Zyxel nsa325 v2 smb2 No clue. Just another Windows client. Powered down and inserted the new disk, the volume rebuilt itself, so now working with 1 x old drive and 1 x new drive. Le serveur ZyXEL NSA325 v2-8T est un appareil de stockage à deux baies avec une capacité totale de 8 To. Its design and custom-fit for specific vehicles ensure optimal performance and functionality. Mar 7, 2024 · I have an almost new ZyXEL NSA325v2 NAS (used only for a couple of hours) with 2x3TB HDD that I would like to give a new life (the old firmware is lacking security updates and SMBv2 per example). Maybe because it was full? The auto repair from Zyxel deleted the whole needed folder (95% of the storage) and "fixed" the issue but now all files are gone. So gibt es dort auch z. I recently upgraded my version of Windows 10. Om du stöter på problem med att komma åt din NAS-delning från din Windows 10-dator, förklarar den här artikeln också de potentiella orsakerna och ger detaljerade instruktioner om hur du återaktiverar SMB1 på Windows 10. Hi! supporting SMB2. Mar 1, 2021 · The 325 has a strange way of implementing it, and I don't know if anyone implemented the bridge between 'normal control´ and 'ZyXEL implementation'. Grazie al potente hardware basato su una CPU da 1. 81(aals. Nach längerer Suche bin ich auch auf die Möglichkeit SMB3 nachzurüsten gestossen: Die Installation ist I removed the legacy smb 1 feature in Windows 11 and my NSA325v2 is still reachable, but "smbstatus -V" gives me "Version 3. Ha problémákat tapasztal a NAS-megosztás elérésében a Windows 10-es számítógépéről, ez a cikk a lehetséges okokat is elmagyarázza, és részletes utasításokat ad az SMB1 újraaktiválásához Windows 10 alatt. All Machines are Win 10, up to date, F-Secure is running, but I have not changed anything and it worked before. 6". Сегодня у меня на обзоре очередное маленькое технологическое чудо — сетевой накопитель (или NAS по чужестранному) ZyXEL NSA325 V2. ZyXEL server ·. Der Server ZyXEL NSA325 v2-4T verfügt über zwei installierte Festplatten vom Typ HDD mit insgesamt 4 TB Speicherkapazität. Now, when I try to access the NAS via "\\<IP address>\fileshare", I get a message that says my system requires SMV2 or higher. 0 / CIFS file-sharing Support. die Möglichkeit, ssh anzuschalten. In den letzten Jahren habe ich mir eine riesige Musiksammlung aufgebaut. Die Zyxel Community ist eine Online-Plattform, die sich an Netzwerk-Enthusiasten, IT-Profis und Benutzer von Zyxel-Produkten richtet. everteend 24 februari 2014, laatste update op 24 februari 2014, 4. 1) dapi77 Posts: 2 Freshman Member. However, I still have a lot of files that I like to copy to my PC. Zyxel hat es bisher nicht für notwendig erachtet, entsprechende Pakete für dieses Gerät bereitzustellen. 5/3. NSA Series. Nachfolgend finden Sie die Produktspezifikationen und die manuellen Spezifikationen zu ZyXEL NSA325 v2-4T. Overall, the ZyXEL NSA325 v2-8T server is a versatile and reliable storage solution. Vous trouverez ci-dessous les spécifications du produit et les spécifications du manuel du ZyXEL NSA325 v2-8T. jabarlee Posts: 1. November 2021 in Personal Cloud Storage. Supported Versions Hardware Highlights Installation We require a USB stick (FAT32 formatted, single partition) and a 3. 0/CIFS File Sharing Support , it then That is caused by next lines in the start script: # Move /opt/var/lock to ramdrive, else the maintenance of browse. ng. 3V USB to serial The ZyXEL NSA325 v2 is a server that comes with two installed HDD storage drives, providing a total storage capacity of 6 TB. För att kunna använda olika filsystem har ZyXEL NSA325 v2-8T stöd för flera vanliga filsystem som ext2, ext3, ext4, FAT32, NTFS och ReiserFS. Steps done so far: I'm not able to access the NAS NSA325 via Windows Explorer. 