Webcore dim lights over time S far, so good. May 11, 2019 · Hello, I am trying to fade three Philips Hue lights to a specific color over the period of two minutes. Each room’s can lights are controlled by a smart dimmer. **4) Post a Green Snapshot of the piston![image|45x37] Here are three alternative scenarios I Dec 6, 2017 · WebCoRe - Dim Lights Over Time. What I’d like to do is turn them off after 12 cumulative hours in a single day. How is it possible doing it as an “expression”? Jul 4, 2018 · Trying to build a piston that runs daily at sunset and 11pm that dims the lights on and off respectively, but then adjusts based on physical interactions with the switch. Thanks for reading! FAQs. I’ve looked around and it SHOULD fire when motion detector show active but it will not. Built a Stringify flow. I would like the lights to turn on a dim red. 08 +943ms +2ms ╔Received event [Lynge Bygade 29]. Dec 3, 2019 · 1) Give a description of the problem I want all the lights in my house to flash blue if ring detects motion, then turn lights to colour they were before they were blue. Ill try to work through this, but any feedback would be appreciated. Read More Oct 20, 2019 · 1) Give a description of the problem I am trying to write a piston that will toggle through hue lights colors each time the button is pressed. autodimmer Apr 13, 2018 · I have been struggling to get an H801 controller to work as intended with a WebCoRE piston. 5 seconds as a warning the door is going to move. Q: Can all leds dim over time? A: While all leds can eventually dim over time, some types of leds are more susceptible to this problem than others. Webcore-Dimmable Osram Switch Feb 21, 2021 · 1) Give a description of the problem I have a piston currently that turns on a switch when it is windy so that my motion lights get turned off outside so that the neighbors don’t get pissed. Feb 16, 2024 · I have noticed pistons losing device control after months of operating correctly. Scene switching made easy: each Switcher manages a set of scenes from 1 to N. Great I’ll try this ! Can I set this once at the beginning and the jump into the if light on then statements; I have a lot of these to check if each individual light is on before applying the colour and level change… Jan 4, 2016 · I have my routines and modes set to turn on a couple of interior lights and my outdoor lights at 10% during the evening. I am able to get the correct outcome, but it takes six minutes. Find the piston Jan 6, 2018 · I’ve have a simple piston that used motion (when active) to turn on a light. In that situation the dimming piston needs to be stopped. I have found a need to dynamically set different Configuration Command Class parameters on a situational-aware basis, but have not found any way to leverage CoRE or webCoRE to do this. ’. I can get the piston to turn the lights on based on motion, but the lights do not turn off 2) What is the expected behavior? When motion is sensed in my bathroom I want the lights to turn on and stay Dim group of lights without turning them on. The lights are an obnoxious red/purple combo, so I only have it run when I’m out. Inventory: 3x Cooper dimmers (w/ level indicators) 3x Hue color bulbs. The piston works if the lights are already turned on. I am using a cloud DTH for the Zooz dimmer and a generic local DTH for the motion Oct 21, 2018 · 2X is not a problem because it would dim the lights twice (and I’ve noticed that ST will not execute a line if no change of state occurs, so even 2X would be blocked from executing [I think]). Cant use guitextures, so a literal fuel bar is out of the question, this light dimming thing was best i came up with, and i’ve looked and not finding much. 3) What is happening/not happening? Nothing at all is happening. May 14, 2023 · Trying to create a script to adjust brightness of selected Light(s) over a certain time. However, if I turn a light on after 10 PM, nothing happens. For example, cheap or poorly made leds Jul 18, 2021 · I have a piston that every 30 minutes sets light level based on the lux measured outside. The other day it stopped working, even though I can see in the webCORE logs that webCoRE is telling the Apr 18, 2019 · Hi, This is a very simple question. I made that mistake of not being explicit one time, when I installed the first smart dimmer in our house. I finally just wrote a piston that treats a group of dimmers as one entity. The dim is to let anyone know in the room that the lights are about to go off, and they need to move if they want them to stay on. 32. If I press and hold again it should start to decrease brightness down to 0 Nov 24, 2018 · Hello All, Been around ST for awhile and found the need to get into a Rule engine. I would like to fade to zero. Please Jul 31, 2023 · then it will repeat 9 times and at every cycle it checks if the light is on if yes, a decrease of 5% over a time of 2,5 minutes if no. It does as its supposed to and fades, but as soon as it gets to 0%, it turns back on to 100%. I would like to have the light always turn on at full brightness with motion. But i was wondering if there is a way to put them in 1 piston. 