Vestfrost vls 400 Page: 1/1. VLS 026 SDD RF. Es un refrigerador horizontal VLS-404A AC de 235 litros para el almacenamiento de vacunas, avalado por la OMS a través de certificado PQS,con sistemas de control electrónico con indicación, rangos precisos de temperatura entre 2ºC y 8ºC y alarmas audible y visual entre otras características técnicas. VLS 054 SDD GREEN LINE. ) 235 (8. The VLS 400 Green Line is probably the most energy efficient icelined refrigerator available today. Product line and sales effort are targeted at four basic market segments, which cover demanding and exciting challenges: Biomedical, Cold Chain Equipment (CCE), Wine, and Merchandising This document provides specifications for an icelined refrigerator manufactured by Vestfrost Solutions in Denmark. Key details include: - The refrigerator can maintain a temperature of +43°C, has a storage capacity of 145L, and has a holdover time of 55 hours. Furthermore, the appliance comes with industrial locking mechanism, 10 cm adjustable legs and baskets for storage. Spare parts: For all VLS-A models spare parts can be ordered. vls400 - Free download as PDF File (. All VLS SDD RF models have been tested and PQS approved according to the newest performance standards Tủ Thuốc Tủ Trữ Vacxin Vls 400 Green Line Vestfrost Đan Mạch Model: Vls 400 Xuất Xứ: Đan Mạch Chứng Chỉ: Ce, Who/Pqs, Iso Thể Tích: 235 Lít Tủ Trữ Vacxin Vls400 Chuyên Dụng Nằm Trong Danh Sách Sơ Tuyển Của Who Cho Mục Đích Bảo Quản Vacxin. VLS 024 SDD Copyright © 2025 http://www. Manuales y guías de usuario para Vestfrost VLS 064A RF AC. com. Its built-in Super Freeze function is used for freezing large amounts of food. Este manual está disponible en los siguientes idiomas: Español, Inglés . Also find Ice Lined Refrigerator price list | ID: 22352380230 MODELO VLS-400 GREEN LINE VLS– 400 Refrigerador para conservación de Vacunas Equipo diseñado con sistema de autorregulación de temperatura, no hay ajuste manual, diseño icelining que garantiza el control de temperatura en el rango de 2 a 8 °C, permaneciendo estable entre 6. VLS 024 SDD GREEN LINE SOLAR DIRECT DRIVEN REFRIGERATOR · State-of-the-art unit designed and manufactured by A/S Vestfrost in Denmark · Unit optimized for optimal footprint ENVIRONMENT · Eco-friendly R600a refrigerant · Efficient cyclopentane insulation OPTIMIZED baskets to provide optimal airflow and proper storage of vaccines. 274. CARACTERISTICAS VLS-400 Capacidad Enfriamiento sin A self regulating cooling system makes VLS 400 green line a very reliable and user-friendly appliance. VLS AC. VLS 026 SDD RF SOLAR DIRECT DRIVEN COMBI · State-of-the-art unit designed and manufactured by A/S Vestfrost in Denmark · Unit optimized for optimal footprint ENVIRONMENT · Eco-friendly R600a refrigerant · Efficient cyclopentane insulation · Low energy consumption DIGITAL solar driven display, ensures the temperature is easily read. refrigeradores vestfrost mk 204. 82kWh Gas: R600a Số giỏ: 07 giỏ Skycon Appliances - Offering Vestfrost +2 ~ +8 Degree C VLS 400 Celfrost Icelined Refrigerators, For Laboratory at ₹ 122000 in New Delhi, Delhi. All VLS SDD RF models have been tested and PQS approved according to the newest performance standards Feb 19, 2019 · VLS 400A AC icelined refrigerator product description Vestfrost Solutions. Description: Vestfrost Solutions proudly presents a new ground-breaking and green ILR technology vaccine refrigerator that is remarkably eco-friendly and comes with an enhanced net capacity due to the integrated icelining whilst energy consumption is approximately 3 times lower as compared to MÔ TẢ CHI TIẾT; Tủ trữ vacxin VLS 400 Green Line Vestfrost Đan Mạch. CARACTERISTICAS VLS-400 Capacidad Enfriamiento sin The VLS 300 Green Line is probably the most energy efficient icelined refrigerator available today. Manuales y guías de usuario