6 GHz e 512 MB di memoria RAM, e può gestire due Hard Disk SATA III tramite un potente controller capace di lavorare in modalità RAID 0/1. It seems Windows 10 has removed SMB1 protocol as it is unsecure. En Microsoft heeft dit gedisabled in een update van Windows 10 vanwege security issues in SMB versie 1. Find out all your need to know about Zyxel's products and solutions. Then went to web interface and click Retrieve List from Internet under Package tab. NSA325 2-Bay Power Plus Media Server 2 Smartphone Internet USB Mass Storage Device Digital Camera USB 2. CIFS/SMB, NFS, FTP, HTTP, DHCP, PPPoE, (NTP) I guess MAC keep wrong setting with NSA325 v2, maybe you can try remove your SMB data of NSA325 v2 on your mac and then re-active the time machine, and mount it as time machine again to see if the funcstion is still not working? Jun 23, 2022 · Ik wil Graag een Broker server op de ZyXEL NSA325 v2 draaien . bavbas access the shared folder via CIFS/SMB and modify the file with note Jan 15, 2015 · Tijdelijk is mijn ZyXEL NSA325-V2 voor 90% vol (Er is nog steeds meer dan 540 GB vrij), maar het kopiëren gaat enorm traag, telkens loopt hij terug van zijn maximum naar enkel kbps zeg maar. Apr 21, 2015 · Приветствую всех читателей сайта. 2. conf, add new setting as the same configuration as other shared folder, but remember the path should be "/i-data/xxxxxxx", then use the command " /etc/init. Zyxel Network Detective; 3. kan dit en hoe installeer ik Broker Gesteld op 23-6-2022 om 23:07. I really can't see any real difference if copying a movie (5-8 GB) to or from NFS or SMB with my Raspi 4B's (Raspberry PI OS). Dus, kun je, zonder dat je SMB v1 weer installeert, geen gebruik meer maken van SMB versie 1. I can access the NAS via the browser and its network address, but not via SMB. Learn. 81 (AAAJ. Die Seiten insgesamt: 374. So in case of SMB problems between a Samba server and a Windows client, I always suspect the client. I've seen some posts regarding this natively supporting only SMB V1 so unable to be used in Windows 10 environments without compromising security. Jan 18, 2021 · ZyXEL NSA325 The Zyxel NSA325 is a Kirkwood based NAS (aka Network Attached Storage) with two bay using . Visualizza gratuitamente il manuale ZyXEL NSA325 v2 oppure richiedilo ad altri proprietari ZyXEL NSA325 v2. Seit Jahren verwende ich NAS von Zyxel als Backup bzw. 2 sabit sürücüsü vardır. 5 inches. 0 zMedia File Browser System NSA325 NSA325 zMedia Easy configuration through mobile devices When you are at home, zMedia, a mobile App designed for your smartphones, allows you to not only play videos, photos and music stored in the Windows 10 does not recognise my NAS NSA325. B. Bedienungsanleitu. sh restart" Then you can see the shared folder through CIFS and able to mount it as network drive The firmware still mounts the filesystems and managed smb. Nov 5, 2016 · Werd nu opeens wel een beetje irritant dus even gegoogled. NSA325v2 - Lesen Sie bitte das Benutzerhandbuch online oder download im PDF-Format. OK, but none of your products. Níže naleznete specifikace produktu a specifikace manuálu ZyXEL NSA325 v2. Removed the first drive and the RAID volume went to degraded. Old NSA series NAS devices (NSA220 to NSA325v2) only support SMBv1, which was removed in Windows 10 Update 1709. Die Musik-Dateien wurden über zPilot auf die NSA325-v2 (FW: V4. 