1) Give a description of the problem I have lights under my kitchen cabinets controlled through a Leviton Decora ZWave Plus switch. time Dec 15, 2017 · That all the lights will come on when someone arrives home and then they all turn off at 11:00pm 3) Wha… So the undercabinet lights didn’t dim to 20% at 8:00 pm. This first piston will control a dimmable smart bulb and progress through three different definable steps with every push of a button: low, medium, high, and off Updated: 20181212_1101 Created switch case ranges so if the bulb is currently set between the steps, it will go Feb 24, 2018 · 1) Give a description of the problem Random away lighting timer. e. So either my A19 bulbs dont work with this or my Smart Lighting is causing it to stop or I have completely no idea what i am doing… I was trying to do something similar with a “if ring motion true” What is if countcolors = 0 referencing? Apr 13, 2018 · I have been struggling to get an H801 controller to work as intended with a WebCoRE piston. I’d like to have the lights fade on over a period of 30 minutes. I know I have some of the restrictions, like time, repeating in all of the If statements, but I’m simply trying to stop them from triggering outside of the desired time frame. i. Install WebCoRE on your hubitat. The on portion is pretty straight forwa&hellip; Jan 4, 2016 · I have my routines and modes set to turn on a couple of interior lights and my outdoor lights at 10% during the evening. Aug 2, 2019 · I’m using a few Sengled Color light bulbs and looking for a way (Routine, Scene, App, etc) to gradually change the color (NOT the dimness) of those lights from white to red/orange to simulate sunset. And at least a couple . I have tried smart lighting, but the set to level after motion stops does not work. By following the tips in this article, you can prevent or slow down your led bulbs from dimming over time and extend their lifespan. First time pressed light goes blue, next time pressed red, etc then have the cycle start all over 2) What is the expected behaviour? (PUT YOUR INFO HERE) 3) What is happening/not happening? Feb 9, 2017 · Looking for a smart app to fade 2 lights(hue) over an hour. Other people in my house inadvertently dim the lights very low instead of just turning them off, so I need a piston to turn them off and reset their level to 100% when that happens. The pistons are still running when triggered but when they go to make a change to a device, the change doesn’t happen. NET, VB, etc. 11: 7966: March 5, 2020 Helping setting up Piston to control a light Dec 28, 2017 · 1) Give a description of the problem Hi, I’m trying to get my Xiamio smart button to act as both a flip switch (pressing once to toggle the light) but also to dim the light when being held. I’d like to create a piston that dims each of these rooms together regardless of the switch state for each room. Jan 30, 2018 · Hi all, I recently discovered webCoRE and it’s great, except for one problem: I want my lights to automatically dim if they are on late at night (between 10 PM and 2 AM). The plan of action is: A) At Sunset - Activate Evening Lighting Scene (House lights to 100% at 3100k or holiday colors Hoping for some suggestions on how I can fade lights on over time at a specific time (whether sunset or fixed time). Is there an app or setting that can be integrated that can achieve this across the board. Not smart enough to tell how to start the light from 1% to 100% or the reverse in core. I am looking for each light called in the piston to go to a random color. Add as many presence sensors / lights as you wish in the variables. I am using HUE V3 color bulbs connected to a Hue bridge. Sleeping with a light on is linked to near sightedness but a dim light to curb fears makes sense for kiddos. It would be nice if I could run it for about 30 minutes to gradually change color and get our eyes acclimated to night. I simplified this piston example to replicate the issue in the best possible way. According to the WebCoRE logs, WebCoRE isn’t doing it. Greetings! Using a button remote successfully to turn on/off lights via button push. Modes are: Sleep Home - Dawn Home - Day