
Pa trout regulations. on the first Saturday in April, to midnight, Labor Day.

Pa trout regulations Strategy 1: Continue to build partnerships, identify colleges, universities, and non-profits to conduct sampling, and expand geographic regions for the program. 7 through Dec. 15″ 3 (Combined Species) Trout – Lake 3 days ago · The program is a part of Mosaic — DCNR's initiative to create a more inclusive environment in outdoor places. Anglers require a valid fishing license and must adhere to designated seasons and size limits. 18 inches : 3: American Shad** Open year-round: No minimum : 3: American Eel: Open year-round: 9 inches: 25 Feb 12, 2025 · HARRISBURG, Pa. 12 miles; from the outlet of Saylorsville Dam downstream to the mouth. opener Find out which waters are open to year-round fishing for stocked trout in Pennsylvania. For trout, inland regulations apply. 25 (relating to temporary changes to fishing regulations) has taken immediate action to temporarily lift all seasons, sizes, and daily limits for all species, except trout, at Tobyhanna Lake, Monroe County, in anticipation of a The Executive Director of the Fish and Boat Commission (Commission), acting under the authority of 58 Pa. Fish-for-Free Days allow anyone (resident or non-resident) to legally fish on Pennsylvania waterways on the designated days with NO FISHING LICENSE REQUIRED (Trout/Salmon and Lake Erie permits are also NOT required). The regulations apply to trout only; all other species, inland regulations apply. Most specially regulated trout waters are closed to taking fishbait and baitfish at all times. Special regulations in this region: Stocked Trout Waters Open Year-Round; Catch and Release All Tackle; Catch and Release Artifical Lures Only; Catch and Release Fly-Fishing Only In 2025, Pennsylvania’s statewide Opening Day of Trout Season will be held on Saturday, April 5. Anglers 16 years of age or older are adult anglers and need a valid Pennsylvania Fishing License and a current Trout Permit. The following streams would be added to the list of waters managed under miscellaneous special Feb 19, 2025 · Outdoors coverage on Explore is brought to you by Sportsmen Outfitters, located at 526 East State Street in Knox, Pa. All fish caught other than trout must be immediately returned unharmed. Pennsylvania Fishing Jan 28, 2025 · The board approved the purchase of a property easement along Pine Creek in Pike Township, Potter County. Oct 23, 2024 · The 2024 PA Trout season officially begins on the first Saturday in April, and the action remains strong through the summer, with special regulations extending into fall and winter for certain areas. First Saturday in April TIME: 8 a. Fishes in any Class A Wild Trout Waters or Wilderness Trout Streams or their tributaries. Fishing is permitted on a 24-hour basis. Stocked trout waters (lakes) that are in the Big Bass Program are closed to all fishing from February 20 until the opening day of the trout season. Oct 23, 2023 · Considering information gained through 2021 trout population and angler assessments of these fisheries, PFBC staff proposed implementing a new Miscellaneous Special Regulation on the twelve stream sections that would manage Brown Trout with catch-and-release regulations and maintain Commonwealth Inland Waters regulations for all other species Nov 2, 2024 · Fishing Creek is one of the most popular Class A wild trout streams in Pennsylvania, supporting robust populations of wild brook trout and wild brown trout. The waters listed here are open to trout harvest during the “extended season” (see page 10) . are all part of this base map. Pennsylvania is home to over 86,000 miles of streams and rivers, along with 4,000 inland lakes and ponds. 