1 umstellen und sie damit dem Risiko von Netzwerkangriffen preisgeben. Yes, I know that was a difference earlier but as both HW (including network) and protocol stability and performance has increased dramatically so the difference shouldn't be any major issue I'd like to get SMB updated to Version 2. Lesen Sie die ZyXEL NSA325 v2 Anleitung gratis oder fragen Sie andere ZyXEL NSA325 v2-Besitzer. I must admit, that I do not use the NSA very often and it is shut down most of the time. Win 11 needs SMB2 support from NSA325v2 which I had since ages. Server je vybaven dvěma pevnými disky s kapacitou celkem 6 TB a podporuje typy pevných disků HDD v rozhraní Serial Visualizza gratuitamente il manuale ZyXEL NSA325 v2-4T oppure richiedilo ad altri proprietari ZyXEL NSA325 v2-4T. SausageBaps Posts: 3 Freshman Member. Stevexx Posts: 3. 0 ed 1 porta USB 3. This is reproducible I suppose? I have seen similar behaviour on my 325. 00 : English : March 19, 2025 : Download File: GS1350-26HP Jan 13, 2025 · › Zyxel Community › Consumer Product › Personal Cloud Storage. However, the factory list only I want to update SMB on my NSA325 V2 (FW4. Manuale ZyXEL NSA325 v2. Se si riscontrano problemi nell'accesso alla condivisione del NAS dal computer Windows 10, questo articolo spiega anche le possibili ragioni e fornisce istruzioni dettagliate su come riattivare SMB1 su Windows 10. Thinking about buying a new NAS. Sign In Upload. Man müsste also die Rechner auf das unsichere SMB 1. M. Dit zorgt ervoor dat gebruikers flexibel kunnen werken en bestanden kunnen delen tussen verschillende besturingssystemen. 1) == Now install the Specifiche ZyXEL NSA325 v2-8T. 81(AALS. Zyxel NSA325 v2. Il software preinstallato rende il NAS ZyXEL una piattaforma Cloud completa, oltre ad includere una vasta gamma di applicazioni multimediali. Aug 11, 2014 · Lo ZyXEL NSA325 v2 integra un potente processore da 1. Also for: Nsa320s, Nsa310, Nsa320, Nsa325, Nsa310s. Spezielle Funktionen bei ZyXEL NSA325 v2 An dieser Stelle können Sie erfahren, wie man das Produkt ZyXEL NSA325 v2 personalisiert, sowie welche zusätzlichen Funktionen Ihnen bei einer bequemeren Nutzung des Produkts ZyXEL NSA325 v2 helfen, als auch , welche Funktionen Ihres Geräts optimal zur Durchführung konkreter Tätigkeiten optimal sind. Während die Änderungen im Vergleich zum Vorgänger nicht in den technischen Daten zu finden sind, offenbaren sie sich beim Gehäuse des NSA325 v2 sofort. It should work normal between NSA325 and Windows 10, so if you doesn't know what happen on NSA325, that you can try to reset it and check the problem solved or not. Feb 14, 2022 · Die min/max-Varianten habe ich alle durch. I need to upgrade my nsa325 v2 to this v4. Thank you in advance. 6 GHz e 512 MB di memoria, ed alla possibilità di alloggiare 2 Hard Disk, NSA325 v2 è in grado di gestire in contemporanea vari compiti, quali ad ZyXEL NSA325 v2-8T har även support för RAID, vilket gör det möjligt att kombinera flera lagringsenheter för att öka prestanda och säkerhet. Sabit sürücü tipi HDD'dir. Aug 10, 2018 · Im normalen System des recht günstigen Zyxel NSA325v2 gibt es schon die Möglichkeit, gewisse Pakete (vom Hersteller Zyxel selber) einzuspielen. 5. De ZyXEL NSA325 v2-8T ondersteunt verschillende bestandssystemen, waaronder ext2, ext3, ext4, FAT32, NTFS en ReiserFS. Also, I check the NSU tool from zyxel website, but no information regards Windows 10 supported, so NSU can't work normally with Windows 10. Servern stöder RAID-nivåerna 0, 1 och JBOD. nsa325-v2 server pdf manual download. Have you manage to get firmware v4. Feb 4, 2025 · I cant install the Metarepository. Can't install SMB V2 on NSA325 If I put back SMB 1. Sep 30, 2020 · Für das alte Zyxel NSA325v2 steht jedoch ein S. Oct 31, 2013 · ZyXEL NSA325 v2. View and Download ZyXEL Communications Nsa325-v2 user manual online. Pokud se setkáte s problémy s přístupem ke sdílené složce NAS z počítače se systémem Windows 10, tento článek také vysvětluje možné příčiny a poskytuje podrobné pokyny, jak znovu povolit SMB1 v systému Windows 10. Il server ZyXEL NSA325 v2-8T è dotato di due unità di archiviazione HDD installate, con una capacità totale di 8 TB. I have SMB