Home - Evening Home - Night Away - Dawn Away - Day Away - Night Edit: Worked around a bug, had to change <= to < as webCoRE was Sep 28, 2017 · I’d then like to be able to say “turn off Workout” and turn off the gym and studio lights after a delay so I have time to get out of there, then if it’s now dark out turn on the stairway light and time it out after a few minutes. … Aug 24, 2020 · There are three sets of lights I want come on at the same time, fade from low to high, in three separate colors. Automation Ideas. I notice that when I turn them off/on, or dim them, the change happens very abruptly. However, I have a go control (actually iris brand but made by linear go control) it is designed that when Door is going to open or close it flashes a light downward towards floor and has an audible alarm beeping for approx. Goal: Dimmers should act as a 4way, and the bulbs should act as one. The piston works reliably but it takes a little over 1 second from when you trigger the motion sensor and it blinks to when the light comes on. setAdjustedColor([[hex: #DEB887, hue:9, saturation:57, level:70], 60000]) (24ms) However Mar 5, 2019 · So im trying to get my under cabinet lights to go on when the room light is dim at 30% but increase to 100% when there is motion and it is dim. Then after 10 minutes of no motion, they turn off 3) What is happening/not happening? The lights come on but don’t turn off 4) Post a Green Snapshot of the piston (UPLOAD YOUR IMAGE HERE) Feb 20, 2018 · Perhaps I should reconsider something mentioned earlier above about having the lights gradually dim over a period of time…as opposed to changing the lights to specific levels at specific times. Is this something that can be achieved with WebCore? If so, will it continue to work without regular maintenance? Feb 20, 2018 · Looking closer at the Fibaro device handler… all night mode is doing is changing parameter 19 (forced switch on brightness level). 2) What is the expected behavior? So what I want is when I hold the button it will start to increase brightness and stop at 100. what I wouId like is for all of my lights to dim and illuminate gradually when powered on and off every time. 2) What is the expected behaviour? Have a smart bulb in my pantry that turns on and off with motion. full light at night. I have an automation that turns off some of these lights when we go to sleep… so if we turn in early, the automation turns off the light, then piston dims to 38% and then the automation again turns off the light… this will go on until the dimming is scheduled to end. Aug 3, 2021 · I like it a lot because its nice to have lights on but dim late at night. According to the logs everything is running and in the SmartThings app, it shows that the piston changed the May 29, 2017 · WebCoRe - Dim Lights Over Time. I have since weaned her off a big light being on because of sleep regression at 3 year mark. The virtual switch gets turned on at random daily times when the light level goes below a defined threshold. Brute force Jun 14, 2019 · Here is a simple piston which can be used by any external service capable of making HTTP calls, from simple bookmarks saved in your phone browser / on your desktop to software packages like Blue Iris or other home automation platforms etc. 11: 7964: March 5, 2020 Increase brightness when i push a button? Nov 21, 2017 · 1) Give a description of the problem The bathroom light dimmers should be set to a bright default level during the day and dim level at night (100% and 1%, respectively). The simplest and obvious one to start with is my exterior lighting. Have been trying off and on for some time to achieve dimming lights via button held. component May 16, 2020 · On motion of my Hallway sensor, the lights co… 1) Give a description of the problem My first decent attempt at a piston appears to be working ok, but I’m sure Nov 15, 2018 · Changing the Z-Wave’s light’s attributes (eg. Be a specific dim level/color between specific times to show if the dog needs to be fed based on dog food container being opened. However, sometimes I set the indoor light level manually in the ST app, e. Edit. Almost all of the lights turn off per the command but for some reason I’m having trouble with 2 separate lights. S. You could also investigate the following: In this 2nd video of my "Getting to Know webCoRE" series I will be doing a short tutorial I will be going over how to utilize webCoRE (a smart app for Samsun Apr 24, 2020 · 1) Give a description of the problem HI I’m new with webcore , I’m having an issue with a very simple piston that I don’t understand. She always slept in a dark room until age 2. alias: dimming lights description: Dim Lights if turned on with button. No fade or change. 