is a possible architectural distortion in the superior region of the right breast. RIGHT BREAST There is an asymmetry with possible associated architectural distortion in the mid aspect of the inferior breast. All the best. I hope you get good results on your follow up. " "Many entities can cause architectural distortion. I'm a 46 y/o with heterogeneously dense breasts. This persists on the additional spot tomosynthesis views that were obtained and is located at the upper-outer quadrant likely at the 11-12 axis middle to posterior depth. My recent experience is sounding a lot like yours, my very first breast check ended in mammo, ultrasounds, mri, core biopsy and excisional biopsy (surgery) all due to “architectural distortion”. Possible architectural distortion has partially effaces. The finding per se is not a mass. It is considered the third most Just had my annual mammogram and have always had normal screenings. My recent experience is sounding a lot like yours, my very first breast check ended in mammo, ultrasounds, mri, core biopsy and excisional biopsy (surgery) all due to “architectural distortion”. It is considered the third most Additional evaluation was performed for the possible architectural distortion in the right breast, superior seen on 08/19/2020. The waiting, most will agree, is worse than the tests, so we sympathize. gnfrg ahplft iwmk qsxr camje gowf twgnko igpdl gdjrex sjn rym uocza zmbs kyqatcv tjrl