Proxmox cluster shared disk. On the top of it there is LVM.
Proxmox cluster shared disk It involves some like 2 groups each consists of "6 hosts and 1 SAN". If a single server is up, but can't reach the quorum disk, (network issues) this machine will consider the cluster 'not quorate'. Ceph). May 31, 2013 · To 'fix' this, we introduce the concept of a quorum disk, which is network-shared between both servers in a two-server cluster, which allows a quorate of '2' to be set on the cluster. Click on "Add" and select NFS in the dropdown menu: Select NFS from the You can then create an LVM storage for that VG in the Proxmox GUI. The vm's are a mix of win10 and centos 8. data shared over network with either nfs or iSCSI. Dec 29, 2016 · Considering the limited drive configuration, and inability to add anything faster than the onboard 1Gb NIC for the second Proxmox server, what is the best setup for shared container/VM storage between the two in a Cluster? Dec 10, 2015 · The new dedicated iSCSI storage is redy for production with proxmox clusters. 6563TiB encryption aes128 Jan 12, 2013 · For ZFS over iSCSI you will need to have a ZFS-enabled storage, zfs-over-iscsi is controlled on the NAS side, not on proxmox, but you can connect an iSCSI volume to your Proxmox as local-disk and use ZFS-local filesystem instead, but will not be able to have a shared storage using ZFS-local, only with ZFS-over-iSCSI, but again, your NAS must Apr 3, 2017 · After that, Proxmox shows the disk attached to the three VMs, but only the first VM can actually access to the disk (it appears under "fdisk -l "). And remember, THIS IS A SUPPORT FORUM, NOT A SALES CHANNEL. Double edit: unless you break it. 5 TB, and the other is 2. Yes you can cluster with no shared storage. you need other ways to make storage shared _before_ you tell PVE that it should treat that storage as "shared" Aug 6, 2021 · You can say that about almost any product. I want to add that created LUN as shared storage in PVE so that all nodes can access that storage simultineously, and compute migration can be done easily without storage migration. I want shared storage to be able to migrate VMs. In this tutorial, I will be setting up shared storage on a single node using my Synology NAS device with an NFS share. How to ensure the iscsi disk follows the Container, ie Jul 6, 2020 · For a linked clone to work across nodes, the template's disks have to be stored on a shared storage (e. The storage is ceph shared strorage with 12 OSD's across 3 nodes (4 each). When the server the VM is on goes down, I want to be able to bring up the server on the other running server. My environment is cascaded,i mean . Oct 8, 2023 · Ich bin sehr neu im Thema Proxmox und wäre froh über eure Hilfe. Please tell me how good is this solution? And most importantly, how to limit the CephFS disk space provided to the VM? Mar 1, 2017 · Hi, To add to what Mira is saying. If so, you appear to have zero understanding of what the community needs from shared storage. Now I try to Aug 22, 2012 · Hi, I've installed a two node ha cluster with latest 2. Let's see how. Recent (unrelated project) work with OpenStack led me to believe there may be a feature possible for LVM VM storage configuration, that allows you to enable "thin provisioning" . After a short time, we prepared our Fiber-Channel SAN and connected it to Proxmox. I don't know about performance, but it's a cluster for testing the cluster technology, not having a good workload. Also, while we are discussing "shared disks", are any special settings/precautions to be taken while creating a "shared" virtual disk? (VirtualBox has many options for the disk type (Shared, MultAttach ,etc) Dynamically resizing disk cannot be "Shareable" etc Dec 4, 2020 · Once the cache disk fails, the entire disk group will not work. DRDB replicating a VM between 2 machines. All working well. When I migrate the VM, proxmox should process the disk in the same way as a shared LVM volume, letting the other cluster node use the disk when it takes control of the VM. I can migrate a container to an other node. Basically what I'm trying to accomplish is capture the performance metrics of the storage nodes with a common use GUI, Disk IO, CPU Performance, Network Stats and such. The same happens when using a QCOW image stored in GlusterFS: after edit <id>. It has Ceph integrated too (but you need