2) What is the expected behavior? I have 10 recessed lights and a lamp. Brake Safe Inspection. 11: 7966: March 5, 2020 "Transition to Color" working with Hue Bulbs / Bridge? Sep 30, 2017 · Hello, Just recently started to dive into the power of CoRE and webCoRE. If your car struggles to start the lights dim when idling or the battery over three years old it may be time. It fails to turn on the light. Rebooting the hub doesn’t seem to fix it. In a nutshell, I want the bulb to come on at 100% from 7AM to 11PM, and 50% from 11PM to 7AM. lifx, autodimmer. Here is my issue, the dining room and the bathroom lights are in clusters of multiple bulbs. Any suggestions? Jul 23, 2018 · Hello I have some LED lights under my stairs that come on (dim up) with motion and off when motion stops. However, it would be rude to dim the light if it happens to be in use. I’m not sure which settings to use within CoRE or even webCoRE to accomplish this task. I have a few H801s around the house and I’ve been able to replicate this Dec 6, 2017 · I wanted to create a piston for automating all of the lights in my house. Here is snapshot: The motion sensor operations another light so I know it works correctly (using basic smartthings functionality and not webcore). I live in New Mexico so we get a lot of wind in the spring. dim level, color, etc) should not affect the WebCore piston. I’ve tried a few different ways to code the piston to do so but kept running Reading time: 9 mins 🕑 Likes: 2 May 30, 2016 · Hello all, NOOB question: I just installed the Smartthings hub and a half dozen Cree LED bulbs. My wife clicked the switch for the light over the kitchen island and it glowed like a nearly-extinguished ember. The only drawback I am seeing is if a light is already on, SmartLight will dim it back to 10% if motion reoccurs during the inactivity period. Jul 15, 2021 · Motion not detected for X minutes; dim light to level B; Motion not detected for (X+Y) minutes; turn off light. Nov 20, 2021 · Has anyone found a way to fade lights to a specific time? In other words, instead of fading from 100% to 25% in 1 hour, I’d like to turn my lights on at sunset and fade them to 5% at 10pm. I tried Core but it seems to have a max of 10 minutes. Using Aeotec Micro Smart Dimmer 2E. Currently, it pulls information from my Ambniant weather station every few minutes and if the gust is over X and the wind is over Y turn on the Feb 16, 2024 · I have noticed pistons losing device control after months of operating correctly. Obviously I’m missing something here. If motion is detected the second time right after the dimmer goes to 10% it doesn’t execute the if condition. I learned to depend heavily on it with SmartThings and it will install on Hubitat too. I would like an option to brighten the lights on motion and/or contacts. I know you are trying to use lights to do this. I have also tried lighting director, but it just turns the lights off after the motion stops. Dec 22, 2019 · 1) Give a description of the problem The lights are not turning off 2) What is the expected behaviour? When motion is sensed the lights turn on and dim to a set level based on time. Would like to “group” the lights in each room so they are treated as a single switch so the rooms (containing one to many lights) as a whole (all lights w/in the room) are randomly lit, not the Jan 17, 2017 · K. Additionally I’d like to have it setup so my Apr 18, 2019 · Hi, This is a very simple question. I have tried a few things such as putting fixtures as separate action items Jan 31, 2018 · After trying a bunch of changes in device type handlers, struggling with GE add-on switch functionality, etc. Also, WebCore might need a 1 second delay so it does not transmit an action code to a switch at the same time as SmartLight. I have a virtual (simulated) switch that is turned on when a Lux sensor detects low light levels in the afternoon. Also, if one were to manually turn off the Z-Wave light, the WebCore piston should not activate since it is only monitoring the power usage of the TV to turn on/off the light. g. In other words, I’d like the dimming to occur whether the lights are on or off when I trigger the piston. I’ve had it happen on multiple pistons and several different Dim group of lights without turning them on. I have pasted the piston below. I am using GE dimmer switches which Aug 9, 2018 · turn lights on if motion detected; slowly dim lights + off over course of 60 seconds if no motion for 5 minutes. 