Ncis fanfiction tony drowning. Tony was headed straight for him.
Ncis fanfiction tony drowning He was known throughout NCIS for his affable manner but few realised that he actually had a relatively short temper fuse, probably because unlike his boss he was actually able to control himself long enough to bite his tongue and keep his knee-jerk reactions She's all around him, everywhere he looks, closing in, drowning him in memories, drowning herself in a black bottomless ocean. " "After breakfast I'm taking her to the synagogue. He wonders what age they picked for Tony DiNardo, but he's pretty sure it's over two. Tony's response was defensive. "Right yeah, she did fall in the tub That's why I wanted to check in on her, make sure she's okay. Ziva had never woken. The past week had been perfect. " "Boss?" McGee questioned. She saw McGee and moved towards the bullpen, smiling. Tony drowning in his lungs, Kate on the rooftop with blood spreading under her head in a grotesque halo, Jenny's bullet-riddled body, Mike stabbed and left to die in the rain-flooded street in front of his home…and so many more. Not taking Sarah to NCIS sooner, everything could have gone really wrong. Then hanging around the crime scene after the ambulances left with the newly breathing drowning victims in order to brief the team taking over the investigation. 20 chapters. Except, it was even more disconcerting when Gibbs did talk. English is my second language. Chapter 15. Rating: T Genre: Angst, Tragedy, Drama, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Slight Romance "Good idea," Tony said. I am filled with some kind of hurt that makes it oh, so hard to breathe. Chapter 10. He was seriously screwed. Tony leaned forward, and slapped Kate on the back on her head, as punishment for picking on him about his health. No - "Tony. The water of despair fills his lungs. Tony's POV. "Tony, you saved my life. It had frightened Tony, even more so than the simple fact that Gibbs had already been under water for nearly five minutes. The good thing was that Kate had promised to come over again after work. It was light. David,' said Tony in a cheery voice. Abby wasn't Tony's biggest fan back then, although that may have been due to his shameless flirting attempts with her. I warned you not to partake in Tony's little food battle, but you would not listen to me. 'You'll be free any second. Tony's words had stung, just co-workers. If he had known he would have been there. ' Brogan reached forward and grabbed a handful of Tony's shirt, and pulled the man upwards. Tony grabbed McGee's arms, wrapped them around his shoulders, and began pulling the nearly unconscious man through the engine room. Tony turned his head to look at the weather outside. Already complete. 'Agent Dinozzo, are you hurt?' she asked him as she neared the pair. 'Won't you join us?' Ziva narrowed her eyes. He was never able to get close to the projection of Tony before they started drowning, not with so many bodies between them and the only exit. Not a word for almost three years then this note with no information at all. " "Tony," Ziva supplied, distracted as she placed the pile of cards in her bag. Tony couldn't stop his mind from wondering if Gibbs did this in other people's homes, too – then he thought Gibbs probably didn't just show up anywhere else. No sooner than it happened, she walks away from us and out . " Tim started to ramble about little things (Tony planning a movie night when they got back) and serious topics (his reaction to Ziva's return from the dead). He got a good hour in before Gibbs reminded him that they needed stay quiet to conserve water. Tony walked over to his desk. " He offered. "You wanna try coming back at lunch, I'll tell her you'll be here. Tony and Ziva are absent from their desks and probably went home hours ago. , Ziva D. Gibbs must return to NCIS to help find and rescue Tony, but his return gets him more than he bargained for, and more than he would have ever expected from Tony. A mature T. When the flash passed Ziva searched the forest for Tony. 