1 until midnight, March 14 and May 7 until midnight, Dec. 8 (relating to stocking of designated waters), the Executive Director will consult internal decision-making criteria set forth in the Operational Guidelines for the Management of Trout Fisheries in Pennsylvania Waters to consider the need for continued stocking at Pennsylvania is home to some of the best trout fishing in the eastern United States. Made possible through a unique partnership between the Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlimited (PATU) and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC), Pennsylvania Trout In the Classroom (PA TIC) is an interdisciplinary environmental education program in which students learn about current and past impacts, management, and protection and Sep 27, 2024 · It should also be noted that extended trout season regulations apply only to designated Stocked Trout Waters, and harvest of trout in other waters during the extended trout season is prohibited. on the opening day of the regular season for trout through Labor Day, the daily creel limit of trout is two (combined species). Code § 65. Find the regulation that applies to where you want to fish trout in Pennsylvania. 8a). *Adult anglers are prohibited from possessing trout. through Sept. Mar 9, 2025 · Class A Streams List: Class A Wild Trout Streams. Instead, they must be immediately released during the extended fishing season. Apr 9, 2020 · Effective 8:00 a. During the extended trout season (September 3 – December 31, 2024, and January 1 – February 8, 2025), the daily creel limit is three trout of combined species with a minimum size of seven inches, unless a water is managed under special regulations. the opening day of the regular season for trout until midnight Labor Day: 9 inches : 5 (combined species)**** 12:01 a. Code (Fishing and Boating Regulations) that reference dates for Opening Day of Trout Season required revisions to reflect the change, simplify language, and provide consistency within the regulations. . Trout must be at least 7 Sep 6, 2022 · TROUT FISHING REGULATIONS Many streams, lakes, ponds, and reservoirs are officially classified as “stocked trout waters. Southeast Region Regulated Trout Waters Berks, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Lancaster, Lehigh, Montgomery, Northampton, Philadelphia and Schuylkill Counties Trout (all species) – Regular Season. ” This means that these waters contain significant portions that are open to public fishing and are stocked with trout. Fishing Regulations. Sunday, May 25, 2025 and Friday, July 4, 2025. The PFBC plans to stock approximately 3. From 8 a. 3 (combined species)**** Lake Trout** 8 a. Learn everything you need to know for a successful fishing adventure, plus&nbsp;how to fish, when to fish and where to fish. on the Friday before the opening day of the regular trout season: 15 inches : 3 (combined species)**** Trout - Rainbow and Salmon** Mar 25, 2020 · If the state park waterbody is designated as Open to Year-Round Fishing per the PFBC Fishing Regulations and is stocked with trout, anglers may fish it, but must immediately release any trout caught. To participate on MYTD, anglers over 16 must be As a result of the change to the Opening Day of Trout Season, several regulations within Title 58 Pa. Regular Opening Day of Trout Season - April 2 at 8 a. these waters represent Pennsylvania’s best wild trout waters, they are protected by PA DEP with a designation of HQ-CWF. Trout (all species) – Extended Season. 1. on Thursday, March 20. 2 million adult trout in 691 streams and 130 lakes. ALL TACKLE TROUT SLOT LIMIT . With their License OR Permit, they can take a total of two trout (combined species) with a minimum length of 7 inches. on the opening day of trout season through the last day in February. 7 miles; from confluence with McNuff Branch downstream to the mouth CARBON Hickory Run – 3. MINIMUM SIZE: Seven (7) inches FISHING HOURS: 24 hours a day, after the 8 a. To accommodate the earlier statewide Stocked Trout Waters: NW – NC – NE – SW – SC – SE: Listings of stocked trout waters for counties/regions. Multi-Year Fishing Licenses–page 5 FishandBoat. The portion of the Delaware River between New Jersey and Pennsylvania – open year-round. 15 inches. ) species. 6. Oct 20, 2020 · HARRISBURG, Pa. 1 Wild Tout Waters – Commonwealth Inland Waters Regulations (58 Pa. It takes about 18 months to raise an average-sized The minimum size limit for harvested trout is seven inches. License and permit information, season dates, size and creel limits and more. Pennsylvania's statewide opening day of trout season will be held on Saturday, April 5. 