para Vestfrost VLS 094A SDD. The document provides maintenance and troubleshooting instructions for Vestfrost refrigeration units. com; bjn@vestfrostsolutions. SE The VLS A AC is an ice-lined vaccine refrigerator. Page 5: Get To Know Your Vls 024 Sdd Get to know your VLS 024 SDD Handle Sealing strip Vaccine storage ON/OFF Switch Green diode Temperature display fig. Dec 14, 2024 · Similar as the old models from Vestfrost, Vestfrost recommends to change the complete lid if the seal is old or broken. All our VLS AC models are PQS certified according to the newest performance standards. Tenemos 2 Vestfrost VLS 094A SDD manuales disponible para descarga gratuita en PDF: Instrucciones De Uso, Manual Tecnico The VLS 064A RF AC is an ice-lined vaccine refrigerator (+2 to +8°C) equipped with basket. - Additional features Marca: Vestfrost / Modelo: VLS 404A AC Procedencia: Dinamarca. 402. · Grade A The VLS has an integrated safety thermostat, and junction box to safeguard and provide easy access to electrical components. ft This document provides specifications for an icelined refrigerator manufactured by Vestfrost Solutions in Denmark. Today, product development, production and sales focus on solutions that target business needs. It is a sustainable solution constructed with hydrocarbon refrigerant, cyclopentane vls 404a ac Energy efficient Ice-lined vaccine refrigerator. Our appliances are devel-oped for use in remote areas in chal-lenging conditions. Our product range is not only extensive, but it also encompasses A self regulating cooling system makes VLS 400 green line a very reliable and user-friendly appliance. It has one compartment for vaccine storage (+2 to +8°C) equipped with baskets that are recommended to be used. of electricity needed per 24 hrs. Low Total Cost . Todos los modelos VLS RF AC han sido probados y aprobados por PQS según los estándares de rendimiento más recientes. However, it remains possible to order the seal (as a spare part) and replace this in the field. Nov 12, 2024 · For Vestfrost VLS models. May 29, 2021 · Middleby Celfrost India Introduces Vestfrost Solutions from Denmark with complete range of Vaccine Storage and other Medical Cold Storages as below : • Premium Pharmacy Refrigerators +2°C to +8°C : AKG 427E , AKG 377 • Low Temp & Ultra Low Temp Upright Freezers | -45°C | -86°C : VTS 254 , VTS 258 • Icelined Refrigerators for Vaccine Storage : VLS 400 • Solar Driven Vaccine All our VLS AC models are PQS certified according to the newest performance standards. 5 y 7. com COLD CHAN SOLUTONS Version250417 Products are subject to change due to enhancements and continuous development. A sustainable solution constructed with hydrocarbon refrigerant, cyclopentane insulation and recyclable components. Solar Driven Vaccine Refrigerators MKS 044 with Solar Panels* Based on the unique Solarchill ice bank technology, the Vestfrost MKS 044 functions safely without use of energy storing batteries or contaminating fuel. SB 200 · 250 · 300 · 400. 5; For 220-240V/50/60Hz, input voltage regulation range 110-278V/50/60Hz - Supplied with M, G, and F appliance plugs Introducing our premium line of Vestfrost VLS 400 Spare Parts, explicitly designed to ensure optimal performance and longevity of your Vestfrost VLS 400. Solar direct drive refrigerator Manufacturer's reference: Vestfrost Solutions A/S Vestfrost Falkevej 12 DK-6705 Denmark clc@vestfrostsolutions. The VLS A AC is an ice-lined vaccine refrigerator. Product line and sales effort are targeted at four basic market segments, which cover demanding and exciting challenges: Biomedical, Cold Chain Equipment (CCE), Wine, and Merchandising Consult VESTFROST's VLS 174A AC brochure on ArchiExpo. External dimensions are 86. - Construido con refrigerante de hidrocarburos, aislamiento de ciclopentano y componentes Ver y descargar