2) What is the expected behaviour? It should fade my light over a set period of time. autodimmer, smartlighting, lights, webcore. E. Turn off after dog container has been opened. I want to be able to turn them on/off or set the dim with a single command on my phone Dec 30, 2017 · 1) Problem description I tried using the max brightness piston example here, but it seems to be triggering a) when I set the brightness to any level, and b) multiple times. 2) What is the expected behavior? Independent timers for different lights to turn them off after x time in one piston. These lights will always be set the same, but ANY of the lights in the set can be used as the ‘master. I’m now doing this by using 2 pistons for each set of lights i want to turn off. If they were off, then off again. LIFX & Philips bulbs Oct 6, 2017 · webCoRE Community Forum Remote Button Held. **4) Post a Green Snapshot of the piston![image|45x37] 5) Attach logs after turning logging level to Full 7. Instead of running all three actions at the same time, its running one a time despite me setting the Jul 30, 2019 · I have two rooms that have can lights in each. What I am finding is that as the piston runs, it randomizes the color and then applies that 1x color to the fixtures instead of each fixture getting its own randomization. One is a Caseta switch and another is a Hue bulb. I have been trying different brands, I know this probably makes it more difficult. Many of my smart bulbs are OSRAM Lightify bulbs, when they lose power, they default back on to 100% brightness and 2700k white temp. 2) What is the expected behavior? Lights to dim away smoothly and nicely. Is there any way to avoid this, so that Jan 22, 2018 · I have my ST up and running since December and I was looking to use WebCore to consolidate various ST scenes and several Smart Lighting Automations into a single WebCore piston for various groups of lighting. I have searched on these boards to no avail. Im guessings it’s got something to do with get. The virtual switch turns on several living room lights (in ST) and also kicks off a webCoRE piston automation to randomize the lights. Change the time of day for each mode threshold in the variables. Sep 6, 2017 · Hi All, I am using webcore and have been able to get “Set Color” working with the presets “Azure” “Dark Red” etc. I’m trying to turn on some hue lights at night if motion is detected. 2) What is the expected behaviour? I’m new to webCoRE, don’t know how to get this up and running… Any help at all would be greatly appreciated! P. I can restore proper operation by editing the piston, making no changes and saving it. I have coding background (. So if I go out, they come on for 6 hours, I come home and they turn off, and then I go Jul 14, 2020 · WebCoRe - Dim Lights Over Time. only works if motion Aug 28, 2023 · I’ve been adding more features over time to fit multiple scenarios, at the end of the post there are links to fun use cases like blinkers, pomodoro timers, presence simulation routines, wake-up machines, etc. 11: 7966: March 5, 2020 Using Matter transitions (native fading) in SmartThings Dec 28, 2017 · 1) Give a description of the problem Hi, I’m trying to get my Xiamio smart button to act as both a flip switch (pressing once to toggle the light) but also to dim the light when being held. What am I missing? Here is the piston: Nov 15, 2018 · I replaced a couple smart plugs with smart bulbs in a couple of my lamps, but I still wanted to be able to dim my lamps. 2) Expected behavior All dimmable lights automatically get set to 80% only when they’re Nov 29, 2017 · Condensed and efficient way of switching between modes based on time of day and presence. Am I just missing an action? For example, I have some lights setup on a Smart Dimmer. That has been working great for nearly a year. Testing now. I have messed with the programming for several days now and cant get it to work. webCoRE. I’d like a slight ramping/fading effect. It works, I;ve seen some weird behaviour where I think Webcore gets out of sync with the dim requests, and the lights brightness goes in the other directions. There’s a timeout of 15 seconds so inadvertent bumps to an adjacent switch don’t cause issues May 20, 2017 · I have an outlet controller that’s running some plant-growing LEDs (no, it’s not that fun, it’s just some garden herbs on my counter). some of the different devices Oct 14, 2017 · 1) Give a description of the problem I have a few lights that i want to turn off after x time if it’s turned on. May 28, 2020 · 1) Give a description of the problem Pantry smart light, normal motion on/off behavior. Nov 21, 2016 · I’m trying to set up the Phillips Hue bulb in my bathroom so when I turn it on in the middle of the night it is dimmer