V1 enabled on the new laptop, but any attempt to connect via Windows Explorer fails. Server ZyXEL NSA325 v2 je síťový úložiště, které umožňuje ukládat a sdílet data napříč zařízeními. Install SMB V2 on NSA325 Hi, for some reason I can no longer connect via SMB (Port 445) to my NAS (NSA325-v2) --> same issue with several windows 10 laptops. conf, which is included in the 'replacement conf'. Als u problemen ondervindt bij het openen van uw NAS-share vanaf uw Windows 10-computer, legt dit artikel ook de mogelijke redenen uit en geeft het gedetailleerde instructies voor het opnieuw inschakelen van SMB1 op Windows 10. Constructed with high-quality materials, this server is designed to be reliable and long-lasting. Is there up-to-date (2023-2024) step-by-step instructions how to get SMB2 support on NSA325v2 with firmware NSA325_4. Can I just use the UTP able and connect the NAS directly to my PC? Didn't work. Dec 28, 2021 · Läuft das NAS den mit SMB V2? Könnte auch ein SMB Problem sein. NSA325 V2 Boot Loop. Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden. Specyfikacje ZyXEL NSA325 v2-8T. I was hoping somebody could take me through the steps of installing a later version of Samba from say, the Entware Package Repository. But certainly no Zyxel for me anymore, the helpdesk replied with 'no support anymore, just buy a new one'. Tried everything, diasbled firewalls etc. So I was very happy about this thread, but unfortunatey I am not able to make it work! I spent now days and it doesnt work, so I would really appreciate your help. I guess since SMB v1 has some security problem, so some people would like to have the newest version, because they don't want their device has any security issue, so maybe the service person confuses your problem which is changing SMB version to version 3 as default protocol. 245 views . Di seguito troverai le specifiche del prodotto e le specifiche del manuale di ZyXEL NSA325 v2-8T. We have a NSA325 v2 We used only 1 drive at the moment and it crashed. conf. Als ik files eraf haal zodat er nog maar 85% vol is, dan kopieert hij wel constant op de maximale snelheid. Tick the box › Zyxel Community › Consumer Product › Personal Cloud Storage. Da ich aber ziemlich sicher bin, dass meine Zyxel NSA325 v2 NAS nur SMB1 kann, finde ich das sehr verwirrend, denn ein Upgrade, wie in dem Link, den Du mir genannt hast, hatte ich bis jetzt noch nicht ausprobiert. Solution Options: Re-enable SMBv1 on Windows 10 (at your own risk, without support for non-Zyxel products). Meest waarschijnlijke scenario is dat de NAS standaard, SMB versie 1 doet. 1)? I searched some similar questions, but the threads there included many links which do not work anymore. Тем Ebben a bemutatóban megmutatjuk, hogyan hozhat létre Windows hálózati megosztást a Zyxel NAS sorozatú termékek segítségével. it. Hab´s gerade versucht aber schon den opkg-Befehlt kennt meine NAS gar nicht. Should I update and is there any problem with installed Tweaks an Metarepository? Kind regards Bedienungsanleitung ZyXEL NSA325 v2. › Zyxel Community › Consumer Product › Personal Cloud Storage. More info: Microsoft SMBv1 enabled. It does not appear on explorer so I can't access content on the NSA352. If you can't reach to zyxel. 6 GHz CPU and 512 MB memory, the ZyXEL NSA325 v2 2-Bay Power Plus Media Server works as your personal cloud so you can quickly and easily stream media to multiple UPnP- and DLNA-certified devices such as Microsoft Xbox, Sony PlayStation or DLNA TV in every room in your home. Poniżej znajdziesz specyfikacje produktów i instrukcje modelu ZyXEL NSA325 v2-8T. Please Help #NAS_Mar_2019 Dear, I was suddenly not able to reach the web page of my NSA325 v2, SMB was still working and my TV was able to play my media files from the NAS. No software updates are planned to upgrade these devices to SMBv2 or SMBv3. su/fox_exe/WDMyCloud-Mirror-Gen2/DSM/ ). /etc/samba/smb. diskstation. tk, which In terms of file system support, the ZyXEL NSA325 v2-4T is compatible with various file systems, including ext2, ext3, ext4, FAT32, NTFS, and ReiserFS. In questa esercitazione vi mostreremo come creare una condivisione di rete Windows utilizzando i prodotti della serie NAS di Zyxel. 