Vestfrost VLS 204A instrucciones para el uso online. sensors 3: ambient temp. «vls 400a ac» (“Vestfrost Solutions”, Дания) На сегодняшний день, VLS является наиболее эффективной температура удерживающей и Search in VESTFROST catalogs and technical brochures on ArchiExpo and find the information you need in 1 click. The VLS SDD has an integrated safety thermostat, and junction box to safeguard and provide easy access to electrical components. Nuestro sistema de monitoreo de equipos remoto totalmente integrado (EMS) puede añadirse como una opción para este modelo GEA VESTFROST VLS-404A-AC Vaccine Cooler - Kulkas Penyimpanan Vaksin di Tokopedia ∙ Promo Pengguna Baru ∙ Cicilan 0% ∙ Kurir Instan. refrigeradores vestfrost vls 154 sdd. Tủ bảo quản Vaccine Vestfrost [VLS 400] Green Line 💢 Thể tích: 235 Lít 💢 Nhiệt độ hoạt động: +2°C đến +8°C Thời gian bảo quản trong trường hợp mất điện: 30 giờ Điện năng tiêu thụ trong 24 giờ: 0. 29) Net volume, litres (cu. meditop@gmail. Do you have a question about the Vestfrost VLS 404A AC or do you need help? Ask your question here As an option the appliance can be supplied with Vestfrost in-built RTMD; with following features: 1: 5” touch display 2: 3X internal temp. Search in VESTFROST catalogs and technical brochures on ArchiExpo and find the information you need in 1 click. Deals In Vestfrost +2 ~ +8 Degree C Vls 400 Celfrost Icelined ₹ 1,22,000. Thermostat: AGENDA Presentación de A/S Vestfrost Cambios/diferencias MK / VLS Instalación Puesto en funcionamiento Descripción de manejo básico y de los requisitos del mantenimiento preventivo por Refrigerador Pared De Hielo Ref VLS 404A AC Vestfrost Solutions. Here they perform Tủ bảo quản vắc xin VLS 200 Green Line. This sustainable model constructed with recyclable components, has a built-in heating element ensuring that the appliance can maintain stable temperatures between +2°to +8°C in all ambient temperatures, setting a new industry standard beyond the PQS requirement. Manufactured to exceed original equipment specifications, our authentic Vestfrost substitute parts guarantee smooth operation, reliable service, and exceptional compatibility. Este modelo sostenible disñeado para resistir condiciones extremas cuenta con la certificación de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) para garantizar un almacenamiento seguro en el rango óptimo de temperatura, entre +2°C y +8°C. The appliance comes with industrial locking mechanism, adjustable legs and storage baskets. MINUS MEDICAL REFRIGERATION VESTFROST SOLUTIONS Probably the most energy efficient icelined refrigerator available today. com Vestfrost Solutions reserve rõht to alter an,' informatbn, without further notice. A/S Vestfrost Falevej 2 D-0 Esberg www. VLS 350 Green Line Refrigerator from Vestfrost VLS 400 Green Line Refrigerator from Vestfrost High Credibility: This website adheres to all nine standards of credibility and transparency. UNICEF Cold Chain Technical Support: 2. También por: Vls 304a, Vls 354a, Vls 404a, Vls 504a. Integrated and extended voltage stabilizers as standard in line with PQS E007/VS01-VP. Meditop. Especificaciones Dec 14, 2024 · Similar as the old models from Vestfrost, Vestfrost recommends to change the complete lid if the seal is old or broken. If voltage variations Dec 14, 2024 · Similar as the old models from Vestfrost, Vestfrost recommends to change the complete lid if the seal is old or broken. Asegure la eficacia y seguridad de sus vacunas con la avanzada tecnología de los refrigeradores Vestfrost Icelined. Power supply The VLS 064A RF AC is equipped with a heavy-duty compressor that can operate at voltages 22% below nominal voltage. Supertech Ice Lined Vestfrost Solutions se reserva el derecho de modificar cualquier información, sin previo aviso. com Specifications Climate zone: Min rated ambient temp: Energy source: Solar direct drive Fuel and cycle type: Electric - compression SOLAR DIRECT DRIVE The VLS has an integrated safety thermostat, and junction-box to safeguard and provide easy access to electrical components. of Ownership. Tủ trữ vacxin VLS 400 Green Line Vestfrost Đan Mạch Consult VESTFROST's E003/106 brochure on ArchiExpo. VLS 054 SDD refrigeradores Descargar manual en PDF. This fits in the white trays at the top of the fridge. 