at least 3 different nodes hosting osds to use it properly) . What is the storage export used by PROXMOX when you share Aug 25, 2021 · I ran into a similar scenario where I was using shared volumes from from FlashArray (High perf storage platform from Pure Storage) It worked fine on single node and when I added a 2nd node to the cluster but then upon adding 3rd, 4th, 5th nodes, the nodes become inaccessible since they were not able to get the iscsi connection up (multipath was configured and nodes could see the vgs) Jan 15, 2025 · Dears, I'm preparing to setup 3 node Proxmox Cluster using Dell R740 for our production systems. You will not have PVE snapshots with LVM used in a "shared storage" application. How can I do this? Thanks Tim Jan 12, 2023 · "shared" tells Proxmox that the disk/share its looking at is available to all nodes, it does not make Proxmox to create share. Jan 11, 2023 · Hi, I'm wondering how to use a DELL ME5024 attached via SAS cards to two members of a PROXMOX VE cluster. Lack of flexibility in disk layout during the ISO installer is the primary reason it do it “the hard way”. Each PVE host is running local storage with hardware raid. One of the virtual disks is 0. May 28, 2024 · Hello and thank you for your time. All hardware to be rented so we can make some adjustments at this point. That being said, zfs is a self healing file system that can reduce file corruption, but won't recover from a device failure without having some kind of mirror or parity raid. LVM is probably what you want. No, typically when doing a cluster with zfs no host accesses another host's storage. Add shared storage in Proxmox. I run my 4 node test cluster in qcow2 with different OS versions and different grid version and can switch as I like to test something. I needed to stop one node with local storage to do a hardware maintenance. Multipath creates a Volume Group (VG) named vg_iscsi, which is shared and enabled in the configuration. Yes, for 25node, petabyte cluster you will need all jtreblay says, but for entry level, just plain 10g, with enterprise disks will suffice. Mar 7, 2023 · I'd like to build a 3 node cluster with a shared SAS storage (Dell MD3200 with 2 controllers). Every server has two connections to the storage, one for each controllers. Dec 31, 2014 · It is possible but give little meaning since you wont be able to have anything controlled by HA - a VM can only be online migrated if disks are on shared storage. Ideally with clustering, but replication Jun 15, 2022 · Removing/Destroying one VM will remove the shared disk as "Referenced disks will always be destroyed. 3 Host 2 (newest) - Kernel 6. I am trying to create a cluster with iscsi disks and lvm to test the cluster capabilities. This is a very stable production environment! There were no issues at all we started with version 6, all updates went through smoothly until version 8. There’s no redundancy at the disk level for the shared pool, however replicas are set to sync every 15 minutes across nodes, with heartbeats going, and backups to a RAID-6 volume (And subsequently LTO6) are performed every 3 days. As the VM is on zfs storage, and I don't have a zfs pool of sufficient size on my cluster, I've set up temp storage on one of the nodes. All identical HP proliant (older models) server computers with 10G networking for CEPH. Jan 15, 2023 · I have hyper converged PVE cluster of 3 nodes using a ceph shared disk. The iSCSI storage entries have been manually disabled because they reference the same LUN. As opposed to VMFS or Windows Cluster Shared Volumes. Oct 17, 2021 · I am building a cluster with 2 PVE hosts and a quorum host. - Node 1 - 400GB SATA & 100GB SATA; 32GB RAM - Node 2 - 16 GB Optane NvME and 400GB SATA; 32GB RAM - Node 3 - 200GB SATA and 500GB spinning platter HDD; 16GB RAM. (SSD + HDD with ZFS RAID1 + RAID10). Doesn't matter if it's zfs or lvg with a different file system. Your only supported option is LVM. 11-5-pve (community edition w/o subscription Just added subscription w/enterprise repo). The replicated VMs/containers are in the shared pool. I am trying to decide between using CEPH storage for the Cluster / Shared storage using iSCSI. Everything works perfectly except the live migration of my containers when a node fails Apr 18, 2016 · I am trying to figure out how things are working when related to disk size and disk image and real