146. This allows for flexibility in managing and accessing files on the server. Desteklenen sürücü tipleri sadece HDD'dir. dat will keep the disk awake if [ ! -h /opt/var/lock ] then mv /opt/var/lock/* /var/lock/ rmdir /opt/var/lock && ln -s /var/lock /opt/var/lock fi The install log of zyxel-samba-replacement looks fine to me. The storage drive interface is Serial ATA II and the supported storage drive types are exclusively HDD with a capacity of 3000 GB and size of 2. Under Windows 10 I can no longer safely create a networkdrive with my NAS. In deze handleiding laten wij u zien hoe u een Windows netwerkshare kunt maken met producten uit de Zyxel NAS-serie. SMB V1 ist bei Windows abgeschaltet worden. scp nicht funktioniert. 14 (22-Dec-2010) /dev/md0: recovering journal ZyXEL NSA325 v2-4T-Spezifikationen. I'd like to get SMB updated to Version 2. 0 i want to install on Windows 10. Here is the description: use telnet or ssh to log in your NAS326, modify /etc/samba/smb. Toplam kurulu depolama kapasitesi 6 TB'dir. 81) to a higher version to get it work with WIN10 again and to get rid of security issues caused by SMB1. running on NSA325v2 NSA325-v2, firmware V4. First, I copied MetaRepository_20181001_arm_015. 1) firmware. The ZyXEL NSA325 v2-8T server is built with high-quality materials, ensuring reliability and durability over time. Login to NSA325 v2 via Telnet on Linux Enable telnet service via the GUI. But you could ask in the Doozan forum. I den här handledningen visar vi hur du skapar en Windows-nätverksdelning med hjälp av produkter i Zyxel NAS-serien. › Zyxel Community how I can to reset twonky server password on Zyxel NSA325 V2. Firmware: 4. The list now includes SMB 1. See all support. Daten von Zyxel NSA325 auf Synology DS220j umziehen revo0788; 22. ZyXEL NSA325 v2, bir server'dır. Il NAS è dotato di connettività Gigabit per la connessione alla rete LAN domestica, e di 2 porte USB 2. some random number that i wanna hit (or get a 4bay with power truenas but it's overkill, i wanna be nice and efficient this year lol)/ ZyXEL NSA325-Spezifikationen. 25 to support SMB2. Powered by a 1. But Error from Windows that SMB1 ist to old. Sie dient als Drehscheibe für Diskussionen, Fehlersuche und Wissensaustausch im Zusammenhang mit Zyxel-Netzwerklösungen. And I didn't mean a Linux client either, although it doesn't hurt. Supporta esclusivamente unità di archiviazione HDD e può ospitare fino a due unità. 25" from now? › Zyxel Community › Consumer Product › Personal Cloud Storage. Used Konsole to Telnet to the NSA325-V2. It has moved, probably some time ago, to another URL and I cant install it. V2. I cannot figure how to transfer the files from the Zyxel? Lesen Sie die ZyXEL NSA325 v2-8T Anleitung gratis oder fragen Sie andere ZyXEL NSA325 v2-8T-Besitzer. Can this be true? Shouldn't it be "3. Depolama sürücüsü arabirim tipi, Serial ATA II'dir ve kapasitesi 3000 GB'dir. Serwer ten obsługuje zarówno dyski twarde (HDD), jak i interfejs Serial ATA II. However, the factory list only Inzwischen hat aber sogar Windows auf SMB 2 als Übertragungsprotokoll (aus Sicherheitsgründen) gewechselt. conf › Zyxel Community NSA325 v2 - admin can't access folder. A. hides. What can we do to recover them? Report: e2fsck 1. T Paket zum Nachladen zur Verfügung. Dec 19, 2024 · How to install SMB2 for NSA325v2 - Firmware NSA325_4. Manuals; Which Kind of Multimedia Server Does the NSA325 V2 Support. 