9 mile; from mouth of Maple Run (Jacks Run) upstream to cable near Red Bank Hill Check with the nearest Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission office if there is any question about whether or not a water area is “stocked. Takes, kills, or possesses, while in the act of fishing, a trout from any PA or boundary waters. Permits are printed on the license. It is not, nor is it intended to portray, a verbatim reproduction of the text of the laws and regulations. Code 61. Pennsylvania freshwater fishing regulations can be found online at FishandBoat 8 a. In this article, we will also review the fishing regulations and fishing season in Pennsylvania for 2022. Special regulations in this region: Stocked Trout Waters Open Year-Round; Catch and Release All Tackle; Catch and Release Artificial Lures Only; Catch and Release Fly-Fishing Only The Summary Book is a summary of the laws and regulations applicable to fish and fishing in Pennsylvania. To prepare for the start of the season, stocking operations began in early February. It is used for a handful of pages that use features or applications that are not compatible with the main site. Trout Fishing Regulations - Definitions & Listings: Stocked Trout Waters; Stocked Trout Waters Open to Year-Round Fishing Stocked Trout Waters: NW – NC – NE – SW – SC – SE: Listings of stocked trout waters for counties/regions. Remember that the facilities at the 121 state parks and 20 state forests will be closed until April 30. Anglers are finding 'safe' ice to go fishing Pennsylvania Wild Trout Waters (Natural Reproduction) - March 2025 County of Mouth Water Trib To Wild Trout Limits Lower Limit Lat Lower Limit Lon Length (miles) Adams Birch Run Long Pine Run Reservoir Headwaters to Mouth 39. Opening Day of Trout Season for counties in this region: April 2, 2022. Trout must be at least 7 Jan 30, 2025 · Anglers looking for stocked trout fishing opportunities ahead of the opening day should explore Keystone Select Stocked Trout Waters, a program where sections of 24 streams across the state are stocked with large trout measuring 14-20 inches and managed under Delayed Harvest Artificial Lures Only or Miscellaneous Special regulations. But don’t try convincing a trout fisherman of that. 1 mile downstream of T-340 (Russel Tavern Rd. Locate Keystone Select waters here. Open to fishing year-round. Fishes in waters under special trout regulations. No trout may be killed or had in possession from March 1 to the opening day of trout season. This includes a mix of rainbow, brown, and brook trout, with about 72,000 trophy-sized fish being stocked, as well as about 14,000 golden rainbow trout. 899551 -77. (February 12) -- The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) announced today that a virtual public information session will be held on Tuesday, February 25, at 6 p. Official Pennsylvania Fishing rules and regulations. Commonwealth waterways. com Pennsylvania Fishing Summary 2025 MENTORED YOUTH TROUT DAY March 29 (Statewide) FISH-FOR-FREE DAYS May 25 and July 4 Dec 1, 2024 · Anglers who visit a license issuing agent in person can receive the 2025 Fishing Summary/Boating Handbook free of charge. Therefore, anyone who proposes an activity that includes a discharge to a PA Trout in the Classroom An interdisciplinary environmental education program where students learn about impacts, management, and protection and enhancement opportunities of Pennsylvania's watersheds. Prior to granting permission to stock a Class A wild trout stream under § 71a. 451942 1. One statewide opening day in 2022. 950279 -77. Stream Sections Governed by These Regulations: Commissioners adopted an amendment to regulations pertaining to trout stocking in Class A Wild Trout Streams (58 Pa. m. Opening Day of Trout Season is April 2, 2022. 31 TROUT PERMIT: A current Pennsylvania trout permit is required to fish for trout in Pennsylvania waters. License and permit information, season dates and limits. Plus, Lake Erie boasts another 470,000 acres for fishing opportunities. Nov 24, 2020 · For the past 10-plus years, Trout Unlimited staff have been working in conjunction with the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission with additional funding from the Foundation for PA Watersheds, the Heinz Endowment, and others to complete Unassessed Waters surveys in streams across the state. com or by visiting one of nearly 700 retail license issuing agents. 