disk size. Feb 4, 2025 · Hi to all just want to write it down, because it took my lots of time. Apr 13, 2012 · We have two Proxmox Hosts running version 3. LVM is not a cluster-aware volume manager and does not support multi-writer metadata access. There is a very confusing point in ceph. When a node fails, the other one knows it. I have an NFS shared storage with 10T of disk space. Aug 1, 2017 · Hi, you must use pvresize to tell lvm an resized physical volumme. Pooled storage is a storage config where you have multiple disks or storage devices that are combined in a single logical storage device. Dazu habe ich zwei Kleiner Server (i9/i7, 64GB Ram jeweils, 1TB SSD) auf welchen Proxmox installiert und als Cluster zusammengeschaltet ist. There are Mar 31, 2022 · Hello Migrating a WMware cluster of 3 hosts to a Promox cluster and a storage bay connected to the hosts with 2 SAS HBA cards per host. No crashes or any Mar 25, 2022 · Hi I have 2 protectli FW6E with 1TB internal msata configured as 2 nodes. 5. I dont have enough disks etc. I´m facing the same question. ZFS is not a Cluster Aware Filesystem. To have ha working properly I decided to use a quorum disk. I make a directory and everything on data2 and the files transfer but the config file of the VMs says they should be on data3. I have a customer, 2. Oct 18, 2023 · 3. There is no need to copy VM image data, so live migration is very fast in that case. If the HCI cluster needs to be built at present, what method should be adopted to handle SSD and HDD mixed disks. The idea is to create two, one being a Nov 29, 2023 · Good morning all! I have a Proxmox cluster running with two hosts, with the following versions: Both running PVE 8. For Proxmox Ceph is a storage choice for most people. for CEPH, so Im going for a shared storage from TrueNAS running ZFS with dedicated l2arc P4500 and a slog/zil P1600X. using-libvirt-or-what-sharable-flag-do-in-libvirt/ there is the possibility to flag a disk image as shared between more May 7, 2023 · 3 Node cluster made up of micro PCs (Fujitsu Esprimo's). I'm badly seeking for your suggestion. After creating a cluster on proxmox-1 and joining it on proxmox-3, I see additional disks on proxmox-3 host in the UI, with the same names as the disks on proxmox-1, but in status "unknown": I always install Proxmox on top of my own hand-installed Debian, so assuming I know what I want to do disk and network wise, at least I just do it once. - NAS - WD-EX4100/4bay running RAID 5 with hot spare on WD gold disks. (it fills 50% of the ceph storage and will grow ). You don't require shared storage in order to do either a live migrate or a migrate of shut-down VMs - the only difference is that with a live migrate you will be able to select the destination filesystem/dataset you would like the VM and its disks to be migrated to, whereas with a migrate of a stopped VM, you have to move it to exactly the same destination Jan 31, 2022 · Hi First time posting here. On the top of it there is LVM. 1. If it is the later - so every box has it's own disk - then you will not have any problem with PVE, just install the two windoze boxes and do whatever you need to do inside to create the storage. If all is well create a shared LVM on your storage : pvcreate /dev/sdX; vgcreate --shared vgname /dev/sdX; Check with "vgs" to see if the 'shared' bit is present (example below) (this should be visible on all nodes !) Feb 27, 2024 · The shared cluster pool are single SATA Enterprise SSDs. Mar 1, 2019 · The way that I use proxmox with nfs is this: I have 6 nodes in my cluster and 2 qnap TS451 units. Feb 2, 2018 · Im building a proxmox cluster for a lab. I have a Hp server with 3tb of disk and lots of memory. Mar 6, 2024 · Hello We have Proxmox VE 8. ". May 8, 2024 · Server 2 does not have a data3 storage but has a data2. If multiple Proxmox VE cluster nodes can access the LUN, you can inform Proxmox VE about this fact by marking the storage as "shared". Jun 10, 2024 · Which shared storage to use is your choice, Proxmox handles a lot of different ones. I have been looking through the forum during the past couple of days and found several threads on this topic. What is the relationship between Cache Tiering and DB/WAL in BlueStore. Problem i am facing is each node in cluster is loggin following syslog messages: Mar 10 00:24:06 Node01 iscsid[1584]: connection-1:0 cannot make a connection to fe80::9209:d0ff:fe3d:adc3:3260 (-1,22) Mar 10 00:24:09 Node01 Jun 25, 2024 · They are set up as one cluster - mainly because of the common VM id number space and occasional non-time-critical machine migrations between the sites. I've enabled multipath on Nov 27, 2019 · lvm: shared_iscsi_1 vgname vg_iscsi content images,rootdir shared 1 created by multipath. 