03-47 04/01/2017 Ver y descargar Vestfrost VLS 064A RF AC instrucciones para el uso online. 2 Pages View the manual for the Vestfrost VLS 404A AC here, for free. Email: bien. Este manual pertenece a la categoría neveras y ha sido calificado por 1 personas con un promedio de 7. Tecnología ILR verde. ứng dụng tại các phòng tiêm chủng,bệnh viện, trung tâm y tế The VLS SDD has an integrated safety thermostat, and junction box to safeguard and provide easy access to electrical components. refrigeradores vestfrost vls 026 rf sdd. Ver y descargar Vestfrost VLS 054 SDD instrucciones para el uso online. Vestfrost Solutions products are high-end products with a low Total Cost of Ownership. Thermostat: The VLS has an integrated safety thermostat, and junction-box to safeguard and provide easy access to electrical components. 0 x 70. Thermostat: The VLS SDD has an integrated safety thermostat, and junction box to safeguard and provide easy access to electrical components. 400 Vesyfrost Iceline Refrigerator. Our fully integrated remote equipment monitoring system (EMS) can be added as an option for this model. UNICEF Supply Catalogue: 3. sb 200 · 250 · 300 · 400 energy chest Freezers The SB series consist of 4 exceptionally energy efficient and eco-friendly chest freezers in energy class A+ with spacious, stackable baskets allowing organized storage. Also for: Vls300, Vls400, Vls350. Vestfrost Solutions reserve the right to alter any information, without further notice. The refrigerator has a storage capacity of 145 liters and holds temperatures for 30 hours without power. Código PQS aprobado por la OMS E003 / 112 · Sistema de enfriamiento autorregulador · Solo 8 hrs. Product line and sales effort are targeted at four basic market segments, which cover demanding and exciting challenges: Biomedical, Cold Chain Equipment (CCE), Wine, and Merchandising. 400,00: Bangka Belitung: Kabupaten Belitung Timur: A/S Vestfrost has developed and produced refrigeration solutions. . Características: - Probablemente el refrigerador ice lined (pared de hielo) actual más eficiente energéticamente. a 43 ° C AMB. Get Quote. Refrigerador Pared De Hielo Ref VLS 304A AC Vestfrost Solutions. MODELO VLS 304 A AC GREEN LINE VLS 304 A AC Refrigerador para conservación de Vacunas Equipo diseñado con sistema de autorregulación de temperatura, no hay ajuste manual, control de temperatura en el rango de 2 a 8 °C, permaneciendo estable entre 6. REFRIGERADOR VESTFROST VLS 400; Refrigerador para A/S Vestfrost has developed and produced refrigeration solutions. If voltage variations View and Download Vestfrost VLS200 service and maintenance instructions online. Unidad de venta: Unidad. 306. So be patient! The VLS 024 SDD system is composed of: During days with changing weather conditions, the compressor may start and • VLS 024 SDD refrigerator stop several times. Authors. The VLS has an integrated safety thermostat, and junction-box to safeguard and provide easy access to electrical components. All VLS SDD RF models have been tested and PQS approved according to the newest performance standards Solar Direct Drive Vaccine Refrigerator with no battery Equipment model: VLS 054A SDD PQS code: E003/106 Manufactured by: A/S Vestfrost in Denmark Volume category: Useful links: 1. PCOLREFEVI7. AGENDA Presentación de A/S Vestfrost Cambios/diferencias MK / VLS Instalación Puesto en funcionamiento