82 Adams Clear Run Carbaugh Run Headwaters to Mouth 39. CLINTON These regulations provide inadequate protection to the largest trout in the population, as harvest of trout greater than or equal to 14 inches in length is permitted in streams managed with these regulations. 5 days ago · Spring officially starts this year at 5:01 a. the opening day of the regular season for trout until 12:01 a. TAKING AND KEEPING BAIT is permitted using rod and reel or handline, dip net, or minnow seine Feb 2, 2021 · The trout will be stocked at a rate of 175 to 225 per mile of stream, which is comparable to the numbers of similarly sized fish in Pennsylvania's best wild trout waters. Fingerling trout are used to provide angling opportunities on waters that have the potential to provide a trout fishery on a put-grow-take basis. 7 miles; from the railroad bridge at the east (downstream) border of Ironville downstream to mouth CAMBRIA support wild trout populations and/or provide habitat critical to supporting wild trout in Pennsylvania is unknown, which leads to inadequate protection of the unassessed streams. Sep 6, 2022 · Stream sections that are designated as both Stocked Trout Waters and Class A Wild Trout Streams: located within the Regular Opening Day of Trout Season area are closed to fishing from February 21 to 8 a. 2 million adult trout being stocked in more than 690 streams and 130 lakes throughout Pennsylvania. View the Trout Stocking Schedule Please use Fishing Special Regulations Map for regulations associated with a wat… 297,944 Keystone Select Stocked Waters The PFBC has initiated a new stocking program that provides anglers with an exciting opportunity to fish for larger trou… When fishing for trout and the waters of Lake Erie, Presque Isle Bay and their tributaries, including waters that flow into those tributaries, anglers need a valid Trout Permit, Lake Erie Permit or Combination Trout/Lake Erie Permit. TROUT FISHING REGULATIONS Anglers should consult the Summary of PA Fishing Laws and Regulations for more details. One statewide opening day of trout season, April 3, 2021. Description of Pennsylvania’s Trout Anglers 2. Given that a 14-inch trout no longer constitutes a ''trophy'' fish for most anglers, and these regulations focus harvest on the largest The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission has started stocking about 3. 444443 3. Opening Day of Trout Season for this region is April 2, 2022. ) downstream to SR 34 BEDFORD Yellow Creek – 0. That’s the exact timing of the spring equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. April 6, 2024, until 12:01 a. gov" at the end of the address. Notes off a soiled cuff: Unfinished business for sportsmen as Pennsylvania These special regulations apply to Largemouth, Smallmouth, and Spotted bass in the waters listed below. Fishing Regulations Summary: 2024 Pennsylvania Fishing Summary. Jan 16, 2024 · Discover the top trout fishing spots in PA, including the Delaware River, Lehigh River, Penns Creek, and Spring Creek. Russ visited Harrisburg to testify before the House Democratic Policy Committee, and he spoke eloquently about the need for the Sep 29, 2024 · Anglers ages 16 and older must have a valid Pennsylvania fishing license and trout permit. A current trout permit (or Combination Trout/Lake Erie permit) is required. LUZERNE: Harveys Lake • Open year-round to fishing. Users are advised that regulations summarized are subject to change, which, as made, are printed in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. on the first Saturday in April, to midnight, Labor Day. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania government websites and email systems use "pennsylvania. 20 and Sept. Under the Fish-for-Free Days. fishandboat. In effect for all stocked trout waters (listed below) within the Southcentral Region. 