3 cluster with some nodes used shared SAN storage while some nodes have only local disks. What i am trying to achieve is to have a part of cephfs treated as a directory which can be shared Feb 21, 2024 · Hello. This storage is a FreeNAS ZFS storage and is available on all nodes of my cluster (shared using NFS). raw file) on the shared storage and have both proxmox hosts configuration files point to this shared storage for the disk. This LVM was available to both hosts in the cluster, and I can sucessfuly use it as VM disk, which is capable for live migration which I tested. Diese Anleitung zeigt die Cluster-Konfiguration mit Shared Storage. Sep 16, 2023 · The third issue came when we wanted an HA/FT virtual machine in our Proxmox cluster. After this I needed to create LVM on cluster level Cluster -> Storage -> Add -> LVM, based on Existing volumes (vg_name), and shared ticked. I think it goes - define storage on SAN - in storage under datacentre, add iscsi - ensure all members of the cluster have a nic set up that can access storage - use shared storage for disk images Edit: this seems to be the way. Mar 19, 2021 · make LVM available to Proxmox : pvesm lvmscan. for disks I have 6 4TB HGST sata drives in mirror. TL;DR - Can a Ceph disk be used as a Windows Failover Cluster Shared Volume? If yes, what particular VM configurations need to be made in order to make the WFC accept the disk? Related forum threads - Support for Windows Failover Clustering, hpe 1060 stroage Sep 29, 2024 · I have a test cluster of 3 nodes, each with 2 disks : one for boot + Proxmox, the other for storage. Which is the best option for Shared Storage in case of 3 node Proxmox cluster? I need a reliable Mar 1, 2018 · I'm trying to add a shared storage to a cluster. The "iSCSI shared", especially with LVM on top of it, means that volume can be easily accessed and activated on one host at a time as needed. Each host has its own zfs with the same name. So I migrated VM's to another node with shared storage, this passed online w/o problems. Jul 25, 2017 · Hey @spirit & @Glowsome thank you for such an informative thread. . Since it sounds like you have an application that may call for Proxmox cluster - the underlying storage must also be multi-host/shared capable. We have two options from two vendors: first uses a Zadara storage with iSCSI, and the second requires the instalation of HBA hardware in each of my hosts, and then create a FC based storage. Be aware that linking disks together in jbod form offers no failure recovery options. The cluster is only use to ease vm/container management. If you, however, configure Ceph on your 3 nodes then it's a completely different matter since then online migration is possible. 3). It provides both block and file shared storage on top of object repository. The fencing works as expected and the quorum disk too. so, is it mandatory to have a quorum-disk? Feb 6, 2013 · Hi all, I have 2 disk with FC and I add multipath to proxmox nodes. for me this means it is possible to setup a 2-node-cluster without a quorum-disk. Mar 1, 2017 · Hi, To add to what Mira is saying. They are also connected to the nodes using 2 bonded gigabit nics. Most likely, it would have to be some kind of external to PVE storage. Feb 26, 2025 · Snapshots: LVM’s snapshot features are not compatible with cluster-shared storage. e. If you cluster it again you should set Replication on a VM or LXC container, there hes copying 15min=default to the other hosts raw image. Started with 3 nodes, now at four. But you have to be cognizant that the target node has to be void of VMs. Feb 28, 2024 · Based on my reading this is essentially an iscsi target with thick LVM on top of it. 1 We have setup a shared storage NAS (using NfS and 802. Dec 9, 2014 · FreeNAS is configured as iSCSI target (40GB zvol) which is connected to the Proxmox cluster (not LUNs directly). Jun 4, 2008 · Re: ProxVE Cluster / Shared Storage -> Best way to resize (shrink) VM disk allocation Icing on cake, might as well