than normal, maybe 50%. I would like to just turn the lights dim to avoid startling a night Jun 14, 2019 · I want to setup my piston such that if my motion sensors stay inactive for 15 minutes, they will then briefly dim for 3 seconds, go back to their original brightness, then wait another 30 seconds, and then turn off. Both refuse to turn off every morning, even though they follow all the other Feb 7, 2021 · 1) Give a description of the problem My piston doesn’t work. I’ve configured a Lutron switch to do this in Home Assistant already but the built in automation and light transition maxes out at 5 minutes. Youngsters make our schedule inconsistent enough for this to not be a matter of simply choosing a better cutoff time. If I press and hold again it should start to decrease brightness down to 0 Sep 20, 2017 · I’m trying to capture the existing level of dimmable bulbs that are also being used for notifications when going into certain modes in which the light flashes at 50% twice - after which want them to go back to whatever level they were previously set at. stop it. It would be a piece of cake to tweak the device handler to enable the setting of parameter 19 via webCoRE… via a custom command, so actually, you CAN set the level with the switch off, to anything you like. 0X would fail to run the Dim routine leaving the lights bright until the Off time, so it’s not the end of the world. 3) What is happening/not happening? Lights come on randomly/flash, then come up at different rates to full level. I have 5 dimmers that Jan 18, 2018 · 1) Give a description of the problem I’m trying to create a piston that will turn lights on based on motions, and then turn off after x number of minutes as long as a different light is not on. The MP3 plays great, then the lights dim randomly, flicker and flash off, or stay on. at night when light is below 4 lux the indoor lights dim down. Jan 25, 2018 · If WebCore works, there is nothing to turn off after 10 minutes. I also wanted something easy to modify and understand. So, I’ve got them all “paired” with the hub and can control each individually with no issues. The problem I’m having is that the lights flash bright then change color then change level of brightness and is noticeable when they do this, specially the first time. This works fine, but when the piston runs again it will adjust back to the programmed level based. I have a virtual switch that is currently set to turn on all lights in Dec 2, 2012 · For a uni brief we have an exploration based game and i want to represent the vehicles fuel/energy, perhaps via a light that dims the longer the player has been out and about. Scenes can be anything, they’re just a number and you Dec 2, 2017 · I’m a developer and need some webCoRE “mindset guidance” to understand the right constructs for approaching my personal project… webCoRE looks great, but I don’t know its variables, virtual devices, etc work or when I should use them. what happens is, when the lights starts to dim, and motion is detected, the lights turn full brightness, but then continue to dim. Jul 13, 2017 · How might I go about setting my lights to dim steadily over a period of time within WebCoRe please? For example, bedside light dimming from 80% to 10% over the period of half hour? Any ideas welcome. I was thinking there’d be Mar 9, 2019 · Tried. I’ve re-created this script multiple times and now it’s to the point I want to throw out Home Assistant and go back to Smartthings. autodimmer Oct 24, 2017 · Thanks I will test that out. Any ideas why? Jun 13, 2020 · I bought a Sengled light strip and some globes and paired them with my SmartThings hub. Doesn’t seem like I can enter a time. Right now it seems the two lights I have just turn red and that it. They work fine however they are well too bright even at 10% intensity and it looks stupid. Note that I replied with my problem on the thread, but since it’s an example thread I’d figure I’d re-post to the help forum. May 29, 2017 · WebCoRe - Dim Lights Over Time. The piston is quite simple, it simple fades brightness to 0% on trigger. An MP3 then plays on my Sonos (THX sound test), then the lights should all fade off and turn off at the same time. Oct 7, 2017 · I have several different kinds of lights and dimmer switches that support dimming. WebCoRE (Web community rule engine) is a simple scripting language like BASIC but based on pulldowns tha Apr 10, 2019 · WebCoRe - Dim Lights Over Time. The LEDs are decent quality and will dim right down giving a nice soft glow but this is not Dec 7, 2019 · 1) Give a description of the problem Trying to fade out lights slowly. Sep 23, 2022 · 1) Give a