6 days ago · Brown Trout Brook Trout (Wild) Size Small to Medium Location North Central Pennsylvania Nearest Towns Galeton, Pennsylvania Season Year – round Access: Easy to Difficult Special Regulations “Heritage Trout Angling Regulations All barbless hooks – lower 7 miles fly- fishing only. Special regulations in this region: Stocked Trout Waters Open Year-Round; Catch and Release All Tackle; Catch and Release Artificial Lures Only; Catch and Release Fly-Fishing Only Feb 25, 2025 · The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, along with volunteer sportsmen groups, raise and stock millions of trout each year for public angling. on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC), in consultation with the Office of the Governor, Pennsylvania Department of Health, and Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) opened the statewide 2020 trout season. The commonwealth offers up over 86,000 miles of streams and rivers, including over 15,000 miles of designated Wild Trout Water. Youth under the age of 16 can join a mentor (adult) angler who has a current fishing license and trout permit to fish on Saturday, March 27 on stocked trout waters Fish habitat improvement projects contribute to the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission's mission of providing fishing and boating opportunities through the protection and management of aquatic resources. 25 (relating to temporary changes to fishing regulations) has taken immediate action to temporarily lift all seasons, sizes, and daily limits for all species, except trout, at Tobyhanna Lake, Monroe County, in anticipation of a Jul 25, 2023 · In an effort to protect wild trout, the board voted to change the regulations on 12 stream sections where brown trout will be catch-and-release only, but other species of trout like rainbow can be harvested under statewide general regulations. Names of water bodies, roads, etc. 15″ 3 (Combined Species) Rainbow Trout and Salmon: 8 a. These maps overlay Pennsylvania fishing and boating information on top of base geographic maps provided from other source providers. A single, statewide Mentored Youth Trout Day will take place on Saturday, March 29. the Friday before the opening day of the regular sea- son for trout the following year. The regular season lasts until Labor Day. 93 (c) Notwithstanding the requirements of this section, an angler in a boat may possess bait and fish caught in compliance with the seasons, sizes and creel limits in effect for the water from which taken, provided that the boat angler floats through the trophy trout area without stopping or engaging in the act of fishing or the boat angler puts in or takes out his boat at an access point within Dec 1, 2024 · VOLANT, PA – APRIL 17: Sarah Tierno, 7, catches her first-ever trout with help from her father, Gary Tierno, on the Neshannock Creek April 17, 2004 near Volant, Pennsylvania. This includes 2. 2 million trout across 697 streams and 129 lakes across the state in anticipation of the season opening April 6. The book outlines current fishing and boating regulations, seasons and creel limits, and safety information, and includes advertising and coupons. See the size and creel limits, trout permit requirements, and interactive maps for each county and region. 1) Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission This is the legacy site of the PA Fish and Boat Commission. Special regulations in this region: Stocked Trout Waters Open Year-Round; Catch and Release Artificial Lures Only; Catch and Release Fly-Fishing Only Stony Creek fishing near Susquehanna, PA (United States) Check the latest fishing reports from the local anglers 🏆 Follow local fishing regulations Fish smarter with weather forecasts from Fishbrain Opening Day of Trout Season is April 2, 2022. All stocked trout waters, streams plus lakes and ponds: From January 1 to February 16, 2025; and from 12:01 a. Trout caught in class A designated wild trout waters cannot be harvested. Local, state, and federal government websites often end in . Mar 14, 2025 · The PFBC's trout stocking operations are in full swing, with about 3. All Species of Trout and Salmon. Official Pennsylvania hunting and fishing rules and regulations. com Pennsylvania Fishing Summary/Boating Handbook Statewide Opening Day of Trout Season Stocked Trout Waters OPENING DAY: APRIL 2 BRADFORD: Gaylord Creek (Bradford/ Susquehanna County Line to mouth) Little Schrader Creek (Marsh Creek to mouth) North Branch Sugar Creek (Alparon Park to mouth) Schrader Creek (upstream State When fishing for trout and the waters of Lake Erie, Presque Isle Bay and their tributaries, including waters that flow into those tributaries, anglers need a valid Trout Permit, Lake Erie Permit or Combination Trout/Lake Erie Permit. CREEL LIMITS APPLY to the majority of trout fishing waters. Additional regulations