ask. Nov 20, 2024 · One major benefit of storing VMs on shared storage is the ability to live-migrate running machines without any downtime, as all nodes in the cluster have direct access to VM disk images. It comes neatly wrapped in Proxmox infrastructure with all of its pros and cons. (where i have a few TB spare). Multipath is working, nodes all see the storage like their local disk. VM disk storage is already deployed on Ceph pools (hdd and ssd pools). Feb 22, 2024 · I have a cluster with 3 nodes, each node has a second disks that I want to use to enable iSCSI then LVM on top of it, to be used as Shared storage for the cluster, similar to what Ceph will do, but I expect to be lighter on resources and logging. So, as usually some questions: 1) Sharing single iscsi storage: - we have one iscsi storage which can be accessible for nodes at cluster1 - we define shared iscsi storage using proxmox wiki page - cluster nodes uses different disks names: - node a: sda - node b: sda, sdb Mar 26, 2021 · Hello i made cluster with synology shared storage over iscsi. Nice and tiny setups Now I have a chance to set up PVE cluster with shared storage. One major benefit of storing VMs on shared storage is the ability to live-migrate running machines without any downtime, as all nodes in the cluster have direct access to VM disk images. Oct 18, 2023 · root@pve7demo1:~# bbpve bb-iscsi disk info -v bb-iscsi:vm-101-disk-5 == Virtual disk: base (DSK1962194C40672C31) label base serial DSK1962194C40672C31 uuid d3be8397-483c-49f3-8121-b0c68d494d53 created 2023-10-20 14:30:02 -0400 status online vss bb-iscsi:vm-101-disk-5 (VSS1862194C40601C24) protocol iscsi capacity 197. Keep in mind that failure of a node and failure of a shared storage are two different things. I tried this with a few VMs, and it seems to work so far. Mein aktuelles Setup besteht aus einem Synology Nas DS1821+ mit ca. Sep 12, 2012 · I do wish there was some straightforward way in the WebGUI to "add existing disk". I would like to store both virtual machine images and lxc containers on the storage. Recomended deployment is to use a ZFS pool instead off what you got now is a LVM based. Jun 26, 2022 · So, here I have created 1 LUN (virtual volume) which exported to all of the nodes in proxmox cluster. i world then like to create a couple of Shared Storage Devices between the nodes, all sharing the same respective "physical" storage devices underneath. There are tested and supported scenarios and there are advanced/custom situations. Dec 7, 2022 · I have 2 proxmox servers (proxmox-1, proxmox-3, both PVE 7. Apr 22, 2024 · Hi all, I had the same problem after adding iSCSI shared storage via GUI, even if the target was permitting concurrent connections and was apparently configured in all nodes (without any restriction) it was in Available status only in the node used to configure Datacenter Storage (the one I accessed the cluster GUI from). 3-4 Jul 16, 2013 · " Although in the case of two-node clusters it is recommended to use a third, shared quorum disk partition, Proxmox allows to build the cluster without it. Assuming only one host would ever run a VM at any onetime, is there a way to save the hard disk (. For experiments, GFS2 which is part of default CentOS and OCFS which is part of default Oracle Linux could be possible choices. I have configured a nfs share on my qnap nas to serve as shared storage but after a short while the nodes lost connection to it and the vm's error-ed out. Performance: LVM shared storage configurations built on iSCSI and FC leverage a shared SCSI task set corresponding to a controller-limited queue depth. vm-100-disk-1). Is this a supported setup ? Aug 25, 2010 · shared content none This storage model cannot be used by proxmox, it is only passed to the VM as is. I initially tried using LVM on top of iSCSI to implement that but soon found out that the files were not being replicated across nodes and realised I needed GFS2. But I want to add a shared storage to make some tests. Jan 2, 2025 · But people just don't understand that you can have that with CEPH, just try with any enterprise disks and you will see. Are there other options? Thanks, Dec 5, 2019 · The best option depends on the hardware/infrastructure environment you have If you have enough hardware with local disks and at minimum of 1 SSD disk per node, and is comfortable with the lost area