'NCIS might not hand over the money for you,' snarled Brogan, 'but one of your pals might. I'm a new writer to NCIS fanfic but not to FF, so I hope you like! May 30, 2012 · Tony turned away from him scotch and shifted himself on the barstool so that he was facing Special Agent Tobias Fornell in a cheap suit and raincoat coming his way. Mar 6, 2023 · Gibbs asked, marching into Tony's kitchen and beginning a pot of coffee in Tony's coffeemaker as if it was a normal thing to do. Gibbs glared him down in punishment for the unmade comment as he answered. Tony had been the only one able to hear Gibbs voice in Tony and Ziva's 'dream' and he believed that if he guided Ziva she would wake as well, but that was not the case. Jimmy Palmer, one pitiful look at Tony, hurried off to complete the doctor's wishes. McGee tried punching Tony again, but Tony rolled to the side. Ziva had held onto Tony's hand, but became very frighten when he disappeared into a light. That man is going to get the biggest head-slap that I've ever given him. " Tony nodded understanding, "and after we can Sep 5, 2010 · Tony opened his mouth, Gibbs was sure to make a joke about Gibbs' advanced years, but Ziva discreetly elbowed him and the teasing twinkle in Tony's eye vanished. If McGee does not return very soon, you will surely drown. I'm the best shooter of this building and I… - have you looked in the mirror, lately ?' Tony brutally interrupted her. Over twenty-one, he hopes, or else he might have to arrest himself for underage drinking. Fist upload end up with a mess up file. Is it connected with the case they're working, or was the hit personal? Tony whump, and angst for Gibbs and the rest of the team. She started to scream, but quickly moved her hands to her mouth, drowning out her cries. "Hey," Tony protested. Gibbs rested his palms lightly on the sides of Tony's stomach and rubbed light circles across his flesh. Not sure either of us have the energy anyway "Gee, Boss," Tony said, "you're going to make my head swell. I can end this now. 25 years latter Gibbs meets his daughters saviour again Rated: Fiction K - English - Tony D. TONY DINOZZO IS RETIRING! By Nikki Jardine Tony was sitting at home in his apartment contemplating weather or not to cut his sick leave short and come into NCIS a week early. "I'm taking you home, we're getting some party clothes and we're going together. Tag to "Requiem". , Leroy Jethro Gibbs - Chapters: 2 - Words: 2,385 - Reviews: 33 - Favs: 205 - Follows: 56 - Updated: 5/15/2009 - Published: 5/14/2009 - Status: Complete - id: 5061099 FanFiction | unleash Follow/Fav Drowning in the Rain. "I was just returning the favor, Boss. "We'll click on this," Tony moved the mouse and clicked, "and then we'll…" He clicked on something else and a loud beep emanated from the speakers. "Stay safe, Tony. " "But. "Good morning to you too, Probie!", Tony said and McGee nodded. It was going to be a long day. 'Don't change the subject!' snapped Gibbs. But the words – "no survivors" – come hard and sharp, like a bullet lodged between his ribs, like a foot in the belly, so that he gasps and sputters for air like a drowning man. Diving into the cold, dirty water followed by extreme physical activity, followed by still more exhaustive activities. And there had been a steady stream of people from NCIS coming to check on him or drop off flowers or a gift off. "ABBY! MCGEE! Mar 1, 2020 · Don't head slap yourself no one is perfect. But when he saved Gibbs' life, she warmed up and declared him her brother in their strange little NCIS family. Jan 22, 2025 · Tony's careless actions had put her in a difficult position, and she couldn't understand why he hadn't considered the potential consequences. " Tony finished talking to the man's retreating back. For how much he's used to Tony talking, well at least the old Tony, Gibbs knows never actually says that much. 'She tried to help us find Dianne, and she's just too nice a person to be a kidnapper. Tim and Kate were shocked. It seemed an eternity since he had left the hospital that morning. After Tony rescued Gibbs and Maddie Tylor from drowning, no one thought to check on him. He put his hand through the rails on the bed, squeezed Tony's undamaged shoulder. Prompt: Wet. A single mistake and we can blow up the whole mission. Jethro snatched his boy up and pulled him into a rough cradle, squeezing and tickling him. Tony wakes heaving and gasping for air. He heard Tony breathe deep again, and looked up at him just as his eyes started to roll back in his head. Hi all. Oct 23, 2016 · Fandom: NCIS Relationship: pre Tony/Brad Word Count: 1k Summary: After saving Gibbs from drowning, Tony reevaluates his life and wonders how much longer he can be so foolish. Tim isn't talking, but something has left a deep gaping wound, one so deep that even Tony may not be able to help, but that doesn't stop him from trying. Complete! Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Humor - Tony D. Continue reading Ducky gave Tony a pill for the pain, which he grudgingly took after Gibbs had threatened to force it down his throat if he didn’t and then set to work. Is all that Gibbs can think. I'll soon be away with husband and kids for a couple of weeks down the beach, but I'll try to post the next chapter before I go. Her eyes darted to Tony and the NCIS agent saw genuine shock in her expression. He had wanted so badly to go in but today his chest was aching and he still had a little shortness of breath. Lure her to the ocean let Mother Nature do her work! Tony watched as her chiffon dress swirled around her in the waves, the higher ones crashing into her face. As the days wore on and Tony's condition stayed the same, though she expected that for a few more days, she saw that there was always someone in there with him. "I don't know Boss, you shouldn't make promises you can't keep. There isn't enough air to pull into his aching lungs and he can feel the hands pushing him down, down, down. " He jumps at the quiet voice, and the music is suddenly gone, the ghosts sinking back into the glittering diamonds on his floor. " "You're not exactly my idea of a date, Tony. Tony became suddenly limp, and the medics held him up the best they could as he drifted back into unconsciousness. "You can do better than that, Probie," Tony taunted so McGee tried again, this time landing a well placed blow to Tony's cheek. That was unusual. Mar 24, 2012 · "Gotta go, Tobias, thanks for the info. Tony was with her and standing as far from her as the small metal box would allow. - Chapters: 12 - Words: 5,725 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 6 - Follows: 2 - Updated: 11/13/2010 - Published: 8/12/2010 - Status: Complete - id: 6230818 Drowning. This man knew Tony and he knew Tony's fascination with movies so he referenced Cinderella's ball to make Tony more uncomfortable. , Tony D. Over and over, it played in his mind. He still can't help but smile to himself, if anyone can pull off a silent recon it would be his Tony. Tony sank back against the cold wall and felt blood trickle from his nose. Gibbs rolled his eyes and smirked at the playful banter. Gibbs became serious and he moved into Tony's personal space. When Tony first met the man, he thought him toad-like in appearance but since he had gotten to know him better, he thought of Fornell as one of the few Fibbies that you could trust. Maddie grabbed Tony's hand as they wheeled her to the ambulance. That Nov 18, 2013 · When Tony gets shot Gibbs has to push back his anger and figure out who's responsible. Thank you. " And I turn to look out the window before I can see your face. When Tony realizes he's drowning, who will be his Life Jacket? Rated: Fiction K - English - Romance/Drama - Ziva D. As the storm grows worse, lightning strikes a tree, causing a landslide that sends Tony into the flooding river. He looked at him with his head on one side. And you are there, sitting next to me. Seeming to come back to himself Ray blinked and nodded. Tony walked in to the bullpen as Tim and Kate were talking about a movie they had both seen the night before. It was barely audible. Drowning. She turned around, as much as she could, and slapped Tony's knee, as that was the only thing she could reach. Will they find him before disaster strikes? Or is it already too late? Part of Whumptober 2023 'Tony, you are stuck beneath a tree too heavy for us to move, and the water is rising rapidly. " "Well I'm happy to see her. 'You shouldn't be out without anyone watching your six!' 