map apply–see Trout Regulations. gov" or "pa. 5 : 7 inches : 5-streams, lakes and ponds (combined species) Extended Season (stocked trout waters) Jan. An angler “fishes for trout” when he or she: Takes, kills, or possesses, while in the act of fishing, a trout from any PA or boundary waters. Adult anglers are prohibited from possessing trout. Since the PFBC does not control the information presented on these base map layers, the accuracy of this information is not guaranteed. Fingerling Trout. on September 5, 2024, until 12:01 a. 16 miles; from the confluence with Ramcat Run downstream to the Route 381 bridge at Ohiopyle Stocked Trout Water [view regulation] : BRADFORD Gaylord Creek – Little Schrader Creek (confluence with Marsh Creek downstream to mouth) – North Branch Sugar Creek (Alparon Park Fairgrounds downstream to mouth) – Schrader Creek – South Branch Towanda Creek – South Creek – Sugar Creek (confluence with South Branch Sugar Creek downstream to SR 0006 in East Troy) – Sunfish Pond Preliminary results from these surveys indicate that these streams may be eligible for consideration for inclusion on The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission's list of Stream Sections Supporting Natural Reproduction of Trout (wild trout stream) and may support wild trout populations sufficient to designate a stream section as a Class A wild A current trout permit (or Combination Trout/Lake Erie permit) is required. ” Regional Listings of Stocked Trout Waters: NW – NC – NE – SW – SC – SE: OR: View Stocked Trout Waters on our County Guide Interactive Map Jan 25, 2021 · Commissioners adopted an amendment to regulations pertaining to trout stocking in Class A Wild Trout Streams (58 Pa. Learn about stocked trout waters, catch and release, delayed harvest, trophy trout and more. Stocked trout waters are closed for taking fishbait an d baitfish from March 1 to the opening day of trout season. the Friday before the opening day of the regular sea- The daily limit is 3 trout (combined species) during the period from 8 a. Waters under these regulations – listed by county: FAYETTE / SOMERSET Youghiogheny River – 9. This closure does not pertain to stocked trout waters (lakes) open to year-round fishing. Fishes in streams and rivers designated as Stocked Trout Waters on March 1 through May 31. This regulation will remain in effect until further notice. 2024 fishing licenses and permits can be purchased online at Fishandboat. Nov 6, 2019 · On October 21, lawmakers in Pennsylvania heard that message from Russ Collins, president of the TU Doc Fritchey Chapter in central Pennsylvania and a regional vice president for the PA Council of Trout Unlimited . the Friday before the opening day of the regular season for trout the following year. The Tiernos were among thousands of anglers across Pennsylvania to cast their lines on Saturday, the first day of trout fishing season. The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission publishes these regulations yearly, and it’s crucial to check for updates. It takes about 18 months to raise an average-sized Feb 25, 2025 · The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, along with volunteer sportsmen groups, raise and stock millions of trout each year for public angling. Weather National Weather Service Link Jan 28, 2025 · Walleye fishing labeled as 'phenomenal,' perch anglers scout to find fish in Lake Erie An inside look at what it takes to produce more than 3 million trout across Pennsylvania Pennsylvania angler idly searching for shed antlers ends up catching huge northern pike Cicadas, a land lobster to humans and delicacy for animals and fish, to emerge in Pa. MORE COVERAGE FROM PENNSYLVANIA OUTDOOR NEWS: Pennsylvania House passes bills to hike pay for fish, game officers. The portion of the Delaware River between New York and Pennsylvania – Jan. In effect for all stocked trout waters (listed below) within the Southeast Region. Trout Fishing Regulations - Definitions & Listings: Stocked Trout Waters; Stocked Trout Waters Open to Year-Round Fishing Under the program, approximately 10,000 large trout, 2-to 3-years old and measuring between 14 to 20 inches, are distributed among these select waters under the Delayed Harvest Artificial Lures Only special regulations and one water managed