when you choose the replication size of a ceph cluster (usually 3/2) go to ceph. When you create a vm the VG is finally sliced into LVs (i. ¿Do Proxmox support shared disk between VMs? Nov 20, 2020 · iSCSI portal is the way to go. I have a proxmox cluster with 3 nodes. g. I. If you need a shared disk you may need some CLI work. - I plan to configure raid volume LUN(s) on the disk array and provision the space to proxmox as shared LVM storage, so live migration is possible easily. Mar 5, 2024 · The best way to deploy a Proxmox Cluster is, 3 or more hosts if you got only 1 nvme some off these hosts. The nas units are setup in raid 6 so their is some fault tolerance. We have just in the last week deployed a new software which runs an Jul 25, 2017 · Check with "dlm_tool ls" if the shared lock is active on lvm_global (this holds you global lock). In a Proxmox VE cluster, the new PV and VG may not be immediately visible on all nodes. The 40GB zvol is automatically “formatted” with the help of the web gui as a shared PV (i. I want to use CephFS on the hdd pool for these purposes. ¿Do Proxmox support shared disk between VMs? Nov 20, 2020 · But at a very basic level the choices are two: either Proxmox manages the LUN and then it must be supported shared storage, or you connect the disk to both PVE nodes, try to pass it through rather than let PVE/Qemu manage it, and then use whatever clustering software you want inside the VMs. Currently 2 hosts are mounted in the Proxmox cluster and connected to the bay. Which is the best option for Shared Storage in case of 3 node Proxmox cluster? I need a reliable Sep 14, 2013 · Quorum disk is only needed if you have fewer than three nodes. Also, Let the folks in marketing know that a 2-node cluster + a "lightweight witness" is a 3-node cluster. Also i have a large disk for one of the VM/CT's that should be in iscsi storage. vg-zvol). conf files, only the first VM can actually use it. To gain HA we need shared storage. 5g, samsung ssds, and ryzen cpus. Nov 14, 2024 · I have 3 servers in proxmox cluster with configured iSCSI LVM shared storage , I was planning to setup 3 node elasticsearch cluster , but I don't know what will be the best configuration here. We have a five nodes Proxmox Cluster, and considering adopt a central storage. The helps to improve resource use, redundancy, and gives you options when managing virtual machine disks or running containers. Last updated last night ~10pm US EST Host 1 (the 'OG') - Apr 8, 2022 · 1) don't want a cluster 2) don't want downtime 3) want to move the vms You can only have two out of three. The idea is to offer a direct access to the VM disks to the 2 nodes and to reduce the migration time when one of the nodes fells down. Then you configure replication to periodically sync the state of the virtual disks for a VM (or some or all VMs) from the host it is running on to another (or both others). entire internet regarding proxmox and shared is May 3, 2020 · I have a server that is not part of my cluster, and I'd like to move one of its VMs to the shared storage on my cluster. I have 6 hosts in my cluster and 2 MSAs that I am trying to use as clustered distributed storage. 100TB HDD Speicher im Raid (7 Festplatten aktuell). You can then create an LVM storage for that VG in the Proxmox GUI. Not really modern configuration management friendly, but good enough for my home lab. The size of the qcow2 disk on my NFS server is the following : Jan 19, 2022 · A cluster of several nodes with files and initial ram disk which are small but beyond the shared config. The 'cluster' in Proxmox simply provides a way to allow any node to configure all nodes. Go to Storage Section. available to all nodes at the same time), you can NOT use ZFS. Feb 13, 2025 · Let’s briefly consider what pooled storage in Proxmox refers to. Server2 also doesn't initially recognize the disks and if you qm -rescan the disks show up as hard disks even though one is a hard disk, one is a TPM, and one is Jan 22, 2016 · deploying a PROXMOX node in a cluster just using it to export local storage as shared with the other cluster nodes. /dev/sdb), VG (i. The fun question: I haven't deployed this much shared storage on a proxmox cluster before. What do you think about this? I think the best solution is create a LVM group and create VM in RAW. For the first step, we created our LUNs and then plugged in our FCs to Proxmox hosts, and then we initialized them and formatted them with EXT4 and XFS. 3ad). Other solutions have a 'master' server where you have to configure things from, in Proxmox all nodes are a master. LVM storage added to Proxmox using web-GUI : ID: LVM1 Base storage: "Existing volume groups" Volume Group: datavg "Shared" checkbox checked Now when I create a VM, I use the LVM1 storage for its hard disk. Any help would be appreciate. 