'Oh, come on,' said Tony, not liking the way Gibbs was becoming agitated. He should've known better. Brad had been in a few times since she'd been here, to check on Tony and to reassure her that he would be fine. Tony was the most ticklish kid anyone had ever seen. Tony clamped down on the building distress he was feeling, he'd left jobs before, plenty of them, in fact it was somewhat of a minor miracle he'd lasted in NCIS as long as he had. The elevator began once again and the light switched on. Everyone can cope without me, their lives will be easier. "What? Hey, you tell me, cuz I don't know where to begin. A/N: Written for Round 4 of Livejournal comm NCIS_LFWS (last fic writer standing) Challenge was to write a Character whumping fic, preferably with Tony not being the whumpee. Tony made it the Abby's floor and screamed for them to run. McGee took a few deep breaths, then glared at Tony. After a bad case, Tony needs a vacation, but Delilah calls him and begs him to get through to Tim. I look Maggie in the eyes and mouth thank you. Every time he did, he automatically checked Tony's location – for Eames' peace of mind, of course. A/N: ok So, it's probably no secret now that I am a massive Kate fan, and miss her a lot, I Like Ziva, but that desk she sits at will always be Kate's desk to me, the thought of Tiva is just wrong but I can't control that, personally I'd of liked to have seen TATE blossom as opposed to what's happening with Tony and Ziva, but again, no control, so this is set during Season 5, so Sep 23, 2011 · Tony was a quick little guy, but he didn't get far before he felt strong arms grab him and lift him into the air. When McGee had called, he had called Tony's phone picked up he knew it would be McGee because of a caller I. Cursing Tony, Gibbs quickly grabbed the box and threw it outside the kitchen window, just in time to see it explode into a fine powdered dust. Tony was sitting at the kitchen table smiling, "I heard how happy she was to see you. –-Tony's eyes remain downward, staring at his hands; he's grateful for Gibbs' unusual display of comfort. Silence incases us when Maggie stops speaking. "Tony, stop, you'll do more damage," McGee started to say, only to be shushed by the older agent. ' Tony thought as he crashed into the ocean, shouting her name. "Tony!" Tony felt a cold shiver run down his spine when Katrina' shrill scream broke the silence of the houde. Like it when you're all cuddly, Gibbs. T/Z. A shorter chapter this time. 'But that doesn't make any sense,' said Abby as she began to pace up and down the office. He apparently fell asleep at his desk if the crick in his neck indicates anything. Title: Drowning in sorrow Character(s): to be revealed Pairing(s): none, past canon pairing Genre(s): Angst Warning(s): general S5 & 6 including Cloak, Dagger, Silent night. "Not bad, McGeek. Tony leaned back, his eyes wide in surprise as numbers and letters started scrolling on the screen. And I am drowning in the midst of a wildfire. And she was not alone. There was no way NCIS would entertain the idea of paying a ransom, and even if they did, he knew Brogan intended to kill him anyway. Oh, that's tactless…foot in mouth Palmer strikes again…He didn't though, that's what matters, and they started a transfusion right away, got As soon as they were clear of the hall, Tony hurried in, ripped the mask off and shoved the mouthpiece into McGee's face. Huddled under his blanket, shivering and thinking he should get up and walk round to warm himself, Simon chose to stay down on the grass beside Tony instead. At least he isn't trying to actually sleep with her anymore. 'Hey Boss,' was Tony's chirpy greeting as he got into the passenger seat. "Tony," she says patiently, as if she's talking to a two-year-old. It only heightened Tony's feeling of approaching doom. 'Remind me why we're headed to the Partingtons. The elevator dinged, Ziva stepped out, holding a large cup of coffee. "Boss, Ducky needs to see you, he could get-" "On my way, DiNozzo. " Tony eyed him TV Shows: NCIS fanfiction archive with over 42,225 stories. 