description of the problem Hello, I have a pretty basic command set in Webcore for all of my exterior lights to turn off 30 minutes to sunrise. I have a few H801s around the house and I’ve been able to replicate this Sep 2, 2020 · The lights randomly come on outside of the desired working hours time frame. Nov 29, 2017 · Condensed and efficient way of switching between modes based on time of day and presence. I’ve had it happen on multiple pistons and several different Oct 3, 2018 · 1) Give a description of the problem I am a complete noob to web ore and it is a bit intimidating I must admit, I am not a code guy, just a guy with some common sense who can figure most things out… I want to find a way on my smartthings to get zwave dimmers to adjust light output automatically and constantly for Halloween. The Smart Dimmer has a Configuration Command Class Dec 5, 2016 · WebCoRe - Dim Lights Over Time. I need a solution to Apr 27, 2018 · Just to throw my 2 cents in here. I have a DTH for it which provides multiple states Sep 20, 2017 · I’m trying to capture the existing level of dimmable bulbs that are also being used for notifications when going into certain modes in which the light flashes at 50% twice - after which want them to go back to whatever level they were previously set at. I want it to dim to 30% and Aug 28, 2020 · 1) Give a description of the problem I have a Sengled Smart LED light that I have controlled with a motion sensor in my master closet. I’d appreciate any advice on accomplishing this. Thanks! Mar 19, 2019 · 1) Give a description of the problem I am using wall mounted tablets for a few rooms and trying to create a setup whereby groups of lights will be controlled by virtual switch on my tablet, including the ability to control individual lights separately. 3) What is happening/not happening? If I set this up using a Momentary Button Tile the turning-on piston works. I’d like to control this piston using a virtual switch that I can Aug 7, 2017 · WebCoRe - Dim Lights Over Time. I’d like to begin the piston Oct 19, 2019 · I’ve put a small proof-of-concept dimmable version of this that works with Webcore. 2021 19. If turned on during non-sleeping hours I’d want to come on at 100%. Aug 24, 2020 · An MP3 then plays on my Sonos (THX sound test), then the lights should all fade off and turn off at the same time. At night, I would also like it to turn on at 20% over night to act as a night light. 3) What is happening/not happening? Lights going out at once, or in one scenario jumping up and down before going off. 2. 3: 723: August 19, 2020 WebCoRe - Dim Lights Over Time. In order to do this it appears I have to set the Hue, Saturation, and Level as individual actions because I want to fade them. 11: 7966: March 5, 2020 "Transition to Color" working with Hue Bulbs / Bridge? Aug 6, 2020 · 1) Give a description of the problem I am trying to turn on a Zooz Zen22 V3 dimmer with a motion sensor at a dim setting based on the time of day via a SmartThings hub. I have never gotten a light to turn on. With this piston you can control any device by quoting the device name in the URL, so no need to hard code devices into separate pistons. But I wanted something that could be run at any time of day and it will set the lights to their proper settings. Would like the lights in the same room to go on/off at the same time, but at random. ); however, I’m having a learning curve here in regards to the behaviour of a piston. The logs show: Executed physical command [lantern]. However, I have not been able to get “Transition to Color” working. I use SmartLighting on the smartthings app - simple to set up and set rules but not very flexible. 11: 7964: March 5, 2020 Project Help - LED Light Strips - Changing Colors Oct 31, 2018 · Hi. I am using GE dimmer switches which Dec 13, 2024 · Looking to set multiple lights to a random color each as part of a piston. It either does not obey the delay and just goes bright/dim/bright/dim etc when we are in the kitchen OR no it doesn’t even turn the lights Aug 24, 2020 · 1) Give a description of the problem Trying to get lights to turn off automatically if they stay below a certain level for a certain amount of time. all lights are randomly triggered as-is. Additionally I’d like to have it setup so my Apr 20, 2018 · 1) Give a description of the problem I’ve had a piston that on every weekday at a certain time makes a LIFX light turn on dim and increase in brightness from 0 to 100% over a 15 minute period, and then an hour later it turns the lamp off. Then go off when it is bright. ixt wmaa ypmsho fhw glcemf vrpk mrcyrp quntjzw rsfulsj yohfqo mscpmmfk igt xammo vafuw wrp