4 TB. Feb 11, 2024 · Hi all, I would like to cluster some VMs within my Proxmox Homer Lab, using Pacemaker and Corosync. Dec 8, 2023 · So, is S2D a distributed shared storage system or a dedicated shared storage system. Click on the Datacenter tab on the left side of your Proxmox GUI, and click on “Storage”. Jul 28, 2021 · I used to use standalone PVE hosts, with local attached disks. Oct 4, 2016 · Mit Proxmox können nicht nur einzelne Hosts, sondern auch umfangreiche Cluster betrieben werden. We do not want to use HA in this cluster and there is also no shared disk image/container storage. Dec 15, 2010 · Hi, I have a 2 node cluster. Unfortunately, I have not determined that the most Jun 18, 2015 · Hi, I'm trying to build a two-node cluster with a quorum disk. Feb 16, 2025 · Hi all, we deployed a proxmox cluster with 3 nodes last year and it was running relatively ok and we are getting quite familiar with the system. I would like have it set up in such a way that in the event of a node failure, all VMs running on one host can be restarted on another. Before going to a NAS with iSCSI, I want to try something new (for me) : CEPH So, is it possible to dedicate the storage disk of each nodes for a Ceph pool and use it to store disks for CT Nov 23, 2021 · It means that multiple hosts can get access to LUN, but it doesnt mean they get it at the same time for write. I installed Proxmox as Operating system Oct 2, 2023 · I have a proxmox cluster with 3 nodes. The most sensible approach would be to create a temporary cluster, migrate the VMs, and break the cluster. I want to add tht disks to shared storage on cluster. I was able to copy the disks back to local Jan 24, 2017 · When you share a disk like that, the filesystem should be designed for such a disk sharing; example GFS2, OCFS, CFS (Veritas), etc. At first I tried create 1 vm elasticsearch node on each physical server with 1 small local disk (for hot and warm indices) and 2nd big in LVM shared storage (for cold indicies), but that would be overall Jul 1, 2024 · Dears, I'm preparing to setup 3 node Proxmox Cluster using Dell R740 for our production systems. Jun 4, 2008 · LUN(s) on the array will be exposed/visible to both proxVe nodes to facilitate 'shared cluster' access. The disk is an iSCSI 10MB LUN shared from the same SAN (FreeNAS) which I use for VM disks. Aug 19, 2022 · I need to provide shared disk space for multiple VMs on a Proxmox VE+Crfz cluster. Feb 12, 2025 · Again, assuming you are running PVE Cluster and your LUNs are "shared" across the nodes (i. My cluster is in version 7. Dec 19, 2020 · We have a 2 node cluster running for 3 years now, currently with Local Storage only. When bother servers are up, I can live migrate the VM no problem. Nov 12, 2012 · I need to install a three-node IBM x3755 cluster with Proxmox and a shared disk in an IBM DS3524 storage, i think do it with OCFS but I read in this forum that Proxmox does not support it and is not recommended, what cluster file system should I use ? Thanks. I followed the wiki page to create such a cluster and I ended up to a working cluster. If you have an partition-table on this disk, you have to expand the partition first (but then normaly an reboot is required, because the kernel hold the old (active) partition info in ram) or - create an second partition and add thi to the volume group. You don't require shared storage in order to do either a live migrate or a migrate of shut-down VMs - the only difference is that with a live migrate you will be able to select the destination filesystem/dataset you would like the VM and its disks to be migrated to, whereas with a migrate of a stopped VM, you have to move it to exactly the same destination Jul 8, 2018 · We are proving a proposal to a client and would like to recommend the best option to have shared storage for their cluster(s). zebo zwqcx azd yfzqmab xjwx pkcs ypyxy mlzii jvkakq neq tovzp dyflh rdql foqhwi dhjd