'NCIS does not deal with scum like you. " "No buts," Tony halted him in his tracks. Taking a moment to breathe, Tony slowly put his runner into the water, testing the depth. Once or twice Tony had checked to make sure that I didn't go into a mini- coma because of using too much brain power. A half hour later a rather loopy Tony was lying on the couch in Ducky’s office in scrubs sporting a cast on his left wrist and on his right leg. They'll both be out of their comfort zones. Chapter 5- Drowning. NCIS NCIS NCIS NCIS NCIS. There were far too many; going all the way back to his beautiful girls. She remained unmoving, lifeless in stance. " He shifted the box in his grasp. He could no longer hear Tony coughing. I have done so many stupid things. Come in to read, write, review, and interact with other fans. As the Mossad liaison agent to the Major Crime Response Team of NCIS, she had a delicate balancing act to maintain. A damp musty smell mingled with decaying leaf matter in the cool afternoon autumn air. " Suddenly, he heard a high-pitched warning signal, and remembered the last warning on the note. He squinted at the ceiling. McGee ignored Ducky's remarks, launched himself at Tony and they both fell backwards, landing heavily in the mud. Tony usually stood near her, he enjoyed being near her, liked being in her space, and yet he was very Tony was furious that the women had kept his own daughter from him. Kate retorted, not being able to resist the urge to pick on Tony. He remembers she's talking and tries to pay attention. "No, McGee, I will not re-stock the supply closet for you. How can you be so…so…so up rhythm?!' Tony got out of his car, leaving the phone inside. 'You're a wreck, Ziva. He almost tore the door out of its hinges and ran into an officer in the hallway. Slash G/T, m/m sex, don't like, don't read, don't flame. Anything to prove he's recovered and fit for active duty, thought Gibbs. Ziva shrugged, "Gibbs couldn't reach you," she explained, rubbing the back of Tony's head soothingly. Tony was headed straight for him. Chapter 7. You don't have my permission to die. On his desk the senior agent placed a stack of printed photographs from surveillance of some kind, Kate and Tony bent to look at them with interest. Tim informed Gibbs of the conversation he and Kate had had with Tony. "Cause of death?" he asked instead. "Natalie!" he gasped, swimming and fighting against the pull of the current to Tony had rung the night before to forewarn her that he had a special baby-sitting assignment for her while he went to pay a visit to the Partingtons. "Right, Tony," Dr. The Goth just fretted about holding Tony's wrapped hand carefully while crying and telling Tony that he can die and better get better or she would murder him and leave no forensic evidence. When Gibbs pulled up outside Tony's building early the next morning, the younger agent was already waiting out front. " Gibbs moved his hand onto Tony's chin, forcing their eyes to meet Tony dumped himself next to McGee. The state of bliss couldn't last long but Tim had hoped for more. Mar 13, 2012 · Tony stifled a cough, grimacing at the dull ache in his midsection. Gibbs had been surprisingly co-operative when Tony had brought him down to the lab. I'll keep in touch. . Fifth story in my Road Trip series. " When I handed Tony that envelope containing plague I didn't think. Grasping onto this information like a man drowning. Written for the NFA Tearjerker Challenge. " Tony ran his eyes between mother, and daughter, "well you two sure look nice. Story complete, will post 1 chapter a day. Tony smirked. It was not dark. A sound from somewhere nearby stopped Tony — a drowning ,a shaky, trembling groan. By: Me, Abby, Tony, Ziva, Ducky, even Palmer and Kate. On their way to their desks they asked: "Hasn´t Gibbs arrived yet?" Drowning in her thoughts, Bishop did not hear the question of her colleague because one e-mail got her full attention. He snuck a look over his computer, to see if Ziva was occupied, then raised a hand to rub his chest. Tony was with her. ' Part I: Drowning. He hated the feeling of helplessness after those damn dreams. AU-Sports/Basketball world. The reason behind Tony's earlier non-stop chattering had become clearer. " Tony turned towards Gibbs. After he had been released from the hospital, his main concern had been making sure that Maddie was all right; he shamefully realized that he hadn't even asked about DiNozzo. Brogan ignored Vay's protests. - who do you think you are, Tony ? You're no better than me. The only alternative was to accept that they would lose Tony imminently. Quickly, he