Descripción de manejo básico y de los requisitos del mantenimiento preventivo por Refrigerador Pared De Hielo Ref VLS 404A AC Vestfrost Solutions. VLS 204A refrigeradores Descargar manual en PDF. VLS 024 SDD GREEN LINE. However, it stays possible to order the seal (as a spare part) and replace this in the field. PT. SB 200 The VLS has an integrated safety thermostat, and junction box to safeguard and provide easy access to electrical components. This manual comes under the category refrigerators and has been rated by 1 people with an average of a 7. VLS 174A ACICELINED REFRIGERATOR This sustainable model constructed with recyclable components, has a built-in heating element ensuring that the appliance can maintain stable temperatures between +2°to +8°C in all ambient temperatures, setting a new industry standard beyond the PQS requirement. 5 °C. 4: compressor sensor 5: humidity Consult VESTFROST's M 200 brochure on ArchiExpo. It outlines general maintenance tasks that should be performed daily, monthly, and yearly. It has one compartment for storage of vaccine and one compartment for freezing and storage of water packs. All VLS SDD are PQS certified according to the newest performance standards. 4815000132-AK1-001386987. Rp 4. Godrej Gvr 225ac Ice Lined Refrigerator ₹ 1,35,000. Hotline: 0942. com Vestfrost Solutions 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 VLS 054 SDD GREEN LINE 2 Pages. ¿Tienes alguna pregunta sobre Vestfrost VLS 304A AC o necesitas ayuda? Haz tu pregunta aquí Vaccine Refrigerator - WHO PQS Certified Vestfrost VLS 400A GREEN LINE Probably the most energy efficient ice-lined Minus 40 specialised medical refrigerator available today. Tủ lạnh bảo quản VLS 400 là sản phẩm của hãng Vestfrost - Đan Mạch với thiết kế đẹp mắt ,được sử dụng lưu trữ Vacxin, thuốc, sinh phẩm,. Watch product video here: ICELINED REFRIGERATOR SERIES COLD CHAIN EQUIPMENT DIMENSIONS VALUE Height, mm 910 Width, mm 1260 Depth, mm with handle 700 Gross All our VLS AC models are PQS certified according to the newest performance standards. See the rating plate. 0 cm. VLS-404A-AC-tom, / Refrigerador con pared de hielo, volumen neto de 145 litros, construido con Dec 14, 2024 · Similar as the old models from Vestfrost, Vestfrost recommends to change the complete lid if the seal is old or broken. Ver el manual de Vestfrost VLS 304A AC aquí, gratis. Uso: Almacenamiento con temperatura adecuada. Power supply The VLS A AC line is equipped with a heavy-duty compressor that can operate at voltages 22% below nominal voltage. Deals In Ahmedabad ₹ 1,22,000. VLS 064A RF AC refrigeradores Descargar manual en PDF. 0 x 127. Consult VESTFROST's VT 208- 308 - 408 brochure on ArchiExpo. SPECIFICATIONS Gross volume, litres (cu. 2 pieces for the VLS204A AC; 3 pieces for the VLS304A AC; 4 pieces for the VLS404A AC; 6 pieces for the VLS504A AC; This water ballast does not fit for the VLS174 models, PCOLREFEV1U and. POS 72. 1 Pages. VLS 200 GREEN LINE ICELINED REFRIGERATOR ·· Reliable temperature between +2°C to +8°C ·· 3 baskets for organized storage (optional) ·· Only 8 hrs. 5 °C . A/S Vestfrost has developed and produced refrigeration solutions. refrigeradores vestfrost vls 350a ac. at ·· Delivered in solid, wooden crate ·· Self-regulating cooling system ·· External cabinet and internal liner pre-painted Green technology ·· Cooling coil of copper Hydrocarbon refrigerant 2 Vestfrostsolutions. Tủ bảo quản vắc xin Đan Mạch hãng Vestfrost Đan Mạch đã có mặt ở thị trường Việt Nam hơn 20 năm nay, với chất lượng, độ ổn định và bên bỉ cao, tủ lạnh Vestfrost đã chứng minh giá trị chất lượng và thương hiệu trên toàn thế giới. Protección contra la Congelación Grado A CARACTERISTICAS VLS 304 A AC Vestfrost +2 ~ +8 Degree C VLS 400 Celfrost Icelined Refrigerators, For Laboratory. Vaccine cold chain Vestfrost Solutions offers a wide range with net capacities ranging from 19. Thermostat: Tanpa Merek VESTFROST Icelined Refrigerator VLS 404A AC. VLS 024 SDD GREEN LINE POS 72. Matching up with the requirements of our clients, we are involved in offering Ice Lined Refrigerator. VLS200 refrigerator pdf manual download. 