with Miscellaneous Special Regulations. Before sharing sensitive or personal information, make sure you're on an official state website. on the Regular Opening Day of Trout Season. the day after Labor Day to December 31. Code § 57. Trout Fishing Regulations reference various regulated waterways within each PFBC Region. While stocking is not permitted or advisable in the vast majority of Class A wild trout streams across Pennsylvania, there are 13 stream sections currently stocked by the PFBC that meet internal decision-making Trout - Brook and Brown** 8 a. While stocking is not permitted or advisable in the vast majority of Class A wild trout streams across Pennsylvania, there are 13 stream sections currently stocked by the PFBC that meet internal decision-making Apr 7, 2020 · HARRISBURG, PA (April 7) – Effective 8:00 a. The PFBC will pay $55,000 to obtain public fishing and boating access and riparian and The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission annually stocks streams and lakes in Pennsylvania with Coldwater and Warmwater/Coolwater (Muskellunge, Walleye, panfish, etc. BOW AND ARROW (including compound bows and crossbows) may be used for taking ONLY carp, suck- ers, and catfish on all Commonwealth waters,day or night, with the following exceptions: (1) bow fishing is strictly prohibited in stocked trout waters during the closed season and (2) bowfishing is strictlyprohibited in special regulations trout waters. In effect for all stocked trout waters (listed below) within the Northcentral Region. the day after Labor Day until 12:01 a. Waters under these regulations – listed by county: BLAIR Little Juniata River (Blair / Huntingdon) – 13. Oct 6, 2024 · Pennsylvania has specific regulations governing trout fishing. 1 miles; from 0. Fingerling trout stockings are composed of sub-legal trout (less than the statewide minimum length limit of 7 inches). Find the best techniques, regulations, gear, seasons, tips, and events for trout fishing in Pennsylvania. Waters under these regulations – listed by county: CAMERON Hunts Run – 4. </p> Feb 2, 2021 · Pennsylvania Fishing Summary/Boating Handbook for more information. gov. Inland regulations apply for other fish The special boating regulations listed are taken from Title 58, Chapter 111 of the PA Code. Only one of the 3 trout daily limit may exceed 18 inches in length. 1 through Feb. Important 2021 Trout Season Dates and Safety Information 12:01 a. Open in a new window Oct 7, 2022 · The Commission will consider removing segments of Saucon Creek (Section 5) and Monocacy Creek (Section 7) in Northampton County and Codorus Creek (Section 4) in York County currently managed under the “trophy trout artificial lures only” regulations and adding them to the list of waters managed as “artificial lures only trout slot limit”. By understanding these regulations and guidelines, you can plan your fishing trips, comply with regulations, and contribute to the conservation of trout populations in Pennsylvania. Stocking Numbers and Trout Species. Trout Opening Day. • All species, except trout–catch and release/no harvest; it is unlawful to take, kill, or possess any fish, except trout. The Executive Director of the Fish and Boat Commission (Commission), acting under the authority of 58 Pa. 32 www. 31. 4 million Rainbow Trout, 693,000 Brown Trout, and 125,000 Brook Trout. 2021 Mentored Youth Trout Day: March 27 (statewide) Take part in the Commission’s Mentored Youth Trout Day. Additional regulations not shown here or in the code may be in place for some waters. This special protection is afforded by the anti-degradation provisions of the federal Clean Pennsylvania’s WILD TROUT STREAMS Water Act. Waters under these regulations – listed by county: ADAMS Conewago Creek – 1. on the Friday before the opening day of the regular trout season. (October 20) – During its formal quarterly business meeting held virtually on October 19-20, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) Board of Commissioners voted to adopt an experimental fishing regulation on a newly designated Keystone Select Stocked Trout Water located in Centre County. , to discuss the new Delaware River Tailwaters Joint Trout Management Plan. hcfjq jdpsg hkvnc xvebizl fgsi mdm dhue lkno rvinuv aefq dsqjs qder rivpbgq wkoqu fnvrsu