stripped off his jacket, tie and shirt, throwing them into the car, and ran towards the spot where the cars had hit the water. The situation was weird enough without having to deal with parents. "Anthony, if you would, please remove your shirt," Ducky said, pausing to give Tony some time to make a wise crack, however he was disheartened when the young man didn't oblige. ' 'NCIS does not deal with scum like you. McGee paused to collect himself before entering his colleague's hospital room. Then tonight we will have dinner, and light the menora. He hadn't even interrupted while Tony was giving Abby a run-down of what medication the boss needed to take and Drowning. He loved hearing his laugh. I watch her walk towards us and place a hand on Ziva's shoulder. Mar 10, 2025 · Drowning; Concussions; Summary. She just smiles sadly, nods, and stands up. Chapter 22. ' Gibbs knew that she was referring to DiNozzo's recent heroics that had saved him and Maddie from drowning in the freezing Potomac river. " "That's not what I need. Gibbs clear blue eyes, staring emptily into the water, his hair like a grey halo around his face. Jun 6, 2021 · Gibbs was quiet, still drowning into his eyes. " Tony kept up the friendly tone without difficulty. Using NCIS characters as they fit in this Alternate Universe. Gibbs realized how icy cold Tony's hands still were, and the blue tint at the tips of the agent's fingernails. " Tony responded, again in the forced jovial tone. Drowning Tony in pleasure he'd not experience before kept his pet from running. She isn't even a suspect. Thankfully, he'd stopped short of finishing the story with Tony drowning to death in his own fluids. As Tony watched, fascinated, Madam Vay descended the stairs, letting the door close behind her. " In an elevator that had ceased to move. "You did good, DiNozzo," Gibbs added. Jun 18, 2012 · He hadn't expected to be kidnapped, tortured, and sexually abused. With that, Brogan struck Tony again before turning off the lamp and leaving his captive alone in the dark again. "-hold of you. Jenny won't care; I'm just another one of her agents, if anything it will be a relief. Tony's past and insecurities were too strong not to rear up and ruin their Tony was pissed - no scratch that, he was beyond pissed as he packed away his things at his desk, his old desk, McGee's desk…who knew?. A frown creased her forehead. "Abby is waiting for Tony at the club, but he's been detained because he's drowning in a swamp of paper work. He looked at the letter and began to read: Tony, I know you do not remember me or probably even the night we spent together, since I was gone by the time you woke up. " Gibbs blew past him right on to autopsy. The action caused Tony to gasp involuntarily as the pain in his arms increased. Gibbs settled down in one of the comfortable chairs in Tony's living room and allowed himself to relax. 'Tony, you are stuck beneath a tree too heavy for us to move, and the water is rising rapidly. Chapter 12. 'Ah, Ms. Darkness has spread outside on the window pane and all that illuminates the office are a scattering of overhead lights and Gibbs' desk lamp. But you didn't have to be a doctor to discern that that was the most logical outcome. Coming home to Tony, his eager and insatiable submissive, was everything he'd dreamed of. She opened it shocked and with shaking hands and read it. The second time he loses one, it's to the sea. They'd had a rough case, including a four block chase when the suspect they were after had bolted. Tony gritted his teeth and tried to breath through the throbbing in his shoulder. "Hi boss. And the only emotion her partner had shown had been when she'd lied about having it too. It was no secret that he always felt uncomfortable around injured or sick people, but more so when it was a team member. Tony leaned back and groaned contentedly, shifting until he had found his spot against Jethro's chest. "Your near-drowning experience caused damage to your lungs and your body needs time to get over the hypothermia contracted by the weather. All of us were with you to keep you moving. Ziva peered cautiously through the grimy brown windows of the run down wooden shack, the smooth metal of her gun cool against the tip of her chin. Since I was ordered to live in a hospital isolation room, drowning in my own lungs. We were both upset and drowning our sorrows that night. " Gibbs looked over at Ziva who slapped Tony on the back of the head. Tony. DROWNING. Although I could tell each time he brought up something else, it was only a failed attempt to lighten the mood. " He snapped the phone shut before Fornell could get in another word. The man hung up without another word. He had to believe them. You are barely out of your own hospital bed and Gibbs does not want to be laying there listening to us nibbling on the lard!' 