1 MAX 15 kg. Đây Là Loại T. Tenemos 2 Vestfrost VLS 064A RF AC manuales disponible para descarga gratuita en PDF: Instrucciones Para El Uso. WHO-P MODELO VLS-400 GREEN LINE VLS– 400 Refrigerador para conservación de Vacunas Equipo diseñado con sistema de autorregulación de temperatura, no hay ajuste manual, diseño icelining que garantiza el control de temperatura en el rango de 2 a 8 °C, permaneciendo estable entre 6. de electricidad necesaria por 24 hrs. Cotiza aquí +573206778810. pdf), Text File (. Ver y descargar Vestfrost VLS 064A RF AC instrucciones para el uso online. Watch product video here: ICELINED REFRIGERATOR SERIES COLD CHAIN EQUIPMENT DIMENSIONS VALUE Height, mm 910 Width, mm 1260 Depth, mm with handle 700 Gross A/S Vestfrost has developed and produced refrigeration solutions. VLS 400A AC icelined refrigerator product description and specifications. - It runs on 220-240V electricity and uses an R600a refrigerant. Home; Subcatalogues HIV-AIDS drugs; Non-Communicable Diseases drugs; Laboratory - TB Culture; Laboratory - Bacteriology; TB drugs; NTDs/TriTryps drugs Vestfrost Solutions reserve the right to alter any information, without further notice. vestfrostsolutions. ft. ihltda. 2 Pages. 5 liters to 242 liters. VLS-404A-AC-tom, / Refrigerador con pared de hielo, volumen neto de 145 litros, construido con The VLS has an integrated safety thermostat, and junction-box to safeguard and provide easy access to electrical components. All VLS AC models have been tested and PQS approved according to the newest performance standards «VLS 400A AC» (“Vestfrost Solutions”, Данія) На сьогоднішній день, VLS є найбільш ефективною температура The VLS has an integrated safety thermostat, and junction box to safeguard and provide easy access to electrical components. This manual is available in the following languages: English. Page: 1/2. Consult VESTFROST's VT 146 · 306 · 406 · 546 brochure on ArchiExpo. 5 . Solar panels are connected plug & play directly to Oct 9, 2021 · Los refrigeradores VESTFROST funcionan con temperaturas de + 2 ° C a + 8 ° C. 1 The VLS SDD has an integrated safety thermostat, and junction box to safeguard and provide easy access to electrical components. Spare parts: For all VLS-4 line spare parts can be ordered and they are compatible with all VLSA models. txt) or read online for free. VLS 064A RF AC congeladores Descargar manual en PDF. It is a sustainable solution constructed with hydrocarbon refrigerant, cyclopentane insulation Vaccine Refrigerator - WHO PQS Certified Vestfrost VLS 400A AC The Vestfrost VLS 400A AC is designed for maximum efficiency and reliability for tough African environments whilst also optimising the refrigeration protection given to vaccines and other medical supplies VLS 094A SDD SOLAR DIRECT DRIVEN REFRIGERATOR The integrated ice bank technology with increased thermal energy storage provides self controlling and reliable temperatures in the area of +2°C to +8°C rated according to highest climate zone within ambient temperature area from +5°C to +43°C. 5. Deals In MODELO VLS 304 A AC GREEN LINE VLS 304 A AC Refrigerador para conservación de Vacunas Equipo diseñado con sistema de autorregulación de temperatura, no hay ajuste manual, control de temperatura en el rango de 2 a 8 °C, permaneciendo estable entre 6. M 200 bottle cooler M 200 is part of a new series of spacious upright coolers with increased capacity, which allows improved exposure of contents. mlozkt venn quoze dysc yyokpc duaca zopsa lpjieu pab jlfk euvhottl rqbxsgz mgbezql rursbjq bshdxsm