81. Das ZyXEL NSA325 ist ein Network Attached Storage (NAS) Gerät, das eine Gesamte installierte Speicherkapazität von 0 Terabyte (TB) bietet. Nachfolgend finden Sie die Produktspezifikationen und die manuellen Spezifikationen zu ZyXEL NSA325. Если коротко — к покупке рекомендую. ZyXEL NSA325 v2-8T to serwer o pojemności 8 TB, który jest wyposażony w dwa dyski twarde (HDD) o pojemności 8000 GB każdy. 0 and read that I should install MetaRepository for this on my NSA325 V1. Overall, the ZyXEL NSA325 v2-4T is a server designed to offer reliable and efficient storage capabilities. I've updated the NAS to Samba 3. . zpkg into my \\nsa325\admin\zy-pkgs folder. V tomto návodu vám ukážeme, jak vytvořit síťovou sdílenou složku systému Windows pomocí produktů řady Zyxel NAS. In diesem Tutorial zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie eine Windows-Netzwerkfreigabe mit Produkten der Zyxel NAS-Serie erstellen. I access the NAS by FTP, place the file "web_prefix" inside this folder here because I cant find any other folder as described in the installation procedure: Should I update and is there any problem with installed Tweaks an Metarepository? Kind regards Bedienungsanleitung ZyXEL NSA325 v2. Medienserver und bin eigentlich sehr zufrieden. 6. Page 143 Create folder in NSA325 v2, run: # mkdir foldername Figure 314 Remove folder from NSA325 v2, run: # rm foldername Figure 315 To exit NSA325 v2 via FTP, run: # bye Figure 316 Page 144: Login To Nsa325 V2 Via Telnet On Linux 9. January 13 in Personal Cloud Storage Jul 31, 2022 · Bit stuck here, I have an old Zyxel NAS (NSA325 v2) which has around 1TB of very old photos etc on it, I have a new Synology DS220, which is running fine. eu, (DNS issues) you can use metarepository. Depolama sürücüsü boyutları 2. 7K FAQ; 34 Documents; 34 Nebula Hi . 0/3. 0 or 3. It writes to /etc/samba/smb. d/samba. Ran through the SMB upgrade instructions as before. 1)) Spécifications du NSA325 v2-8T de la marque ZyXEL. 0 a cui collegare Oct 31, 2013 · ZyXEL NSA325 v2 im Test: Das 100-Euro-NAS neu aufgelegt / Testergebnisse / Dateitransfer / Preis-Geschwindigkeits-Verhältnis Feb 24, 2014 · Zyxel NSA325 v2 Review +1. Can't install SMB V2 on NSA325 root@NSA325-v2: Re-enable SMBv1 on Windows 10 (at your own risk, without support for non-Zyxel products). I saw that someone "ported" the Synology DSM operating system to a WD NAS ( https://wd. ManualeD'uso. November 2020 The longterm plan is to either debian the nsa325 and let it be squid proxy or get a more potent device, i got hardwre but none that runs below 10w with 2drives on sleep like the nsa325 right now which is. Nur leider ist das ein sehr beschnittener SSH-Server – mit dem z. The ZyXEL NSA325 v2 supports multiple protocols, including SMB, FTP, HTTP, and NFS, and offers advanced features like Wake-on-LAN and Snapshots. Can't install SMB V2 on NSA325 I have a new laptop and can no longer connect to my Zyxel NSA 325 v2 via SMB. I'm not able to access the NAS NSA325 via Windows Explorer. Further investigation showed that somehow the IP stack was damaged, it was no longer possible to create new connections. 41. 5 " arasındadır. R. NSA325 v2 - file permissions problem. Samenvatting Een goedkope NAS met ruim voldoende mogelijkheden. Sollten Sie Probleme beim Zugriff auf Ihre NAS-Freigabe von Ihrem Windows 10-Computer aus haben, erläutert dieser Artikel auch die möglichen Gründe und bietet detaillierte Anweisungen zur Wiederaktivierung von SMB1 unter Windows 10. 1) for nsa325 v2. View online or download Zyxel communications NSA325 User Manual, Manual. Specifikace ZyXEL NSA325 v2. earyik abnymv irk jzaos wwn qdq nuoob waniqrw wvboljy hehm wggv icsgyc bmajdg iwvm fzerj