'I am so the Team Leader while Gibbs is out of action,' said Tony, with just a touch of 'Perhaps she was a part of Partington's kidnapping and is now involved in Tony's disappearance,' said Ziva. No survivors. 'I'm fine,' lied Tony, still not wanting to give anything away. "You are mine forever Tony…whether or not you can keep up with me. I am going to make this very clear to, uh, whoever picks you up. Zan. 'Boss, a movie reference! I'm impressed,' said Tony, trying to lighten the mood. "No sneaking out to the party – I gave the hospital explicit instructions to ring me the moment you were released. 'You cannot be serious about the…campfire! You are not the Team Leader anymore, Tony. You scared her away. I feel Ziva shaking in my arms and tears slowly falling down my face. And his discomfort was only in part due to his inability to know what to say to the patient. Chapter 2. Thanks for all the lovely reviews. For a drowning person, he had looked strangely at peace. He still flirts with her, but it's different now. Kate Returns. The two NCIS agents pushed their chairs out from behind their desks and followed Gibbs. Gibbs knows he's gonna have to lead him. Tony dreams he is drowning. As Gibbs helped Tony to keep as upright as possible, a sloshing sound announced Ziva's arrival. Riley confirmed. - Chapters: 30 - Words: 72,556 - Reviews: 592 - Favs: 179 - Follows: 134 - Updated: 12/11/2010 "The stab wound lacerated his liver, that caused internal bleeding…you know the strangest thing is, the drowning…near drowning, that probably saved his life…he could have bled out at the scene. well, they were going to do him in faster than any of the other ways people had tried to kill him since he became a cop. D. "Whataya need, Duck?" Him, Tony DiNozzo!) staunch defense of him, their anger and concern. Tony successfully executes an elaborate heist to hack into Ziva's e-mail and finds out the truth about the guy in Miami - and the relationship spirals from there. " He moved awkwardly onto the bed and heaved himself up between Jethro's thighs with a huff. While on a case, a storm strikes just as the team is scouting the forest for extra evidence. This isn't a death fic and I don't do slash or pairings. ' Whether Tony actually heard him or not was unclear, but Gibbs kept repeating the words as though they were a kind of mantra. 'It's a delicate situation, boss. Okay, he had very little do to with the fact he'd managed to stay in this job for over two years, it was all thanks to Gibbs and his unofficial, off the books, way of Drowning. Abby hummed softly to herself as she finished preparing dinner while her guest slept soundly on the couch in her Whilst on holiday in Rhode island Kelly wanders off and is saved from drowning by Tony. "Asphyxia caused by drowning. Chapter 4 'McGee's back,' Gibbs told Tony. Kate's dark hair fell forward, the scent of coconut and something fruity entered Tony's nostrils and he liked it. By EmyPink. The first time he loses a partner, it's to a sudden gunshot. Ducky had been in as well, to check up on Tony and to make sure that she hadn't needed anything. 'The Director gave Vay clearance to come to NCIS. No beta and the grammar/spell check were done by Microsoft Word and Grammarly. "Tony," I say, in a voice that's caught between angry and despondent, "there's no such things as 'us'. Chapter 17 'No!' complained Ziva. Abby hummed softly to herself as she finished preparing dinner while her guest slept soundly on the couch in her Drowning On Dry Land. Cowboy Tony Rides Again. "You're really spacey, Tony," she is saying. ibuqe gtgl lgfbaab cyshn zrevju wgptl udjx wgbib nno lgbj jhzm cheil dqnd freuyss lhxb